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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Yeah, it's atrocious.
  2. Finished Episode 1 just now after a very long break from the game. Some possible choices I've missed completely. And here I thought I read and examined everything. I really took my time It was quite a short episode but very well put together. Perfect as an exposition. Downloading Episode 2. : peace:
  3. Wonderful Brah, you're engaged.
  4. You should get it replaced. Seems like a faulty one.
  5. I hereby demand an invite when you have a wedding in Belgium. :p Yes, I know that's not how you do it and that it's rude to request an invite But I want to see one of the most beautiful members of this forum at least once in my life for real. And then of course, I'd be honored to meet the awesome person who creates amazing pieces of art, too. :p Just kidding, ofc. Man, I've had a shitty day but seeing that photo of you two...you both look so happy Makes me smile. I hope your lives will continue to be as wonderful as it is. No, scratch that. May it become even more wonderful.
  6. Yeah, that was the joke...
  7. You know me...always quick on the draw... ... ... ...
  8. Congratulations Really happy for you two.
  9. How difficult is it? Would you say someone who generally doesn't play video games can get into it relatively easily?
  10. 2nd generation G.
  11. My Galaxy S2 just broke down after 4 years of service Need a new phone quickly, and since I don't need anything fancy I ordered this: Won't be here until Monday though.
  12. Anyone have a decent and comprehensive list of changes TTK brings to Destiny? Or can anybody list the changes? :p What does this mean exactly? That you won't need Raid/Faction gear to access content like PoE 34?
  13. Yeah, you're right. Sometimes it's funny watching the gameplay, though. Sonic '06, Sonic Boom and Sonic Adventure DX spring to mind And don't forget Arin's steady decent into a mental breakdown during the Mario 64 playthrough. Without the gameplay it's only half as funny. Great compilation
  14. Me too. I enjoy listening to Dan and Arin. I keep re-watching (or rather re-listening) older stuff as background noise when I do other stuff. I also like to watch the occasional James and Mike Mondays
  15. Will try that. Wrong assumption :p Hm, it's probably not that interesting. Woah woah, I never retrieved your wallet :p Well, I did forget that I had them with me, because I had other things on my mind (exam coming up) and I also didn't fully realize/remember that I put them in the pocket where my wallet is. And that pocket is the frontpocket so it's relatively small, meaning its contents were easy to spot. I don't really know why my friends watched me getting out the wallet. Trust me, I don't. I only talk about my sex life with my best two best friends. And I can't really do anything about it when I wear a shirt and my arms show scratches and bruises. And since I am a straightforward guy I always tell the truth when people ask about that. It's not like I go out and yell: "LOOK AT MY ARMS. I HAD SEX." or "LOOK AT THIS BALL GAG. I'M INTO THAT."
  16. We should have a talk someday Pulling on her hair is awesome. And her pulling on my hair is even better. Especially when she's kissing my neck.
  17. Heh, same here. When I read somewhere on the internet that red dots indicate multiple exists my brain exploded. I think I was 17 or 18 at that time
  18. Jesus tittyfucking Christ sex swings look...interesting? Maybe? Not sure? But apparently good ones are expensive. Also...why hasn't @nightwolf chimed in with a gif? She's usually all over my posts and face and body.
  19. First of all, that's a pretty sweet idea However, I wouldn't buy a strap-on just for that. And before you say something, I wouldn't use a strap-on for anything else butt fucking with my frie...damn... Secondly, IKEA should make sex swings. I should look up on sex swings. Sex swings sound like something I would enjoy. SEX SWINGS. Thirdly, you wish you'd be a freak like me. Edit: Just realized the - possibly unintended - double entendre of "should see how far he can push this"
  20. Trust me, I don't like it. :p No, I did not have a fist in my ass...
  21. I'm not into anything being inserted into my anus, though.
  22. I somehow missed the quotation marks the first time I read the sentece and it became a lot weirder...
  23. @RedShell Enjoy
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