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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Are you telling me you can't just select/search for a friend from a list and view/play all the levels he/she created? You have to put each friend on your 'follow list'? Sounds like a hassle..
  2. I remember the time I put into Mother Base management. It was like a game in a game for me. Can't wait to see how many hours I will spent with this in MGSV
  3. Yup seen 'em. Didn't think they were that difficult, though. :p
  4. Are there any videos for levels which are incredibly difficult but straight-forward platforming from left to right (or right to left )? As much as I can appreciate levels like the one in the video above, I don't really like those 'exploration'-themed levels.
  5. Eurogamer - "Street Fighter 5 beta returns today"
  6. Beating the game solo isn't that hard. Achieving S-ranks on all the missions is basically impossible without co-op play, though.
  7. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. Nothing more.
  8. Remember to think about that game if you can't reach climax during sex. If unsure, ask @Fierce_LiNk for further information.
  9. This morning I took the bus home. Before I got out I bumped into a (very hot) lady as the driver braked (man, this word just looks and sounds weird) too strongly. Obviously I apologised and we laughed over it, nothing special. Then I went to the next bus station and this lady had to go there, too. She started a conversation. I didn't really want to but I kept it going, as it seemed rude not to. After a minute (we already had arrived at the station) I noticed a badge/pass for the Fédération Equestre Internationale Europe Championship - which is currently being held in my town - on her. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, perfect way to talk about stuff. I asked her: "On your way to the stadium? Do you just work there or are you generally interested in riding?" Her response - I shit you not...: "I work there and yeah, riding is fun, but not on horses." She looked at me and her eyes said the rest. I did not expect that Well, nothing I could do. My bus arrived and I played it cool and said: "Enjoy your day at work, then." Giving her a wink while entering the vehicle. It must be some kind of chemical thing. As soon as you are in a relationship women jump at you left and right. When you're single...nothing.
  10. Anybody tried the mobile game Fallout Shelter, yet? Has been released on Android (finally) and it's pretty cool. The F2P stuff isn't intrusive and the game is fun. With this and Hearthstone my new smartphone got even better
  11. New cars look awesome Got the final trophy for the Supersonic Fury DLC just now. Trophy list shows 100% for Rocket Leage again :awesome: Edit: Sweet Jesus, I had a nice comeback just now. Played a ranked match. Standard. Skill Rating of 265. Not that much, but haven't played standard ranked as much as I have doubles ranked. Anyway. The first highlight: What a save! Man, I was angry at myself But then...I turned this game around with a nice hatrick, if I may say so myself. :awesome:
  12. The lady and I got the 120th star on Super Mario Galaxy 2 this morning. This game is almost perfect. It features a couple of annoying design choices, e.g. everytime a Launch Star appears: short cutscene interrupting gameplay. Still...Minor issues. Amazing game. My girlfriend had trouble with the later stages, especially with Prankster Comets. But she wasn't half bad. Now it's time for the green stars : peace:
  13. Perfect.
  14. When you're able to jump in an RPG I jump. All. The. Time.
  15. Indeed he could. I keep forgetting about that feature, because my internet is too slow and I simply can't use Share Play
  16. Will vote for Armello. Pretty sure that Grow Home will come out as the winner, though :p
  17. Even if it doesn't seem like your kind of game you should give it a try sometime if you can (at a mate's or wherever). Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  18. Would you say it's a game you can play during the day? Or does it take away from the atmosphere?
  19. Rollcage was the shit back in the days. Keeping my eye on this. Also "love" how splitscreen has become a selling point.
  20. In my opinion PSN is good, but with the money they get and especially after increasing the prices the service can and should be better.
  21. So...Sony will increase PS+ prices for the one and three month subscriptions. Won't affect me personally as I only do 12 month subscriptions. It still sucks, because I think this means that the 12 month deal will become more expensive eventually. Also: Does Sony do anything with the money to improve PSN stability? Lots of outages and issues in the past few months which were incredibly annoying. For all the things Sony has done right, this (PSN stability) is the one thing they need to improve a lot.
  22. Not going. Can't afford it.
  23. I have completely missed that Galak-Z has been released last week. Been looking forward to this game for a long time now. Currently downloading. Eurogamer Review
  24. Co-op is fucking incredible. The levels are perfectly designed and you're mostly dependent on your partner.
  25. If it weren't for the twin-stick sooting it would've been fine. But my lady had a lot of difficulty with that. Understandable really, as she hasn't done this before and still doesn't know the buttonlayout of the DS4. Still, we've completed it in about 6 hours over the course of the last two days. Has been a lot of fun Not the longest game, but a nice addition to the PS+ library. If it had a Platinum I'd consider going back for it.
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