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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Well, was there any other innovation?
  2. I'm back at a 100% completed trophy list after buying the latest DLC. : peace: Winning a match against bots on "unfair" (i.e. 1v2) wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Anybody still playing this?
  3. The Witcher 3 taking Ultimate Game of the Year was inevitable and is well deserved.
  4. Started and completed Teslagrad today. Got the Platinum, too. Took me about 90 minutes. Interesting little game. Cool puzzles with cool mechanics, however the controls are a bit...iffy. Not as precise as the game needs them to be. This makes some of the sections unnecessarily difficult. Don't ask me about the plot...not sure if there is one Still, the puzzles were quite good. I enjoyed it for what it is. It was free on PS+, so I can't complain too much. : peace:
  5. Definitely a system seller right there. Mostly for PS4, of course due to the marketing deal, but I'm pretty sure Xbone will profit a lot from it, too. I can't wait. Star Wars Battlefront will be a nice change of pace from Fallout 4 once in a while. It will probably be easy to juggle these two game simultaneously.
  6. The inevitable wait for @RedShell's masterpieces begins. And the inevitable wait for me to realize once again how uncreative and shitty I am with games like these
  7. That was a glorious E3. Can't believe it's been two years.
  8. Bought the Revenge of the Battlecars and Back to the Future DLC packs and played a couple of ranked doubles. People suck. I've lost so many games because my teammates just go after the ball without any kind of tactics... I was in the Silver II division but now I'm in Silver I. You'd think people are good in those divisions... Also: Just found out about the Mutator patch coming in November. HOLY SHIT. This game...
  9. Well, you can tell her I'm not going to buy any of her Christmas cards this year. Just kidding. Looking forward to beating her scores when/if I get back to the game someday : peace:
  10. Don't remember that my scores are "insane" When I went for 3 stars on the stages I got 'in the zone' on some of them...maybe that's how I did it.
  11. You can ride a bear. That's me sold.:awesome:
  12. After thinking about it more, the conference wasn't that bad (but it wasn't good either). Boundless, Detroid and Gran Turismo we great (and in the latter case long) announcements. And the new stuff we've seen from Horizon, Uncharted, Dreams (!!! Oh my god, this looks amazing) and Wild (really like the looks of it) were great. Still, some big announcements have been missing to make this a good conference, but the E3 show had enough of that already.
  13. As soon as the "June 2016" popped up during the conference I lost massive amounts of interest in this. It was my most anticipated game ever but now I'm annoyed and quite frankly sceptical about No Man's Sky. It seemed finished and with the PR going on it seemed almost ready to release. Well, now Fallout 4 is my most anticipated game ever and that will release in a couple of months.
  14. So far not a good conference... Probably will stay that way.
  15. Good luck keeping the hype up for another 8 months...
  16. Nah, as I've mentioned on this page (edit: on the last page...): I did that on my third try The 5 chests race is a pain if you really want to get the 5 chest bonus (if I remember correctly you get 30 or 60 Three Stars). And I thought that was the trophy requirement. But as I found out a couple of minutes ago this is not necessary.
  17. Well...apparently you don't need to finish the race getting the bonus from opening five chests, winning and not hitting any poles. You can hit as many poles as you want and don't get the bonus...as long as you open five chests and win the trophy pops up. I was trying the race just now. Remembered the best route, hit poles left and right, opened five chests and boom: I won. First try. Now I can focus on playing the game again First of all I need to find the remaining Celestial Weapons and power them up, then it's time for some initial AP grinding in the Omega Ruins. Throw in some monster captures and I should be able to do the Don Tomberry trick soon (as long as I get some Triple-AP, Triple-Overdrive gear).
  18. I'd be up for it, but not regularly, i.e. on a set evening every week. Just mention me in a post and I'll see whether I got time or not : peace:
  19. Played this a lot during the weekend. Dodged 200 lightnings, completed the butterfly races, got everything I needed from Blitzball. Now I'm currently trying to get the Chocobo Master trophy...this fucking race.
  20. I totally forgot about Sony's press conference tomorrow. GOD I'm excited. Shame, though, that I won't be able to watch it live...
  21. My mom has a tough time... At work (she works at a school) her colleagues basically just sit around while she's playing with the kids or doing projects. All of her colleagues but one are against her and she's already tried to work this out. To no avail. She complained to a higher authority... So far nothing has happened... And today she found out that one of her brothers got medication which renders his immune system basically useless meaning even a little infection could result in his death. He refuses to be in a hospital because he is stubborn and his wife isn't home but at her grandkids' place to watch over them. My mom thinks this is idiotic, of course, and she just called my uncle to tell her how she feels. He got angry and just hung up. I wasn't in the room when she called but just found her crying in the living room...we talked and I managed to calm her down. We'll watch Bundesliga today and hopefully this takes her mind off things at least for a while.
  22. I've spent a lot of time with my Vita in the past two weeks. It started with the release of Super Meat Boy and my renewed love for Shovel Knight (which I have beaten for the first time a couple of days ago : peace:). Downloaded and started Muramasa, which I have bought ages ago, yesterday. Enjoy it quite a lot. Broken Age is on the system, as well, but this will need to wait a bit longer. Can't wait for The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth. Hope its release on PS4/PSVita won't be long after its PC release. It's a lovely system and I'm glad I bought it 3 years ago and stuck with it.
  23. Did you have to remind me of this game? I still need a couple of trophies for the Platinum... That's what you get, bitch. :p
  24. I don't give a damn about Konami anymore. What I want is Kojima to do his own thing from now on. Maybe with the help of Kickstarter
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