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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. 3 hours ago the pages popped up quite a lot. Nothing for the past 5 minutes, though. Edit: Happened again just now.
  2. Congrats @Blade Always makes me happy to read stories like that
  3. I did. Am I missing a joke here? There's nothing unsafe about the first 5 pictures. SafeSearch is off.
  4. Peeps, out of interest: Which team are you rooting for?
  5. Watched my first movie after I'd seen Arrival in February. Geez, I've really neglected one of my biggest hobbies. A couple of years ago I would've watched 20 movies in a month... Anyway. Split First of all: James McAvoy is incredible in this. Such a great performance. Secondly: M. Night Shyamalan is back. Well, at least that's what I would say after reading that his recent movies sucked. I've only ever seen The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and now Split and I loved them all.
  6. I think I've played Everybody's Gold on the Vita years ago? Can't remember...Was there even a Vita version? If there was I'm not sure whether I enjoyed it or not Anyway, signed up for the beta. Hope I get a chance to try this out.
  7. Great to hear : peace: Would love to know how faithful the anime is to the visual novel, so give me a quick shout-out once you've finished it Gonna ask you something that I fear would be very spoilery right now. Indeed. Wish it would just go on instead of what we're about to read in the next few chapters...
  8. Ok? Has nothing to do with me, though. Right now, I can't even afford 240€. And even if I had the money to get a Switch+Dock for 330€ I would definitely not "just suck it up". I wouldn't use the dock. It would be unnecessary and money wasted if I bought it. Which means: I won't buy a Switch. It's as easy as that. I would, however, love it if Nintendo gave me the opportunity to buy the Switch without the dock. If they do, I will buy a Switch eventually.
  9. You answered that question yourself with the last 5 words. Nope. Righ now there's literally nothing released/on the horizon that I want to play on a big screen. I would love to just get the Switch without the dock next year for a reasonable price.
  10. Now please sell the Switch without the dock for 240€. I'd start saving right here, right now.
  11. I always do I also add a little weight after the "bar only set" and do 1 or 2 more sets for warming up. Have followed that stretching program I've mentioned in an earlier post. Too early to tell if it's working, of course, but it feels good to stretch First workout tomorrow after starting the program. Probably won't feel any change, though. Hope it'll have an impact after a couple of weeks. Started reading Becoming a Supple Leopard and it looks like I have to do some serious traning when it comes to proper form and bracing...I really need to practice the bracing sequence mentioned in that book. My back is a mess without it.
  12. Well, that's stupid. Possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard when it comes to online shooters.
  13. Am I understanding this correctly. You're stuck playing one (two, three?) maps for two hours until they rotate? You can't vote for maps in a lobby?
  14. That's the beauty of video games: It's all a matter of opinion. If I had been in your position I would've given up on the game very early, though.
  15. You can land and run around to regenerate stamina...you don't have to be airborne all the time. Doesn't take long, either. And health shouldn't be a problem because the boss is very easy :p
  16. Thumper is awesome, but it should definitely be played on a big screen with a nice sound system.
  17. Good to know. I'll keep that in mind.
  18. Yes. No. Yes. I don't need recovery time this long after every workout, though. Before my last workout I increased the weight 6 times in a row without getting sore muscles. I'll try to do some stretching on rest days. And I'll also try to stretch more before workouts. Anybody here got some advice/recommendations for stretching? I stumbled upon this guide and it seems like a good starting point?
  19. YES. A mate and I played through the co-op two times now (200%, of course). And we've made it more difficult for us each time. First playthrough: Choose a character you like and the strongest enemy characters (i.e. Koala Kong and Rilla Roo) and play the game on a PS1 or PS2. The game runs at its "normal" speed. Second playthrough: Choose the most useless characters, i.e. Crash and Cortex, and the strongest enemy characters. Why are Crash and Cortex useless? Because they suck at Tank Wars and and Polar Push. This was our self-proclaimed "hard mode" because Koala Kong and Rilla Roo are so fucking tough to beat in the two game modes...on a PS1 or PS2. This year - time for the final playthrough: Same as second playthrough but on an original PS3. "Ultra hard mode". Why? Because the game runs faster from time to time. N. Ballism on PS3...holy hell.
  20. Nah, I'll definitely watch a trailer.
  21. There's no way we'll see a new Sony handheld anytime in the next 10 years, if ever. They don't have to release one. They're doing very well in the console market. And right now there is no way they could compete with the Switch unless they really do create a handheld version of the PS4.
  22. That's probably the biggest issue. I was, however, also incredibly underlevelled (level 101) and my equipment isn't anything to write home about. It took about 50-60 hits until the boss died...not sure if that's a lot but it sure felt like it Can't wait to get back from work and start up Nioh : peace:
  23. I'm guessing we'll see some Warped footage at E3.
  24. I'm going Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. I'd love to do SL for quite some time before doing something else. I think it's juts a matter of letting my body adjust. So I probably need to give it the regeneration it needs.
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