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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Managed to beat that freaking boss :awesome: No other boss has given me that much trouble in the main game. Either I got really bad or the boss was that difficult. I'll complete the non-DLC missions on "normal" mode first now. Still haven't done all of them After that it'll be a mix of new missions and old NG+ mission. : peace:
  2. I bought the remastered editions of the first two installments recently. Played the first one for a couple hours on the PS3 but stopped for some reason. I thought it was excellent. Have to give the games another go soon.
  3. After some more time with the DLC I have to agree. My skills have declined a lot... I might play NG+ first now...
  4. It's 13.49€ on the PSN store (or the UK equivalent). I beat the first boss on my first try but it was a close call Love the movement mechanics. You move and you aim your hook with the left stick. R2 extends the hook letting you grapple around the room which makes platforming sections and combat so much fun. Your weapon also shoots in the direction you aim, which is a little odd. Having the left stick work for your shooting is something to get used to but it works. However, I'd like to see an option to make aiming your weapon possible with the right stick in a future patch. The game is very fun so far (after about 40 minutes). Could become something I'll play for a very long time, especially if the devs decide to add more levels/bosses/items later on - hopefully via free updates at first; but if the games keeps me hooked I'll gladly pay for additional content.
  5. I've reached a point at which I get sore muscles after every workout. Happened earlier than expected, to be honest. What to do? I have to have longer breaks between each workout because I don't want to risk injuries (and because it would hurt like hell) but I would like to be able to workout every 2 or three days. Should I workout whenever my muscles aren't sore and not increase the load? Another question: Anybody know a good stretching plan that's great for beginners? I am the least flexible person on earth... Very chuffed with my progress so far. Squats - 62.5kg BP - 45kg Barbell Row - 35kg OHP - 30kg DL - 65 Thinking about changing my workouts a bit. Currently doing: Workout A Squats BP Barbell Row Workout B Squats OHP DL (1x5) Would love to do 5x5 DL and replace Squats with something else in workout B. Bad idea? Good idea? Any recommendations?
  6. The first DLC boss is kicking my ass. Holy hell Spoilers, oviously:
  7. Really hope they will improve the combat. I hate it when enemies don't flinch after a hit.
  8. "Major home consoles". Does that include the Switch or not? We'll have to wait and see. Anyway, looks sweet.
  9. I know. Didn't mean to imply you were. Sadly, but I guess that's just how it is in this industry these days. Well, I hope the second DLC will be more worthwhile because I want BotW to be much better and there is a chance that an expansion could do exactly that
  10. Cosmetic DLC, sure. Make you suckers pay :p But the rest should come in a free update.
  11. Am I the only one who thinks that it's ridiculous that those features detailed above are locked behind a paywall?
  12. They could remove/reduce the amount of PSVita/PS3 games but that would piss me off, because even though the quality was lackluster in recent months I still got enjoyment out of some of them. However, if they do that they should increase the amount of PS4 games we get. I'm not sure how the community would react, though. Maybe the majority would be fine if we get more "AAA" PS4 titles with PS+? Haven't talked about what I expect/"want" from Microsoft or Nintendo Microsoft: Don't care. I am completely indifferent to what they've been doing for years now Nintendo: As every year I'm going in with absolutely no expectations so they can only surprise me. I'd like to see a shitload of new games that will be out by Christmas 2018 so I can get a Switch with enough games to last me a while. : peace:
  13. Can't believe I forgot those two. Destiny 2 will be 10 minutes, at least. Yeah, one big surprise would be great, even though the line-up so far is awesome. But what could they do?
  14. Patch is up, DLC is on the store Just gave it a go and got wrecked by the first Yokai...
  15. Bro...too much information.
  16. Was thinking about what we can expect from Sony this E3. Pretty sure we won't see a lot of new games. My predictions for the live conference (not in order): PSVR (3 minutes, if any at all) God of War footage Crash Bandicoot footage Call of Duty WWII segment (timed exclusive DLC, big marketing, etc) Spider Man footage Days Gone footage Detroid: Become Human footage another Death Stranding trailer (maybe) Final Fantasy VII Remake footage Shenmue 3 footage Horizon Zero Dawn DLC 2-3 minutes of indie games one or two new games (maybe) Release dates for some of those games. At least two have to be in 2017, unless there are some big hitters releasing at the end of 2017? Haven't followed what's in store for the PS4 in the second half of this year. Looking empty or solid? Anyway. I'd be more than satisfied with the PS4 line-up if my prediction comes true (including some release date confirmations).
  17. Reminder for anyone who's interested/got the season pass: The first DLC - Dragon of the North - will be released tomorrow. New missions, two new Guardian Spirits, one new weapon type, new armour type(s?), new skills (Ninja and Magic). Can't wait to get back to Nioh again I still have NG+ to do...will probably go for the new missions first, though.
  18. There will be a new one after quite some time. With new DLC somewhere down the line. Why? Because MONEEEEYYYYYY :p
  19. Seeing this thread pop up I remembered that I have the first game for my Vita. Downloading now
  20. Nope, it was by Northernlion.
  21. Just watched a video of Battlegrounds. I need this in my life. As soon as the game is released on PS4 I'll be all over it.
  22. Started Volume on my PSVita today. Finished it and got the Platinum just now. It was ok. Got a little repetetive 2/3 through the game and it was way too easy. If it wasn't for some horrible framerate issues I would've died/got caught much less. Still, a nice little game to play on a Saturday while watching football Time to choose my GotM for April.
  23. Agreed. Not sure if I want it to be basically Yooka-Laylee but with different levels/abilities, i.e. old-school gameplay or a more modern approach to it (please don't ask me what that would look like, as I have no idea :p). I also don't know if I want Playtonic Games to do something different first.
  24. Out now. : peace: 2D has fewer appearances than I would have liked but it's still a really good album. Charger is a heck of a song. Momentz blasts through the speakers. The Apprentice is a very chill track. Oh man, I love Humanz
  25. Well, if there's a Nintendo device I will buy next year it's going to be this. My desire to get a Switch has gone from almost non-existent to vanished completely.
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