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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. You know what? Why not Posted in the thread. So now we wait until it starts, right? :p
  2. Well, I'm in :p
  3. It worked out just fine, been texting each other occasionally over the course of the day, talking about what we did after school, what we're doing now. Might give it a rest for one or two days, chat her up again and then ask her out.
  4. I just bought Spelunky on Steam. Played to 'rounds' and I love it. Will definitely buy it again for PS3/PSVita. It's perfect for the Vita. This was the end of my second round. Didn't even take the game 3 minutes to kill me And by god...
  5. That's a great site, thanks. It led me to asos and I bought these: Shirt Chino Depending on the quality I might shop there more often as most of the stuff looks amazing.
  6. Thanks guys. That's what I'm hoping for :p
  7. As soon as it's here I will tell you. By the way, I wanted to ask: You bought some ties from trashness, right? I have no idea what colours of a tie go with certain colours of shirts (especially the one I ordered). Wanted to get one or two ties, myself and depending on whether the shirt fits or not get the another of those (probably salmon).
  8. I have to disagree (but I'm a man, so I guess my opinion doesn't count :p ) (I can't grow something like that Booooh)
  9. Sweet, the birthday party tomorrow can't come soon enough
  10. No suit, just a new haircut Question: The white shoes? Ok with the rest of the outfit?
  11. Soooo, I'd love to take part in a Mafia Game sometime, but I don't know how these work on the internet. Played some Mafia Games in real life, but I think they are a bit different. What do I need to know?
  12. Doesn't help with the images in my head... :p
  13. I read one word in there in such a wrong way...the story was so much different...
  14. Sweet Keep going. I consulted a friend of mine who has been doing fitness for a couple of years now and is also studying sports so he knows his stuff. He said that the C25K program was not enough for me as it is for people who pretty much never did any sports. He told me I should run 2-3 times a week for a couple of weeks, 20-25 minutes per run in a pace that I could have a conversation in without collapsing Had my first run yesterday. It felt so fucking great.
  15. Let me continue being a man, then :p I've just written some lady who was at my school a message on Facebook. She's cute, I don't know her (well, I've seen her a couple of times at school), so I thought: "Yeah, why not?" Going for the "Hello, could it be that you were at [name of school]?"-route We'll see how that'll work out. Edit: And unless the other lady (you know, the last one I was talking about) is playing with me, I can say: It is (rather will be) on.
  16. So, I remembered that I need to finish this game. 10 hours in and currently struggling with that Green Slime Boss. I play on Evil, and he (or rather his minions) always kick my ass into oblivion. Leveling takes ages, now that I'm at 22 and the enemies don't give a lot of xp. If I could combo the Boss down, it wouldn't be half bad, but my idiot team mates can't do shit. Edit: Well, I destroyed this slimy green piece of crap Cancelled my Tales of Xilia pre-order as I will be putting time into Tales of Graces first
  17. Just done the first cup/course/whatever it's called. -4 in the end, even got an Eagle in at the last hole.
  18. I have no idea what that is. In other news: @Aneres11 I'll keep you updated on the quality of the shirt :p
  19. Just finished Season 7. Cannot wait for the final Season. But it makes me sad, that it'll be over soon. Yay! Yaaaaay!
  20. drahkon


  21. The Last of Us Still not done, the game kinda lost me. Want to get back into it, though. Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros Been playing this on and off (rather off) for the past few days. 5 hours in. I enjoy it, it's fun. But somehow I can't focus on a handheld game for more than 30 minutes at a time. Autumn and winter. That's my handheld gaming time Risk of Rain Just started it (beta). It's fun, it's difficult. I love it.
  22. I'm enjoying everything I do. I feel fucking great.
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