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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I don't get why it's fine to kill a load of white people in all the other games, but as soon as its based in africa it's teaching kids to be racist.
  2. *must try and get tickets to NZ, but is sure will be sold out by now*
  3. Wait, there are games being played at Murrayfield? WHY DIDN'T I KNOW THIS? What games are they?
  4. Gizmo


    And don't forget my copy of GRAW! They are bastards, those damn posties. But I do agree that they are underpayed.
  5. I had suspected the Pitfall would make a nice item. Didn't think about the "pass through non-solid floors" thing, though, just the first part. Nice item.
  6. Watched some Bioshock and Mass Effect trailers today. Bioshock went from being a "meh I'll probably buy it" game to a "WTF GIVE", and Mass Effect went from "Probably just leave it" to "OMG BUYZ". Mmm...
  7. Wow. I was just thinking last night that MS were missing out not having a chess game on LA.
  8. I assume you mean the ones with Mitchell and Webb on? I think you're taking them a bit too seriously.
  9. That may explain a fair bit...I ordered two games from LoveFilm on the same day, I got the confirmation for both games in the same email even, yet only one arrived today. Also waiting on a game from Amazon, though thats only the free delivery.
  10. My most wanted game on the 360.
  11. I have to say until the Wii, I hated EA for all their yearly sports updates, almost monthly Sims expansion releases, etc. But SSX Blur and EA's general attitude to the Wii has made EA gain alot more respect from me.
  12. Dunno if this was previous known, but it's news to me: Can't wait to drum along to Territorial Pissings.
  13. Depending what else I'm doing I might join for a bit of Marble Blast, haven't really played it in multi other than to get the easy achievements.
  14. The trophy I wanna see is a Kameo (c wut i did thar?) appearance from Banjo + Kazooie. Yes yes they are Rare's IP but something so brief shouldnt be a problem right?
  15. I don't think MS expect to make a profit from it. It was bought more to encourage people to buy the 360 version rather than the PS3 version, I would suspect. Yeah, it's fun. There needs to be some DLC made with more courses. Also, anyone who can get under par time on the last course is a better man than me.
  16. It's a shame that GH3 will probably be the inferior game to Rock Band when you consider that it has the better song list so far.
  17. Feels weird seeing the adverts for it as if it's a new series, when I have seen it months ago!
  18. I love that gif.
  19. The Darkness is pretty disappointing. The aimer is too small, and I can't find street names anywhere to know where to go.
  20. I don't get why you made that long post Kurtle, the point of this thread if for people to say games that they don't like that others do. Quoting someone then countering their reasons seems pointless...
  21. It was about 25 celcius here in central Scotland today I really feel bad for the people who are being affected though
  22. The stage makes me think that Ice Climbers have probably been cut. I don't see them making too stages in that style, and I don't see the Ice Cilmbers having a different style of level.
  23. I'm sure this was aimed at me. I know if the game has lag it will get stick. But why should it make a difference? Will it get more stick for having a bad online or for having no online? I know it's best to play it locally. But I have some people I've met over the internet who I'd rather like to play at Smash, even if it is laggy. Just for that, I want online in, even if it's rubbish. You "pro" smash players don't need to use it.
  24. I don't care if its shitty and doesnt work. I still want it in. Even if I only use it when I want to fight someone I know and will never be able to play locally and never play it just randomly I don't care. I still want that option.
  25. My mate reckons that ESRB slipped it out when they gave a rating for it. A quick google backs this up: http://digg.com/xbox_360/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_2_bound_for_XBLA
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