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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. I do love the sweet justice in the fact they said they would reveal the Nintendo direct stuff on Sunday or Monday as a way of getting new followers, and then Nintendo took them down. If they had just slyly let the info out without the ego or arrogance, they probably would’ve got away with it. Seriously, these people are the absolute worst. The fact they have “journalist” in their twitter bio is an insult. I’d go with “an Internet nobody trying to be famous”.
  2. Wind Waker Metroid Prime Smash Bros Melee Sunshine Rogue Leader.
  3. Time for me to log off Twitter and forums, see you on the other side, folks.
  4. I really want Katana Zero, but it's currently 20% off on Steam and less than a third of the price of the Switch version...
  5. Exactly the same for me, 40 hours in, seen the final boss but yet to finish the game. I love this game so much, easily one of the best indies on the Switch. Anyone who dismisses it for being a roguelike is missing out sadly! Great OST, amazing gunplay with fantastic enemies and surprisingly deep 'lore'. I got it for about £3. If it's ever on sale again, I don't see why anyone would skip by it, certainly worth a punt, and if you end up hating it, no big loss.
  6. I was chatting about this yesterday, it makes no sense whatsoever to keep Rare Replay on Xbox. It's, what, three years old? It's draw as a console-selling exclusive is over. MS would have a million sales in week one if they released it on Switch. Probably over 5 minimum lifetime. Basically they could probably get at least a half return on the money they paid for Rare just by selling it on Switch
  7. Banjo in Smash. Rare Replay coming to Switch. That's all I need. Maybe a new Xenoblade X would be nice. Edit: @Ronnie I'm sure Cadence has just been confirmed for June 13, so you could well be right.
  8. I finally got myself a decent PC and am gaming on Steam a lot more now. Add me: NicktendoRU, still pouring half my free time into Rocket League
  9. I don’t watch Max but I also know of him. He’s the creator of my favourite YouTube video of all time. What I like most is that he just GETS how big this is and you can see his reactions are 100% genuine. After watching loads of reaction videos to this reveal he was the only one who at the who knew from the first bar of music and the stars that it was FFVII. As for Reset Era it’s obvious now it was never a gaming forum, it’s a politics forum which happens to have a gaming subsection. Seeing how some of the devs, journos and content creators have slowly subscribed to the groupthink has been sad to watch. Part of me thinks that was the plan all along.
  10. Yeah the finale was not great. Not disappointed with what happened, but hugely disappointed in how it was handled.
  11. The last episode was up there with the best for me, I really enjoyed it too.
  12. I don’t know about anyone else but, personally, I really like the endings to Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Dexter was trash after season 4 but for some reason I watched it all the way to the end... Red Dwarf is a tough one. I liked the ending to season 6 and felt they could have ended it there. Season 7 and 8 were generally bad, but I liked the ending to 8 too. The first special was awful and I’ve only seen season 10 (which also wasn’t great, bar lemons) so can’t comment on them. Ending a show is not easy it seems. Usually I feel dissatisfied (Buffy’s ending, for example, wasn’t great for such an incredible show, felt underwhelming and the awful CGI didn’t help). I’ve never seen The Sopranos but everyone and their mother knows the ending. Maybe that’s the way to do it...
  13. Picked up Shovel Knight. Got Dead Cells at launch, both games are stupendous value at those prices.
  14. That's fair enough. I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy it. I felt the same watching House of Cards S4 and 5, though the investment I put into that was nothing compared to what most people have put into GoT, so I can understand why you feel that way. It really is a shame.
  15. Would you like a glass of water after that super hot take? Thanks for expanding on your thoughts in your reply to Ronnie, great contribution to the discussion. Why was it "the pinnacle of crap"? I haven't liked season 7 or 8 from a writing perspective. As many have said, it's way too rushed and doesn't have the great build up and development that the other seasons had, also, why all the fan service? But, I think this ending was GRRM's plan all along and the hints have been there for anyone who has been paying attention. To me it was obvious in E5 that it was mostly GRRM at the wheel and it was better for it. It's such a shame that these two clowns wanted to get out and do Star Wars, they should've just handed it to someone who wanted to be there instead of leaving a sour taste in the mouth of many fans, whose criticisms I fully understand. If they didn't want to commit to 10 episodes a season they should've walked. Egotistical. narcissistic bullshit, and without the base material it turns out they're two very average writers who don't understand the art of subtlety and careful character development. E5 was anything but "the pinnacle of crap" though, from a visual perspective alone it was magnificent and... Overall, I have enjoyed this season. Along with 7, it has undoubtedly failed in reaching the heights of the previous seasons, but I am mostly satisfied with how the whole story is wrapping up, it just could have been much, much better.
  16. Gotta wait for the 16th to see this, but it's the first time in a long time I'm genuinely excited to see a movie at launch.
  17. -Banjo Kazooie -Diddy Kong Racing -Goldenye 007 -Lylatwars -Majora’s Mask Edit: totally forgot about Zelda 👏🏻
  18. What a game. Almost made my list. Could definitely be considered a distant cousin of the Oracle GBC games.
  19. Super Mario World Link to the Past Donkey Kong Country 2 (best one, fight me) Top Gear Aladdin
  20. I picked this up at the weekend as I finally managed to find it pretty cheap. I was sceptical about this game but I’ve been pleasantly surprised so far, I’m having more fun than I thought I would. Just beat Misty and she proved to be a bit of a challenge, my Pikachu fainted for the first time, sad. It’s no patch on the main games but a nice tribute to the R/B/Y series. The soundtrack is amazing, loving the remixes of the original tunes. Oh that Team Rocket logo before a battle, hit me hard in the nostalgia. Decent game.
  21. Why did I do this TWO days before the tournament starts? 😫😫 Also, OH MY GOD
  22. One of my favourite games on the SNES. Also never finished it.
  23. Pokemon RBY Wario Land Tetris Link's Awakening Donkey Kong
  24. I’m ok with this. Seen people banding about 64gb and 4K output. Ridiculous. 8gb of RAM also seems a little far-fetched, but not outside the realms of possibility. The most likely out of the 3 and would offer the most benefit in terms of cost to performance ratio. 64gb of on-board flash memory, on the other hand? No. Not when everyone and their mum can buy a 64gb micro SD card for, what, under a tenner? Nintendo loves profit margins, not going to happen. This is Nintendo. 2gb 3DS card waves hello. 4K is absurd when the two biggest flagship games don’t even run at 1080p (Zelda and Odyssey). I think aiming for 1080p60 for most in-house games and even 720/900p with a stable 30 or 60fps and a mild visual update for games like Xenoblade, Doom and Wolfenstein is a much better thing to aim at and certainly much more achievable at an acceptable price point. Fortnite, for example, running at 30fps is not cool, so get that up to 60 before thinking about 4K. Like with the Wii era and HD, 4K not in anywhere near as many homes as necessary for them to go for this now. Those” hardcore” gamers already have a PC, Xbox 1X or PS4 pro. Would I like to see BOTW in 4K? Hell yeah! But not at a $500+ price point. Plus I’d have to upgrade my TV, which I don’t want to do because I don’t have any 4K content to watch on it bar the odd YouTube stuff. Definitely worth waiting a couple of years or so until the tech becomes cheaper. It seems Nintendo implementing dynamic resolution in most of their big stuff will really help with achieving better stability (so stable - .1 increment update incoming). At a lower price point than the competition, while still offering rez bumps and better frame rates I’d be all over this, anything too pricey and I’d skip it, don’t see the immediate benefit of it at the current moment. So, if I could replace my already starting to crack Switch with something more sturdy, better designed and with the added benefit of an overall smoother (a stabler, yes stabler) experience, shut up and take my money.
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