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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. I'm currently farming a trophy in this game so can't check. I think the servers are online again with the occasional matchmaking issue. Nothing too serious, though. : peace:
  2. No. No. NO!
  3. Jesus titty fucking christ. This is going to be awesome.
  4. Will probably be online tonight. Not up for party chat, though, as my girlfriend will most likely be with me.
  5. Seizure Warning - Maybe? Source - PlayStation.Blog.Europe
  6. Source - PlayStation.Blog.Europe Heard good things about Skullgirls. It did have bad sales, though, if I remember correctly.
  7. Source - PlayStation.Blog.Europe
  8. Source - Eurogamer.net More information from the PlayStation.Blog.Europe Looks interesting. Will keep an eye on this. :awesome:
  9. [tweet]618554415083945985[/tweet] Man, I can see this destroying the great first impressions the devs/the game got...It's been a day now and the servers are still down.
  10. It's a known issue. Devs are working on it. Hopefully they can fix this soon. Only two trophies missing. Getting all the items and driving for a total of 500km. The latter will take quite some time...
  11. Yup, down for some. PSN Status I have already ranted about it so I won't do it again...
  12. You should see his sex tape. No idea if one exists...
  13. Went online today...man, it's worse than the first day of the beta. This is basically what people are doing: Edit: [tweet]618371450492186624[/tweet] Servers have been down for the majority of the day...Can't be too salty because I've played the game for 4 hours last night
  14. You do realize what the thread title implies?
  15. I ordered the bundle : peace:
  16. [tweet]617082568563777536[/tweet] Hopefully the PS+ "price" will be available at midnight, too. Apparently the New Zealand version became free for the Instant Game Collection an hour after the game has been released. Fingers crossed that I'll be able to play it tonight : peace: Someone change the thread title as it's no longer a beta :p Edit: I'm a sucker and made a New Zealand account...there is a 14 days trial for PS+, so.......downloading now Edit²: Got a huge amount of trophies already.
  17. With exams coming up there hasn't been a lot of freetime to really dive into photography, yet. However, I've been on vacation with my girlfriend and took some (400 ) photos during one of her parties. It was a lot of fun. Taking photos of both scenery on vacation (beach, lighthouse, etc) and people at the party. Have been trying out some settings (mainly the exposure triangle) which resulted in some bad pictures But I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I'd say it was worth getting the camera (entry level DSLR) : peace:
  18. In total I consider them "massive".
  19. It really isn't, though. Indies wouldn't have been this successful if the industry was that obsessed with graphics.
  20. We all know that if there's one out there that knows how to make good looking games with less powerful consoles it's Nintendo. However, I would still love to see a power level over 9000 similar to the XboxOne/PS4 as more power also means more possibilities for Gameplay and I really want to see what Nintendo is capable to do with that.
  21. Oh man. This is awesome. I still would love to see a Nintendo-Sony collaboration. Be it Nintendo going 3rd party or them creating a gaming device together.
  22. Hear that @S\.C\.G. This man knows where it's at. OPEN THE GOD DAMN GAMES. :p
  23. Sorry to hear that, Blade. I can't imagine what you're going through...we're here for you, just like Mr-Paul said. I can't add much more, as everything has been said. But I want to say this, and it may sound a bit harsh and not something you'd like to hear: Those mutual friends? You're better off without them...if they don't even want to hear your side. It's easier said than done, I know...
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