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Everything posted by LegoMan1031

  1. Not sure if this is classed as a spoiler or not but I have been reading on twitter an actor who we 'might' all know is filming for an episode of doctor who.
  2. Although I don't know it as fact I wouldn't have thought so, just because of what we have seen of the game using the gamepad screen for inventory, keypad etc. It would mean if you were playing the full game on the pad it would have to change the screen to do the other sections and the like. I'm not sure if what I have said made any sense then? lol.
  3. Erm, it has stopped because Aneres11 has him ignored? Therefor can't read his posts, therefor can't reply to a post he can't read. On Topic: Zombie U looks awesome.
  4. I'm sure he would 'love' to 'get a grip' but as he has ignored you he can't read your post soooooooooooo he can't. :p
  5. Watched this last night, at a digi imax screen, thought it was awesome! Loved all the nods to other films! I don't think other ppl have picked up on this one... if so, apologies
  6. Some good news regarding that ShopTo bundle... they have increased the price on their website for that now to £399.85 which puts it in line with not much saving really. HOWEVER, they have a pre-order promise that they wont charge you the higher amount if the price goes up, and to confirm my pre-order is still showing the £369.85 price.
  7. What I find a bit annoying is I have had the Zombie U bundle and them two games on pre-order since 16th September... which comes to the grand total of £404.something so to get that cheaper now I would have to put a separate order in for that bundle! Quite a good saving as well! I have pre-ordered that bundle now but have yet to cancel my other one. I have been considering cancelling my Wii U pre-order all together though tbh, not because I don't want it, just the simple fact of monies and may be better for me to wait.
  8. What are peoples thought on this then? I really enjoyed Hot Pursuit and the old good Burnout Paradise.... Will I like this?
  9. IGN have given it 9.8! Basically saying its better than bungies efforts.
  10. So I was hoping that this would be out before xmas but that isn't the case. Release date for DVD/Blu ray/Blu ray 3D is Monday 14th January. No news on extra etc as yet.
  11. My back is feeling pretty good now which is a start. My eating has been pretty shit for awhile though, probably put a little bit of weight back on. I have been hitting the gym though, weight lifting. Will try and kick start some fat burning again soon, want to get leaner man.
  12. Well we did it! Soooo by the end of it though. My gaming sheet was as follows: 08:00 - Sonic Adventure (XBLA) 10:20: Sonic 1 (XBLA) 10:40: Pac-man Championship Edition DX 11:00: Sonic Adventure 2 15:40 - Assassins Creed: Revelations 16:10 Resident Evil 6 17:10 Sonic Adventure 2 17:55: Online Chess 18:40: Sonic Adventure 2 20:10 - Solitare - eating Pizza! 20:40 - Sonic Adventure 2 01:14: Pac-man Championship Edition DX 01:30: Super Stardust HD 02:10 - Resistance 3 03:35 - Pac-man Championship Edition DX 04:05: Rayman origins 06:20 - Sonic Adventure 2 07:10 - Pac-man Championship Edition DX 07:30 - Sonic 4 Episode 2 08:00 Finish
  13. Sorry no sound this year. Doesn't seem to be working... Phil just got audio working!
  14. I'm on Sonic Adventure 2 Rez is Donkey Kong Country 1 Goafer is on MSR (dreamcast) Happenstance is on Sonic CD At the mo anyway!
  15. Yeah I have got both but never played revelations online.
  16. And it has begun! http://www.twitch.tv/happenstanceuk
  17. Console will most likely be couriered but I would have thought that separate games will just be sent as normal through their normal system.
  18. Not long for this now! We shall be meeting up at Rez's house on friday evening to 'set up' for the 8am start on saturday!
  19. Mine disconnected me while I was online playing a game! And wouldn't let me sign back in till I downloaded it. Free XBL would nice... I think it would be hard for them to justify still charging when the next console comes out, thats if Sonys next console online is level pegging with party chat etc. But this is microsoft we are talking about...
  20. Got no intention of actually using it, was just going to have a look at it since it's a 'new' feature. Since my laptop is never far away and if i'm even lazier my iPhone is I have no use for browers on my tv.
  21. Got the updated dashboard yesterday... More boxes on home page for more adverts.... Not tried IE on it yet.
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