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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Yeah, definately. The bobbing up and down seems to have the same principle. But I mean in terms of recovery as far as Smash Bros goes. People seem to be saying it will be really broken, but really it doesn't seem any worse than Peach's (or Jigglypuffs, due to that Side B punch) from Melee. I'm sure it will all be balanced with weight, speed and power, which can't really be expressed on the site.
  2. Dated for November 20th in the US. I almost hope its a few weeks after for us. Assassins Creed and Mario Galaxy will just suck up my time for the rest of November.
  3. Was just about to post that! Time to download the trials of all those games then I would say!
  4. Looks kinda like an expansion on Peach's float from Melee.
  5. I hate you and your living in America ways.
  6. Gizmo


    Loool! I actually burst out laughing IRL at that, and then had a hard time explaining the joke to my sister :p
  7. I'd prefer this to be delayed to get a bit more polish, currently I wouldn't be getting it right away anyway.
  8. I agree, hopefully he'll be there for a second playthrough with some unique skills, like the old higher jump, etc. Gives some motivation to play through again for sure.
  9. Luigi in Galaxy confirmed.
  10. Didn't they state it got lower score purely because its as "revolutionary" as the original, and that it would get the same score as the original if it were the first game? That would take it over Bioshock, which is an original itself.
  11. Is £350 a good price for a Samsung LE23R88BDX? (Yes I still haven't bought a TV yet :p) Oh and just to check, the 88 is virtually identical to the 87 other than the power button, with the 88 being exclusive to the Dixons group? Aaaand, is there any chance of that Samsung going down in price anytime soon? I really want to get it but I'm struggling for money still and don't wanna buy when I could have saved an extra 100 quid a month later!
  12. Wow. I came into this thread thinking "hmm, probably one of the ones most people won't remember is Future Cop." Yeah, that went well.
  13. I wasn't aiming it at you, more the idiots at the likes of GameFAQs :p
  14. My friend has 650 or something, from playing all my arcade games with me at school lunchtimes :p Gotta love living right next to school
  15. I'm still struggling to get excited over this game.
  16. Hahaha, the little pinball games, and the ones you had to make all the balls rest in the cups at once. I remember them.
  17. Yeah. Doesn't seem very Guitar Hero to me. I guess they are going for the "mainstream/casual" (much as I hate to use those words) for this, expecting Rock Band to be more successful with "core" gamers.
  18. Omg Nintendo are using Panasonic TV's to demo things, why aren't they making their own TV's?!?! Omg Nintendo are using Channel 4 to advertise on, why aren't they making their own channel and shows to advertise with?!?! Omg Nintendo are using Kenco coffee during their break, why aren't they making their own coffee?!?! etc, etc.
  19. I would probably wait for the HDMI premiums to filter through, maybe wait for the new chipset, then your 360 could have an accident and get it replaced. Buy a 120gb hard drive if you feel so inclined, walah. An elite for a fraction of the price, and not the ugly (imo) black colour.
  20. Thats a GameCube pad? Sorry, wait, what? How will the diamond shaped buttons help in anyway with games meant for the GC version, and how will the D-Pad being at the top help in anyway when most games are designed for the stick? Why is the Z button on the wrong side (at least thats what I make out from the pics)? Furthermore, whats the point of making a third party controller which will only be useable with a dead console and select few new ones, when the control scheme will be screwy and there are far better alternatives? This is just wrong on so many levels.
  21. It looks like the fighting game I had on my old phone. Can't remember the name and it probably isn't it anyway. I give up on this quiz, I always miss the easy questions at the start of rounds :p
  22. Is that like an imitation of the classic controller or something? O_o
  23. Gizmo


    The idea is they don't "regenerate" - new enemies wander in to that room. Rapture is supposed to be a living world, not revolving around the player. So sometimes when you go back to a room there will be a new enemy, sometimes there won't be. Depends on where they wandered too.
  24. I've met Craig Brown (ex-Scotland manager) and played a game of "heedies" (keeping the ball up between two people with just headers) with him, which was in the local newspaper. I was Scottish national champion at the wonderfully popular sport of Trampolining for 5 years running before I gave it up.
  25. Gizmo


    Yeah I agree on both points. While using a guide would definately shave a bit of time off, 8 hours seems excessive. Maybe your just really good? From what I read on here you play alot anyway :p And I do hate when games promise a certain game length only to fall way short. Like, you feel cheated when a 40 hour game is only 30, but if it had said it was 30 you woulda still bought it and not got that feeling at the end.
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