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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. What the fuck? Season 3 is out?
  2. He's wrong regarding the online service. But with regards to VR I have to agree with Ronnie, they haven't really entered the race.
  3. If you wanna get as close to Rogue Legacy as you can then it's definitely Dead Cells. The game that popularized the roguelike genre is Spelunky. Spelunky HD is readily available on all consoles (afaik). A 2D action-platformer that can get quite intense. Another one in that roguelike-sidegenre is Risk of Rain. Quick, intense 2D-action. Now, if you really wanna get into roguelikes as a whole, go for The Binding of Isaac. It's inspired by its genre-predecessors and the original The Legend of Zelda. It's also one of the best games in the genre. Similar to TBoI is Enter the Gungeon. It's kind of like TBoI with guns. Highly recommended. Then there is Crypt of the Necrodancer. It takes the Mystery Dungeon games' core idea and adds rhythm mechanics to it. You move to a beat. Awesome idea, perfectly executed. The music alone makes this worth a play. Wanna go for something more tactical/strategic? FTL - Faster than light (top-down real-time - you can pause it - strategy roguelike in a space setting) Slay the Spire (haven't played this, yet, but it's supposed to be a brilliant deckbuilding roguelike) Darkest Dungeon (never gotten into it, as it's quite complex but it's a gritty, tough as nails RPG roguelike - great mechanics) I don't know which of these are on Switch, but I assume most of them are. Enjoy the best genre there is
  4. Wait, WHAT? That's awesome. Looking forward to Detroid: Become Human. Heavy Rain is a nice bonus, but I already played it back in the day and knowing the plot...well, no use in playing it again.
  5. I see. That picture kind of clears things up. Thanks There are so many things you can edit with these programs; it's insane. And I don't know anything about each setting
  6. You're living the best life. Right now, the games I'm playing don't allow for grinding. But they're awesome, nonetheless.
  7. Ultra bump. Can someone explain white balance is and what this setting is for in an editor? I started taking some more pictures and am using the RAW format. I downloaded a free program (darktable) and played around a little bit last night. In the end I only corrected exposure and used the "sharpness" setting. No idea if I made the pictures better or not
  8. This video needs to be shared...everywhere. I'm not one to share pictures/videos on Facebook, but be sure that I will share this. It's about the video game industry; I am passionate about it and everything what Jim talks about makes me furious. But here's the thing: a lot of aspects can be extrapolated (probably the wrong word....maybe projected? I can't even think of the right German word) to other areas in life - I mean, there's the IKEA example in the video. Companies prey on addiction. And I sure as hell got close to falling victim to it. Heck, I was on the verge of alcoholism a couple of years ago...I know what addiction to a physical substance feels like. And it's absolutely disgusting that addiction to non-physical substances are laughed upon and ridiculed. This is a rant. A non-reasonable rant. And I am angry right now. People need to be aware that addiction IN GENERAL is dangerous. And if someone profits off of addiction...they can go to hell. Be it in video games, be it in supermarkets, be it in casinos...fuck you and everything you do. Edit: I'm not only angry...I'm sad. Video games have been my hobby for almost 25 years. I've met so many great friends, I've connected to my dad more and more because he bought a Nintendo DS back in the days and I was always the one to help him (even in his last weeks on this planet), my mom still plays Animal Crossing on her DS and I love asking her about what she did in the game...sometimes I wake up and play 30 minutes before I have to leave for work...sometimes I skip social gatherings or studying sessions to play... Why did games that I grew up with have to adopt mechanics to prey on mentally ill people? People that cannot defend themselves against it? People that need help? I will not buy Fifa again, I will not buy CoD...while I never fell victim to those games' gambling mechanics I won't give the developers/publishers any more of my money unless they drop that shit. And it's sad...CoD with my best friend is always a blast. Fifa with my mates from football? The laughs, the banter... I don't know...I just pretty much wrote down everything that came into my head after I watched the video...
  9. Seems like they know their demographic.
  10. Oh, it's not easy for me. I'm by no means good at this game and have to restart once or twice per race. I still can't get the power boost down consistently and also don't know the level shortcuts. It's just that I don't really experience the issue of unfair AI/rubber banding. And I have no idea why... I get my ass kicked online - for every first or second place I get 15 seventh or eighth places. Thanks But in this game I'm actually the average gamer.
  11. I assume this is one of those "cheap and easy Platinum games"?
  12. Still can't say I share the same experience...my mate is the same. He actually had to start again on hard difficulty because medium was too easy for him Interesting, because the general consensus is that the AI is unfair.
  13. Just came back from Muse. They didn't play Bliss but Plug in Baby was a blast. As was the entire concert. Incredible. An audiovisual masterpiece from start to finish Matt doing the Supermassive Black Hole solo +# And Murph during the Metal Medley. Those are two of the 4 photos I took. The remaining two are blurry pictures of Murph Oh boy, I danced, jumped and sang like crazy. So was everyone around me. It was amazing And now I'm tired. Good night.
  14. Happy Birthday Hope your day was awesome
  15. Already did...played this for 5 hours straight last night. Met one other civilization and they are not friendly. They immediately closed their borders and told me to watch what I do...alright. I'll try to establish a trade deal with them and not stir up any conflicts. I may, however, want to increase my military power...just in case. There's so much to handle, it's crazy. I haven't even laid a finger on half of the mechanics. This is exactly what I wanted out of the game and I got it.
  16. Fair enough. I paid 90 bucks for standing room. Pretty sure it'll be worth it Oh boy, I'm giddy with excitement. Will arrive a little late for the support bands but I'll probably only have to wait 2 hours for Muse then. Here's hoping they'll play Bliss instead of Plug in Baby. The latter would be fine, though
  17. Bought Stellaris: Console Edition today (the Deluxe version is currently on sale for 40 bucks). I was craving a 4X game and this was supposed to be very good (despite being miles behind the PC version). Well...45 minutes in and there is so much to learn, but hey...that's 4X for you I can see myself spending a lot of time with this.
  18. Going to see Muse live tomorrow night 32°C...stadium tour...I'll be standing in the sun for 7 hours. Can't wait
  19. Can we blame them? Money makes the world go round. And apparently these journalists didn't make it their mission to uncover issues in the industry but simply want to write about gaming news. Which is fine in general, but sucks for people like us (who want to know more about the apparent issues) and most importantly: for people affected. It's weird. I really don't want to tell people how to do their job/what to do with their profession but then again, I kinda do
  20. Didn't even think about that. It's crazy to me that such a large industry isn't covered in mainstream news Maybe they get paid to "not care"? I know, tinfoil hats and all but...
  21. Disgusting. My intent to buy the next CoD dwindles. Happy to see that more and more stories like this are coming out. Problem is: the largest demographic (i.e. teenagers) don't care about this (this is not me blaming them...as a teenager back in the day I, too, had other things on my mind ) so games will sell no matter what. Gaming journalism needs to get on that shit.
  22. Bought this yesterday and completed the tutorial. So far so good. Takes a nice spin on the Gwent formular, i.e. only two lanes are available but it works. Writing is exceptionally good from what I've seen, but that was to be expected, I guess Puzzles are a cool variation from the standard battles. Will be interesting to see whether the game will be able to keep things fresh until the end.
  23. That's true. And it's stupid. Especially when the gameplay is so good. But gameplay is not what it's about, is it...
  24. It's hilarious how publishers try to copy Fortnite's success by applying this model, however, Fortnite doesn't even require you to sign in/play every day to max out everything Respawn/EA tried to do it this way with Apex Legends and got an insane amount of backlash which apparently will influence the next season positively. Here's my take on GaaS again: I don't mind it, if the game is good and the additional content is reasonably priced. GaaS for full priced games is horrible. Sadly I pretty much buy one game every year (CoD) which uses this kind of model...blame my best friend and the good times we have playing these titles Edit: Ah shit, my post created a new page...peeps: go back one page. S.C.G. posted a video.
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