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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. When you post YouTube videos, is there a way to not make them fill out the entire area?
  2. With a little polish, this would be exactly like how I wanted the game to look like...
  3. Second Son is awesome, too. I own both, though...Gonna be a shitty month for me
  4. Next NE-Meet at my place.
  5. @Aneres11This guy, @Hero-of-Time, don#t listen to him. He sucks! Maybe. And no, Iäm not druck. Because this is not the dunrken thread.
  6. Life is good. I need to meet you guys ans drunk
  7. Hello. Time to.go Home. Wonderful Weekend. I'll try to get drunk next Weekend. Good.night!!! Suckaaaaas
  8. I don't remember anything from last night. But good to know that I'm able to use the spoiler tag when I'm shitfaced. Well...time to rest and prepare for tonight...
  9. I will.nevee Drink again. Haha. Suuuurre.
  10. Alright. I'm off to get wasted. Hope I'll be able to post in here.
  11. *comes home from the gym; checks the N-Europe Forums, as usual; reads "Secret of Mana Remake (PS4/PSVita)" in the sidebar*
  12. You perv.
  13. Serebii, you look so happy So does your lady
  14. You like Pokémon?
  15. Beta is already live. If you want to participate without pre-ordering: Create a Hong Kong PSN account The game is great. Feels very different to the CoD's I've played in recent years (Black Ops III, Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered). Can't wait for the full game mainly for the Hardcore playlist.
  16. Early weekend for me. Decided to work longer today and take tomorrow off. Gonna spend all day preparing for two nights of drinking which basically means: Sleep a lot and eat Tomorrow night: Drinking at a mate's and going to a club. Saturday night: Drinking at my best mate's girlfriend's place. Already logged in on my phone so I might be able to post some stuff in the thread for the cool people, i.e. @Nolan and @martinist. Not you @Glen-i. You don't belong in the Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!! because you're not cool.
  17. The narrator is annoying. Aside from that it looks wonderful, though.
  18. If they can manage to fuck up the balance then Sony should drop out of the video game business. They have so many games out now and in store that appeal to "hardcore" gamers...they need to release a shit ton of casual games in order to fuck this up. But...never underestimate the stupidity of people
  19. From PushSqare Fair play to Sony. They already have enough games for the "harcore" players and more coming in the future. Seems smart to appeal to a wider audience. And the games are going to be good if That's You! is any indication.
  20. It's been more than week now... Going to the gym tomorrow and just try it out slowly. I know when to stop.
  21. From its Steam page: Looks great. Can't wait to see more.
  22. Well, FFXII is still one of my favourite entries in the series. It was also partly my fault for making the hunts tedious as I haven't completed a single one until way into the storyline and then completing 17 in a row
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