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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Hahaha, I don't always agree with what you say but that was so well put :awesome:
  2. Typical corporate spin trying to make us believe what they want us too. Wii is doing miles better, and at the end of the day MS know it.
  3. I disagree with your disagreement*. The difference between the PS2 and the Xbox last gen which far, far smaller than the difference between the PS3 and the Wii. The Wii could not handle such a huge landscape like there is in Assassins Creed. It just couldn't. It wouldn't have as big crowds - something very important for the chase parts of the game. It wouldn't have as interactive buildings - important for the reconnaissance missions. The Wiimote would bring nothing to the main parts of the game, and control over the sword fighting scenes would be shaky at best. Final Fantasy being on the PS2 rather than the Xbox would mean a couple of cleaner textures. But as I said already, I do agree that they need to push the Wii the same way they are pushing the Xbox with Assassins Creed. Red Steel 2 is a perfect example of what they should do - throw in proper online, improved controls and better sword fights, and you will have an awesome Wii game. While it would certainly work on the Xbox360, the sword fights won''t be as good, the controls won't be as good, and the difference in online and graphics shouldn't be big enough to make a real difference. Also, don't take my sword fight references the wrong way - Red Steel and Assassins Creed have very different sword fighting mechanics. *Grammars!
  4. We are got pooned by South Africa We beat them in the footie, and they got us back in the rugby
  5. Gizmo


    No, the length comes in the free exploration as you go along. You get given a goal to complete, but you look at the map and think, "Hmm, that little room is grey. I wonder whats in there?". But if you are using a guide telling you where you need to go you miss the exploration of it.
  6. To be honest I don't think the having only a Wii this generation is the best idea. No matter how much people want to say otherwise, 360 and PS3 are more suited to most of these "epic" games - the higher power is more useful than the Wiimote. As innovative as the Wiimote is, it isn't suited to everything. Take a look at probably the two biggest games coming out for the Wii in the few months - Brawl and Galaxy. While they are undoubtedly going to be awesome, they would both lose very little being on a "normal" controller. While the 4 control schemes for Brawl will surely be awesome, and the pointer / two player in Galaxy would be awesome, they aren't hugely necessary. But if the Wiimote gets me amazing things like Zack and Wiki, and amazing controls on things like MP3, it has found its place. I agree that alot of more FPS games should have Wii versions simply for the fact that the controls would give so much extra - but a game like Assassins Creed would not, and therefore is more suited to the horsepower of the more powerful consoles that allow Ubisoft to create these massive, living, interactive cities. See every nook, window, every protruding brick on those buildings? You can use them to climb and free run. That wouldn't be possible on the Wii. :indeed:
  7. Gizmo


    You gave your own reason why the game was cut short for you. And guys, watch the spoilers. I've stopped short of reading a couple of posts just incase they contain them, so if they don't sorry.
  8. My answer to this thread: Assassins Creed. I don't care how many shitty minigame compilations they put out, and I don't care what console they are on. As long as they make games as this is all speculation based on previews and videos amazing as Assassins Creed, I will buy it. I'm not going to say "wtf minigame again im never buying from ubisoft again lul" because then I will miss out on games of that quality. I know the debate is about how they are looking down on the Wii, but if thats where the money is to fund epic games like AC, which perhaps won't make as much money due to the costs of developing for the 360, PS3 and PC, then I'm fine with that. They are holding the industry back by making half assed games on one console - then driving it forward with an amazing one on another. Lets face it - big games like that won't happen on the Wii. The Wii is a completely different kind of console. Saying all this, I am still a huge Wii fan. I want good games on it. But if I have to endure a couple of weak games to fund others, I'm fine. The good games will come anyway for the Wii.
  9. Paper Mario Metroid Prime Mario Galaxy Dewys Adventure RE:UC Zack and Wiki Phantom Hourglass Halo 3 HL2:Orange Box Clive Barkers Jericho Pro Evo 2008 CoD4 Assassins Creed Mass Effect And these are only the ones with confirmed dates on GameFAQs, and I will probably end up buying most of the unbolded ones. If wallets had tear glands, mine would be crying right now
  10. What are the Kaisercheifs doing in Guitar Hero?
  11. Smash Bros has always been a multiplayer game. I just hope nothing is being lost from that multiplayer for the sake of the singleplayer. I don't think it will, though, and a top single player can only make it better. The one thing I'm hoping for more than anything else right now is improved AI. In melee, fighting CPU's requires a completely different to fighting style to a multiplayer match against a mid-skill range player. If anything, it makes you worse. They walk into smash attacks and don't move out the way of down smash attacks like Kirbys stone, Links sword or Yoshi's ground pound, and generally make it too easy for you, even on level 9. But then again, they have the uncanny nack of being able to send back projectiles with split second timing of a block, which neither my friends nor I could ever manage in a real match.
  12. Gizmo


    McPhee is a staff member who is particularly helpful on the tech board:indeed:
  13. I'm hardly Sony's greatest fan, and I have no intention of buying a PS3, but I have to agree with this:blank:
  14. Wow, they've managed to rejig it just in time for a halloween release. What a coincidence. :indeed:
  15. Space Giraffe must have some sort of subliminal message! The guys head that appears before a level, and I swear the game said "kill, kill, kill, kill" before it morphed into "yes, yes yes, yes". Pure awesome though. I need to buy some more points for it.
  16. Gizmo


  17. Damn, a game a week from 09/11/2007 until 07/12/2007. Endless Ocean (which I'll probably just miss due to the schedule) Galaxy of course, Dewy, RE:UC, Zack and Wiki.
  18. Gizmo


  19. Can't get on my Xbox right now and I haven't payed any attention to it, but from what I gather is Space Giraffe a shmup?
  20. Wow, that sucks nuts. This game looks interesting, even if I'm not completely hyped for it. £35 extra for something else this year I guess. Money is tight :p
  21. For someone whos only experience of skateboarding is THPS, skate is too weird to control. Turning circle is bigger, ollies take more time to build up to a decent speed, speeding up has to be done in plenty time so that the ollie can be build up. All of those together means going up a ramp needs a bit of a runup, which isn't what I'm used to at all. I might try the demo again, but I think I'll just give it a miss
  22. Game arrived today! My first TC game, and I'm liking it Seems to be getting difficult fast, remembering what to use when and so on, and once or twice it hasn't quite explained properly what I need to do, which lead to a couple of fails having to experiment with every tool. But overall, really enjoying it.
  23. Diddy Kong <3 I even named a pet after him once! I would bet on B being the peanut gun, possibly with a trajectory like Dr Marios pills. UpB will be the rocket pack. But I had also kinda hoped for Diddy and Dixie to be a pair, kinda like Ice Climbers style. But alone is good too. <3 Diddy.
  24. Gizmo


    I heard that the widescreen is what was intended to be shown, and how it was designed, and the 4:3 has actually got "extra" area on the top and bottom. So the 4:3 image will be a bit smaller, but with more showing. But that just might be people finding an excuse to love the game more.
  25. Eugh. I just worked out, if I buy my HDTV, I will only be able to afford all the games I want with a spare of less than a tenner. And thats not counting buying anything else, so no trips to the cinema or new clothes. Unless I find some other source of $$, looks like no TV for me for now.
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