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Everything posted by LegoMan1031

  1. Well it solved my problem of no-one being in! As i'm leaving for work at 08:30, i'm gonna save opening the box till then as I don't want to rush it!! Hopefully sonic should come with the normal post later. Hope everyone gets theirs today, I just got really excited and wanted to post a pic so u all knoew I wasn't just chatting shit!
  2. MY WII U JUST ARRIVED FROM SHOPTO VIA TNT BUT I HAVE TO GO WORK IN HALF AN HOUR!!!!!! Sonic is coming in a seperate order.
  3. Although I was very disappointed in how it all ended I still love the Mass Effect trilogy. I will get back into it with the dlc but the same happened with ME2 for me, I left it ages and then bought all the dlc when it was reduced in price with an offer on XBL. I do buy some dlc but I just don't seem to 'automatically' do so, for example I have yet to get any dlc for Skyrim but loved the game.
  4. Got my shipping e-mail for bundle at 10:24 & and my sonic order from yesterday at 14:01. My mum is actually off work so I will have more chance of someone being in to collect but not guaranteed as she could go out! :/
  5. Just added Sonic Racing to my order so I now look like this: Wii U ZombiU Bundle New Super Mario Bros U Nintendo Land Sonic Racing All for £399.71/
  6. Cool, what has been your thoughts in it as the series has progressed?
  7. Is that coz it reminded you of a certain boy in one of our classes at high school that did the same?!!
  8. Thanks! Lack of voice chat is rubbish but i'm really thinking this could be a purchase now!!
  9. Has there been other opinions regarding this? As in the Wii U version, is it as good as 360/ps3? I have yet to buy it for any console yet and if it is just the same then I will prob get on Wii U.
  10. First plot details for Star Trek Into Darkness!
  11. It was changed not long after the bundle went on for the £369 price. We are the lucky ones!
  12. I was in work and posted that on my phone! :p My happy gif:
  13. Got my e-mail from ShopTo this morning!
  14. I'm finally starting to get pretty excited by this! As soon as I get an e-mail from ShopTo to say that it is processing then my ass will be well and truly sat onboard!
  15. Oh, I forgot to mention that I will be adding ppl from here as well asap! Poss before I even play a game!! Get my miiverse thing populated!
  16. I have heard there is some truth in it! Although I am past the eight year mark!
  17. They are still advertising a guarantee for pre-orders made now for delivery for launch so all of ours will be processed in time.
  18. Erm, Probably have a nosey at Miiverse and other stuff with the console then boot up ZombieU or maybe Nintendo Land. Thats if the delivery company leave my ShopTo order with a neighbour as no-one will be in! :\
  19. Defo: ZombiU Mario (will prob only play this for co-op with gf) Nintendo Land (will play a bit myself but again can see this being a more multiplayer game for me) And heavily considering Sonic Racing on Wii U but will prob get CoD on 360 at some point.
  20. It is a bit of a silly comment when you think all multilayer games require to buy extra equipment unless you already own them all. The Wii and now Wii U is the most expensive though imo, in the old days you just had to buy another controller and thats it, now with Wii it was remote, nunchuk, motion plus etc.
  21. I have just watched the game trailers review... They have given this a 6.9. Their closing statement: http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/b2ttf7/nintendo-land-review?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter I'm not sure how to post a gametrailers vid on here...
  22. I have nothing to add... :/ I have been a bit suprised how well we have been doing overall this season, as like you said I can't believe how many games we have gone down a goal and then woke up and clawed it back (well except today).
  23. Well done Raining! Keep it going.
  24. I had the ZombieU bundle pre-ordered in September and ordered nintendo land and mario with it (£405) but when the new bundle came out which worked out cheaper for the same games I pre-ordered that one in the other week (zombie U + nintendo land and mario for £370). I didn't cancel my first one yet just incase... I got a ticket from ShopTo just saying I was guaranteed the Zombie U bundle but technically that is in both so I dunno where I stand if I cancel my own from September? I may end up cancelling both and waiting into the new year anyway so I'm not sure why I am so bothered! Ha.
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