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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. No idea why, but I was wrong. When I made that post I was actually only two hours in... Now I'm at 3 1/2 hours. Thank goodness I have today off, I will spent most of today playing this. It's so good. Did some exploring, got a sword familiar, still rocking my greatsword. I might switch to a different sword, depending on whether I understand my familiar correctly.
  2. 4 hours in, 3 bosses down, a little bit of farming (yes, it's what I do) and I can say: love it. Got a great sword from an enemy. It hits 3-4 times with each swing. Pretty great. Also have 7 GS shards at rank 7. It's quite strong but not overpowered.
  3. So far so good. Reached the first boss. Got my ass kicked I'm still getting used to the controls. Been a long long time since I've played a game like this.
  4. It's been 4 years since I pledged $28 to get the digital release and today's the day. Hopefully. Apparently the codes haven't been sent out, yet. Anyway. Reeeeaaally looking forward to it. This might be the last chance for a Metroidvania to rekindle my love for the genre.
  5. EXCUSE ME? First of all, the creatures are called "familiars". And secondly: I care about 'em. They're awesome. Draggle Psychophant Auroralynx Scrapdragon I love them and I'm still sad that they got rid of the mechanic in the sequel (it was still a great game).
  6. Everyone talking about what Pokémon should be in a game and I'm just sitting here dreaming of this:
  7. Listen to the beat. And you can remove the heart in the options menu (and then still rely a little on your vision). I always found it distracting. Seeing the two "beat lines" meet without the heart in the way is much better.
  8. Danny Baranowsky is awesome. Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac, Necrodancer + DLC all have incredible music thanks to him. Still one of my favourite tracks to get pumped for anything Dat breakdown at 2:07!
  9. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I meant the Wii U version.
  10. I am still shocked that they deemed BoTW's performance to be acceptable
  11. Agreed. If the entire game was 30fps it wouldn't be too bad (still unacceptable, but less jarring) but changes in fps during a game are always bad.
  12. The sequel better take place in the driest summer. Rain can fuck right off!
  13. Well...this might be the reason for my mom to buy a Switch. I'm pretty sure her playtime of Animal Crossing New Leaf is double than all of yours combined.
  14. Not for me Pretty much showed why I don't own a Switch. Aside from Cadence of Hyrule there's literally nothing of interest to me.
  15. Aside from the darker tone, which I love, I'm indifferent to the announcement. But that shouldn't be a surprise as I really didn't like BotW
  16. Good, then I won't watch it.
  17. Will Nintendo's direct be software only? I'm out of the loop.
  18. BLACKPINK's song was the best part of E3 so far.
  19. Ghost Recon: Breakpoint will probably be day-one for my mate and me!
  20. So...anything big happened at E3 so far aside from Keanu Reeves showing up on stage?
  21. Yes, I'm gonna make sure to double, triple, quadruple post in here Managed unlock the final Gungeoneer. His starting weapon changes the way how you have to play, it's awesome. Here's hoping you can somehow unlock that weapon to be found with other Gungeoneers. Edit: Yes, you can Made some progress with unlocking shortcuts to later floors. Almost done with the shortcut to floor 4.
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