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Everything posted by LegoMan1031

  1. Never really considered that either... I was sure it was Bane until the reveal near the end. I would have to watch it again to remember better.
  2. They have made movie style posters for eahch of the 5 episodes airing They also include all the episode titles and I am assuming the order they will air in.
  3. I do, safety first people! For some reason my girlfriends mum and sister keep 'forgetting' when they are in my car so I have to keep reminding them...
  4. Good point on the striking options and Agreed! On that same topic I know nothing about Buttner but hopefully he will give competition for left back coz at times Evra under performs and we haven't really had another natural left back for quite awhile.
  5. I use it! I keep mine pretty much up to date.
  6. Most of my opinions of the match on monday have already been addressed by other people. As much as I love Fergie I disagree with his comments after the match, I felt Everton deserved to win and were the better team in the match. We couldn't handle a few of their players and didn't create much up front. At times I almost felt like united were scared to go in the box which is why Anderson shot outside the box near the end. But that may just be down to how well Everton played. And @Fierce_LiNk I agree regarding Van Pierse. I feel like we only bought him because we 'could' in the sense he become available. Would have preferred more money to be spent in midfield. We should pick ourselves back up and hopefully I will eat my words regarding VP, just don't really see where he fits in. I also read that Wellbeck has signed a new contract today and what could happen with Chicarito with the VP signing? I can't believe we haven't got rid of Berbatov yet, he obviously isn't part of any plans no more.
  7. That's great if confirmed true! Looking forward to some doctor who in my life again.
  8. Yeah, I have since read that, I made the post literally as they started to report it.
  9. Sky news are starting to report that he had been told he had inoperable Brain Cancer.
  10. I tried it a few times a couple of months ago... I was surprised about how quick I was out of breath (once I got the hang of getting a rhythm going!).
  11. Good to hear! I probably wont go cinema to watch this despite loving action films but shall definitely be picking it up when it comes out on blu ray.
  12. Did you need a poo flamey?
  13. Well if they are doing that you should complain, you have a right to do so. It's your fault you lost the pass so why should you not pay for a replacement? If it works out cheaper to have a travel pass for the week then would it not make sense to pay the £15 so it is cheaper for you in the long run? Did you complain about that one? How did you get back in the end? Pretty sure you would have had grounds to complain about that as well and got some kind of compo if you were just 'left' there.
  14. Looks awesome! Loved the one liner in the trailer, 'Old'. Classic Arnie.
  15. Am I right in thinking the ME2 dlc was 560MS except for Shadow Broker?
  16. DLC single player has got a release date! Doesn't say how much it is going to cost though. http://blog.bioware.com/2012/08/15/leviathan-dlc-officially-dated/
  17. IGN have reviewed this... Overall score is 7.5 with the headline 'Bigger isn't always better' Read it for yourself here.
  18. He has only been gone 2 months! :P His avatar pic used to be a gold coloured fish if I remember correctly.
  19. Another potential tip for you... Do you drink plenty of water? Keeping the body hydrated helps keep off 'water weight' as well. Your body stores more water if it thinks it is going to dehydrate. I have now lost over over 6 stone since January 2011 so I like to consider myself living proof that it can be done mate!
  20. Looks cool! Enjoyed the first one, will probably end up getting this on 360 though...
  21. Was looking forward to playing this at some point in 2012! Will just have to hope it is to make it a better game...
  22. Bouncy Castle! I think you should invite the whole of NE over!! :p (Welcome back)
  23. Soooooo not really tried losing weight in awhile now, well it's more wanting to lose weight now in terms of toning up. Injury has really got in my way in terms of gym work, first it was my tendon on my arm (which is fine now) and then (I don't think I posted this in here) my back went. I was doing squats with a bar and my form was good (friend was watching) and pain shot through and I couldn't really walk coz of pain. It soon got better than that and had been lower back pain since so I stopped going the gym again. I did injure it xmas time so whether it is a re-occurrence of that or I now have a weakness in my lower back now. Ever since xmas I have been wearing a weight belt and funnily enough I wasn't wearing it when I injured it doing the squats so i think I didn't have my core tight enough and belt must normally assist with that. It has been feeling a lot better but then i get out of bed this morning and it kills! I can only assume I slept funny or something but by the afternoon it felt ok... So yeah, bummer. Injury has been doing my head in.
  24. RESULT After getting really frustrated with the flying controls AGAIN I just realised I was doing it wrong... I wasn't flicking the wii mote down hard enough to make him flap his wings, I was just trying to tilt up and down slowly... (Whoops) It's so easy now!
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