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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. And it's over. What an icredible letdown of a final boss... Absolutely agree.
  2. 4 dungeons completed and 69 (hehe) Shrines done. Not sure if I'll want to do more before tackling the final area of the game...
  3. Yup, nothing to add. It's really not what I expected and I am very disappointed. I expected more from Nintendo... Really? I think it's dumb...having to wait 10 minutes after it "breaks" is annoying as hell. But at least it's not gone forever.
  4. So what are your final thoughts about those "dungeons"? I have one more left and don't expect much... And what do you think about the Master Sword's limitation?
  5. I must be alone with this opinion but, as good as this game can be, I wish this was a new IP from Nintendo. I don't really feel it as a Zelda game...
  6. I just wish some of the Shrines were more difficult or larger. Done 59 now and not sure if I've spent more than 3-5 minutes on any of them. With the disappointing dungeons I feel like maybe 20% of the Shrines should've been much larger. I did, however, like some of the puzzles. Unlocked two things which I don't want to spoil. Needless to say I was freaking excited when I got them but the excitement quickly turned to disappointment as there are limitations attached to them...I really don't like most of the limitations the game throws on you.
  7. I thought I was the only one...she just comes across as a whiny bitch who doesn't actually want to do any work. 11 hours for me today Have played this for 27 hours in total now. 50 Shrines done, one part of a major main quest completed, the second part almost finished and I've explored a little bit of everything. Still haven't really set foot on Death Mountain, but I've just gotten the equipment to make the climate in Hebra Mountains bearable so the volcano has to wait For all the things BotW does wrong or weird there is an equal amount of things it does right which results in a damn fine game. One thing I've come to hate: Upgrading stamina and travelling back to places I want to climb only for the weather to turn bad...every fucking time I reach these places it starts to rain and I can't climb to where I want to go. Hate that gameplay mechanic.
  8. Pay to win...bloody Nintendo. :p
  9. Ah, ok. Now that you mention it...that inventory could definitely use GamePad controls... 40 Shrines done. And I've ventured through a particular forest and found something I really want Not going to spoil it, though :p I need to start doing some sidequests. I've been accepting them but I've ignored almost all...
  10. It looks great, if a bit blurry at times. The framerate is acceptable 90-95% of the time but it drops in fights with more than 2-3 enemies and in most woods. It can get annoying and even a death sentence, especially in fights. Not great but in the grand scheme it's ok.
  11. Did you try getting your amigo out?
  12. Good for you, but for all the others who report that they have problems it sucks. If I buy a new product I expect it to be working fine without major hickups like Joy-Con connection issues...
  13. Didn't know about that. Is it really that bad?
  14. All Sheikah Towers activated : peace: I decided to go near what I suspect will be the final area (I mean...it's not difficult to guess ).
  15. Dude...we don't need to know you're playing BotW with your amigo out.
  16. Is there a way to see some kind of completion rate?
  17. Just woke up from an unexpectedly long slumber. Feels like I slept for 100 years...ehem. Anyway, I'm almost completely healthy again. That sleep helped a lot. Fired up the WiiU and can't wait to get back to exploring the world. One more tower left and after that it's time for some good old exploration : peace: Already set up my laptop so I can watch Bundesliga while playing later today Edit: Ok, so the game got me. After 16 hours it got me. Just now I fought a Fire Keese at night. Killed it and the grass caught fire. Right then 3 Stalmoblins rose from the ground and surrounded me. I used the upstream caused by the fire to ascend, aimed my bow and froze the enemies with Ice Arrows. I plunged down and destroyed them Fights like this make me forget how much I dislike breakable weapons
  18. drahkon


  19. Huge spoilers coming up and lots of disappointment...
  20. Three Sheikah Towers left. But I'm getting a little bored of going after them. I think I'll just choose one area I haven't been to (except for activating the tower) and explore the shit out of that
  21. Fair enough I'm just about to get my 6th and 7th heart containers and then I'll try to reach the remaining 6 map towers and the occasional shrines. I also need to...
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