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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Getting great reviews. Eurogamer says: "Dazzling and mysterious, this ambitious party-based RPG is a masterpiece. " (Edit: Just read the review...it's horrible...don't waste your time; it contains almost no information; still, lots of other good reviews out there) Fuck...should've pre-ordered it while it was discounted... Edit: Nevermind, it's still discounted. Might buy it, have to check my finances first, though. Edit²: Bought it Edit³: Played for a bit. The Rites are already very fun, even though they are kind of basic (for now, obviously; haven't made a lot of progress). But I've got a glimpse of skills and moves after my second Rite. I think it's going to be more complex soon.
  2. Had a football match just now. Played for 75 minutes. I'm surprised at how much stamina I still have. Haven't done any cardio for a year now but was still able to sprint until the end. It's obviously a different "kind" of stamina you need compared to a run at a steady pace but still...I'm impressed
  3. I keep reading about weekly game sales and I'm constantly amazed how GTA V is always in the top 10. Most of the time it's even in the top 3, just like this week in the UK.
  4. Well, I took the liberty to broaden the topic of the discussion, but if that's not wanted, fine. Let me rephrase then: I think removing the voice chat and lobby functions from that app would make the app better. Rename it to Splatnet and advertise it as a Splatoon 2 companion app. If the two functions are to remain then add the eShop. Take notes from the PlayStation app. It's actually pretty good.
  5. I need a woman who can ride me the way Evan Rachel Wood rides that horse.
  6. Yeah, because it's the best solution
  7. Don't release it (yes, not the point of this thread, but I'll say it anyway). Make apps for games individually. Since Splatnet is apparently pretty cool, just make companions apps for games. Voice chat, lobbies, etc should be available on an OS level.
  8. That hip movement.
  9. Uhm, yes please!
  10. Dude, if there's anyone who won't grow old alone it's you!
  11. Still waiting for the German release...apparently there is some delay in several European countries.
  12. Wouldn't surprise me, to be honest But I seriously hope for everyone who bought the game that this is not the only way...
  13. Played That's You! with a mate and his girlfriend yesterday. It was very fun Even with only three players we had a great time. Should be even better with more.
  14. Well, in my time as an Air Traffic Controller I've gotten quite good at multitasking. Focussing on many different things and voices is not a big deal for me (not trying to toot my own horn). That's why I'm able to talk, listen to my friends, listen to music, check whatever is going on on my phone and play video games at the same time. It's definitely not something I need to do. But it's something I've always done. I remember playing Diablo II years ago...I've alt-tabbed out of it and back so many times to check ICQ (oh Lord... ) and news on my browser while in the midst of a session, music playing and Teamspeak running. I like being up to date with stuff I'm interested in. And I like chatting with friends (via voice chats or texts) as much as I can. Only while playing online. When I'm with friends I almost never use my phone.
  15. Excuse me? Ingame music is off, game sounds are on. Spotify is at a decent volume. I can hear everything (game sounds and voice chat). I don't need to imagine that. It's what I do on a regular basis.
  16. Nope, during games. Even during CoD I often text people on WhatsApp or check news. Most importantly: I use the Spotify App to choose what music is playing. Voice chat via Nintendo's app would be interrupted every 2 minutes...
  17. Absolutely. I use WhatsApp, Reddit, news Apps and Spotify whenever I play games and chat with mates.
  18. I swear to God, I created a Linkin Park playlist on Spotify only yesterday...Not sure if I can ever listen to Breaking The Habit again. Linkin Park was such a big part in my teenage years. The first band I've "really" listened to. I remember memorizing In The End the day I got the album. To this day I'm able to rap and sing every single word and I will probably always be. I'm tearing up
  19. Just read that Chester Bennington commited suicide. Fuck man...Linkin Park shaped my musical taste for years. He's leaving behind 6 children and his wife...can't imagine what they're going through right now.
  20. I know. Let me have some fun. Nothing to do at work...
  21. Can't you see? This is how they move away from the bulky headset situation. (sorry, guys. This Nintendo online fiasco is absolutely hilarious to me )
  22. To be fair, the latter part I only assumed. It could also work when the phone's locked. But to be honest, I'd be very surprised if that's the case.
  23. Switch Online App FAQ Well...that's dumb. I guess locking the screen will also terminate voice chat. Have a phone charger ready, people. Oh come on, Nintendo. I still don't understand why voice chat is being done by an app. And those restrictions make it even worse. Heck, even Dreamcast had integrated voice chat. That was 17 years ago...
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