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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. I've used it 5 years ago, so I might not remember this correctly, but I think I managed to soft boil eggs after a bit of trial and error.
  2. It's awesome I had one of these. Maybe it's still somewhere at my mom's place. Bought some sweets for the Advent calender I'm making for the lady. Exclusively fruit gum and similar candy, because she's not too keen on chocolate. Also bought the Bloodborne expansion.
  3. Just for fun I decided to turn down the difficulty to "normal". It was way too easy So it's back to "very hard" again : peace: Much more challenging as enemies take more hits to die which means you have to plan out your moves/shots more which means every missed bullet may come back to bite you in the ass. Currently not stacked in ammo for my weapons Finished what appeared to be a main quest yesterday:
  4. [tweet]667557681670942721[/tweet] [tweet]667564703451738112[/tweet] Eurogamer article I have no idea about game development and all that jazz, but I call bullshit. If it was a business dicision because the game didn't sell well on those three consoles, fine. Be honest about it. But I highly doubt any of these three isn't able to run the game...
  5. Yup, can't wait. Probably need to push through to the point where you can access the new stuff tomorrow, though...think I finished the game without doing anything in NG+ Also: The price has been changed from 14.99€ to 19.99€ without any kind of notice from Sony or From Software. Almost didn't buy it because of that...but it's Bloodborne...
  6. I will. Especially if I hear @Blade complaining about how the scoreboard cheesed him again Won't be playing this over the weekend Maybe/hopefully on sunday evening.
  7. Well, decided not to go for the Platinum. Will probably never get the most kills in Blast mode and I think Hero Mode is hilariously imbalanced. It all comes down to whether you can become Luke or Darth Vader more than once. It's a shame, as I enjoy the game Here's hoping that private matches will be added...highly doubt it, though.
  8. :awesome: Day one!
  9. That does sound cool. Probably won't allow us to run games via discs. Still, if Sony offers PS2 games on the PSN store for a reasonable price (10€) and with added trophies (as is rumoured)...would be awesome.
  10. You guys are insane Need to join the next session earlier And we should own Blast mode with a full 10-man-party :awesome:
  11. Happy to help
  12. Played this for 2 hours straight. People are still dumb in Walker Assault mode It's good fun, though. I'm not a that good, but I enjoy it very much : peace: Edit: How fucking awesome is Fighter Squadron? For me this mode alone shits all over every Star Fox game Was a bit sceptical about the AI controlled ships, but they are basically just cannon fodder. Something to pass the time while looking for real enemies. And once you have one in your sights...IT IS ON. I may go for the Platinum with this one...something I never do with online shooters. The problem will be having the most kills on Blast (i.e. Team Deathmatch) in one match...right now I suck at aiming. Need to get used to the arcadey mechanics. Anyway. Glad I traded in two games and got this for 9.99€. Won't pay 50€ (!!!!!!) for the Season Pass, but will definitely be on the lookout for DLCs once they are discounted (in a year or so ) @Hero\-of\-Time cancel your plans and get on that Star Wars action.
  13. Hm, shame there's so little content it seems. But I pre-ordered the game for 9.99€. Traded in two games I won't play again, so that's fine I won't buy the Season Pass, though. Depending on how much I play the game I'll go for one or two DLCs.
  14. Both are Christmas gifts for my girlfriend I'll also make her an Advent calender.
  15. Crafting materials are shared between settlements that are linked by trade routes. So if you store any junk in one workbench it will become available in all linked settlements. Stuff like weapons and armor, however, can't be accessed in all linked settlements, as far as I have observed. The game needs a scrap-function in the Pip-Boy.
  16. That's good to know. I haven't found a weapon with a suppressor, though. Reached level 13, so that's not a problem anylonger Crafted three suppressors : peace: Time to test them in the fields. :awesome:
  17. Don't read if you want to avoid spoilers. Afterbirth secret hunt Oh man, the devs really made the community work
  18. Won't be home before late afternoon and not sure if I'll have time as I may need to prepare work for Monday. I'll let you know over PSN whether I'm ready to join. : peace:
  19. Dude, you can't say that here. :p So what's the news? Didn't watch the direct too busy playing Fallout 4 Awesome new games? I've already read that Twilight Princess HD looks shit.
  20. Can't craft a suppressor without having the Gun Nut Perk at level 2. And I have an upgraded Pipe Pistol as well as an upgraded Pipe Sniper Rifle. They are ok. I play on Very Hard which is probably the reason why they don't do as much damage as I wish they'd do. Haven't encountered any problems with screws, so far. I pick up a lot of junk and scrap them as soon as I have access to a workbench. Don't need that particular perk.
  21. Had my first crash after 10 hours. Wanted to assign a settler to harvest corn. The game didn't seem to like that Anyway, did some more exploring. Came across my first Legendary enemy. Dropped an armor piece which doesn't have great defensive stats but increases the sweet spot on locks during lockpicking. : peace: Also came across some Super Mutants which wrecked my shit. Level 11. I'll save my Perk Points so I can open up Gun Nut lvl 2 and some others at level 13. Can't wait to have suppressors on my weapons. Right now I'm not particularly stealthy after shooting once
  22. Jesus Christ...how much freetime do you have?
  23. 100 Platinum trophies? Or 100 games completed this year?
  24. House M.D. opening for North America Dr. House opening for Europe (Season 1) Dr House opening for Europe (Seasons 2-8)
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