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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 100%'d the story mode in Mario Maker 2.

    It was fun, really interesting ideas in some of the later levels with frustration kept to a minimum for the most part. Has really made me think about some level ideas for the future. Waiting for the next challenge in the Maker thread.

    Me, @S.C.G and @Vileplume2000 played through the King of Dragons this evening on the Capcom Beat 'em up Bundle and it was... an experience. I'm mostly glad they left the god-awful translations (including spelling mistakes) in the game as that provided a lot of joy. It was a mostly passive experience as we were chatting and recording a podcast for the YT channel at the same time, but the game is pretty fun. Five characters with different abilities, a levelling system and upgradable weapons. The gameplay is fairly standard, but the backgrounds can be quite interesting and change frequently (within the bounds of a "fantasy world" at least). The last level is tough, we all died numerous times, but it takes place on a Dragon's gold pile and the Dragon himself is an absolute hit-sink. Took a long time to eventually down him. The story was largely incomprehensible. Seems the Dragon wasn't posing much of a threat and our five warriors weren't out to save the world, but to just have a piece of his stash, which seems mightily unfair. 

    There are definitely better games in this collection, but the novelty of playing with others saved this game from being something I would have given up on playing by myself. I have to say as well, with the three of us being spread out across Europe, the online was sublime. Not even a hiccup or hint of slowdown. Playing with the Pokken pad was a joy, as always. I really love this game, you can feel the love Capcom has put into it and there is a wealth of options for those who want them. Difficulty can be tweaked, lives continues, filters and the EN and JP versions for all games are available. Great stuff. 

    I think I'd like to go through some more of these games (I've only done Final Fight solo thus far), so if anyone else is up for a game at some point, let me know!

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  2. I cannot speak as to what the prices of the games consoles will be, but I don't know how Microsoft can potentially offer what they're seemingly offering for $500 and walk away with a cent of profit.

    Although I skipped this gen, it's mega interesting watching how things are developing from the sidelines.

    @Dcubed's theory about a mobile style payment plan is definitely something I can see being implemented. In fact, it makes complete sense. Get a nice down payment, 24 month contract, get people hooked on the idea of "playing anything" and not owning games and you're guaranteed to get a massive number of subs in the long run. Interesting theory. Part of me hopes the go down this road, just to see how it changes the industry. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Rolled the credits on Mario Maker 2.

    Overall, I enjoyed the story mode. Some of the levels are truly fantastic without ever being painfully difficult, so it’s a nice challenge and offers something different from traditional 2D Mario games. I think I finished the castle in 5-7 hours all together, so it didn’t outstay its welcome. I still have a few levels to go through and do, so will crack on with them for the meantime. 

    The music in this game is great, especially the new tunes and when you’re in the castle grounds. Nice take on the Mario 64 theme. Loved the credits sequence. 

    It’s such a shame that 99% of the levels online (including mine) are trash 😂

  4. I feel an apology is in order for my Super Mario Maker 2 criticism now...

    I'm halfway through the story mode and starting to really enjoy it. I love the other missions that open up from the Dog and the Eraser Guy. Definitely more of a story than any mainline Mario game. Some really unique and cool ideas in some of the levels, apart from the "carry the stone to the end" ones, which can go to hell. I'm up to 50% of the castle built now and will power through to the end.

    I think I'm at the end of Super Boat Game (I like my version better :heh:) and I just cannot beat the champ. I've used a restore point and I start the last race with one boost, whereas my opponent has 9. I can manage to pick up a few along the way (it's a 4+ minute race), but it's starting to annoy me how aggressive he is. On the Outrun style sections he keeps pushing me into the buoys, and getting back onto the track is such a pain because when you try to come back in to the track limits, you constantly bounce between the buoys on each side and it takes bloody ages to get back up to speed. Frustrating as hell. I much prefer the Micro Machines style sections. I have a fully upgraded boat now and have gone 19-1 on my run to the champ, but it's proving too difficult. Still one of the best games on the service though. Great graphics for a NES game and the soundtrack is lovely. 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

    I finished listening to the podcast late last night, a nice bit of discussion on there; I enjoyed hearing about Nick's thoughts on Super Mario Maker 2 which I largely agree with, though I will try and make the effort to get into playing other peoples levels on it as well because I think that will make it well worth revisiting even if I don't end up making any levels myself, but you never know.

    Bomb Chicken has been on my to play list for a while, I already know that the game is good thanks to Hero's excellent review (also I really can't believe that was over a year and a half ago) but listening to Lee talk about his time with the game just further cements in my mind that this game is clearly worth making time for, I haven't had the game for that long because like with many titles... I waited for the physical version but I might just take it off the shelf and play it soon. :)

    A question for next weeks podcast...

    When it comes to the thought of playing new games on the Switch in portable mode versus old classics, which is more appealing to you? For instance, with the upcoming Doom Eternal do you find that's a game which you'd tend to want to play in portable mode or on the big screen? Personally, I tend to save playing newer games for on the TV but if there were suddenly N64 games available on the Switch, I think those are something which I'd tend to play in portable mode; perhaps due to the novelty. I'm curious to hear your thoughts as it's always interesting to hear about the different ways in which everyone tends to play on their Switch.

    I've no idea if this has been asked before but I just thought I'd get the question down while I was thinking about it. :peace:

    Personally, I just need to play my Switch more, that would be a good start for me. :p

    Great question, thanks !

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    You not play Skies of Arcadia or PSO makes me sad. :( Did you at least play Baten Kaitos?

    I borrowed it off a friend but didn't get far. I've never been a big RPG guy. It was Skyrim that really pulled me in, and the Switch obviously has more than you can shake a stick at. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 20/02/2020 at 10:08 AM, Hero-of-Time said:



    12 hours ago, Jonnas said:

    Your discussion on Mario Maker got me thinking, would the stylus perhaps be better suited for the Switch Lite? Just a supposition, as I own neither.

    I think the main reason I'm having this problem is the plastic screen protector I have on the screen. It makes it much less responsive to the stylus that came with SMM2. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 19 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Episode thoughts...

    • Play Skies of Arcadia! Seriously, the game is one of the best JRPGs ever created. The soundtrack, cast of characters, battle system, story and ship battles are all fantastic, as is the limited voice work. "Moons, give me strength!" "Cutlass fury!" "Fire consume my enemies!" Classic stuff. 

    I hope this is one of the games that comes via Sega Ages. I was interested back in the day but never got round to picking it up. Same goes for PSO on the GameCube. I know both a fan favourites on this forum, so I'd like to see what the fuss is about. 

    19 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • City Connection lets you run over cats? I'm in! 

    They kill you though. Annoying little shits, Conker was right. 

    19 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • Nick is now saying SNES the correct way. You see, complaining about things does make change happen.

    Haha, I'm making an effort now. If you listen to the beginning of the podcast, I paused before saying NES because I was about to say EN-EE-ESS :laughing:

    19 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • This whole thing of Japan getting extra games and free games is really starting to annoy me. Every region is paying the same price for this service but once again Nintendo seem to be favouring Japan and leaving the rest of us out in the cold.

    Yep, Japan first, it's the Nintendo way... At least we can still access it though, even if I haven't bothered personally. Should definitely be rolled out worldwide or JP should pay a premium. Annoying, I agree. 

    19 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • Yeah, Crash is definitely a difficult platformer. They get easier as the games go on but the original can be really punishing. If you are struggling now just wait until you have to do the bridge levels....
    • Out of Crash and Spyro the latter is the better of the two, IMO. I just find the Spyro games far more fun and charming. They have more in common with the N64 style platformers than what Crash does and maybe that's why I gravitate to the Spyro games more.

    My brother had Crash on his PS1 and he managed to finish it at 10 years old, so it can't be that hard :heh: I like it a lot, it is frustrating, but it's a nice game, a nice spin on the platformer genre (no pun intended). I like the variety of levels on offer - the side-scrollers, the chase level moving up or down the screen, good variety. The music is great too, but the graphics are really a disappointment for a "HD remaster". As I mentioned, I loved Spyro one back in the day, I finished it 100% on my GF's PS1, and yes, it's very N64-esque in it's execution. It feels quite dated now, even with the lick of paint, but the charm is most certainly there. I had one of the GC games (maybe Enter the Dragonfly...?), but it couldn't hold a candle to the original. 

    20 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • I also found Mario Maker 2 to be a big disappointment. Granted, I only really bought it for the campaign but what was there wasn't really worth playing. I was hoping for some challenging levels like we seen at the Nintendo World Championships but instead all we got was a glorified tutorial. To be fair I have real beef with the series. In my eyes these games will stop the production of any new 2D Mario games. I'd much rather have Nintendo's own stages to play than some random persons on the internet.

    I've put a bit more time in over the week and the single-player levels have become a bit more interesting. Played a few more levels of the guys on the forum and have had fun. I still think it's disappointing overall, and execution is a little lacking in some places, but I feel I was a bit harsh on the podcast. The championship style levels are there, just hidden away in the menus. They're definitely a highlight, along with the Zelda update. I'm gonna have a go at making a level for the next N-E challenge. 

    20 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • They do need to start adding value to their service, IMO. I'm sure we were promised discounts when the thing first launched but we've yet to see anything like that. I love how PS+ and Xbox Live give substantial discounts on new games to members. I think Nintendo could easily follow suit in this regard, especially when their own games very rarely drop in price.

    Your 5% cashback is your "discount".... :indeed:

    • Like 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, Ealdst said:

    A little idea - can you use spoiler tags when revealing a transition tunes answer? I now know the answer before I've had a chance to listen to the episode

    Yeah sure, we can ask everyone to do that from now on. Or PM Lee or myself and we can see if multiple people get it. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:



      Pics (Reveal hidden contents)














    Growing up during the NES era I like to think I have a decent knowledge about the games that were released during that time but this is a game i've never even heard of. I figured I would give it a go and I was very surprised by what i found. 

    The game is a boat racing game, with you facing off against a rival in each race. The majority of the races are standard track based races but there are a couple of occasions where all you do is a drag race. During the races the game shifts perspectives, going from an OutRun/Pole Position type view point to something seen in games like Micro Machines. I LOVED the Micro Machines games on the Mega Drive and so the latter viewpoint was my favourite and really took me back.

    While racing you can pick up cash and you also gain money for winning races, obviously. You can then put this money into your boat, making it faster and more durable in the process. I went with top speed and acceleration first as both of these were the main things needed for winning races. Things like durability and handling weren't as important and could be bought later down the line.

    This is one of those games that I think we need to see more of in the Nintendo online subscription service. Yeah, I still want the classics ( where the hell are the DKC games? ) but throwing in hidden games like this every now and then is very much appreciated.

    After playfully bashing it on the podcast, I stuck this on yesterday and thought it was great! 
    It gives me a Super Off Road vibe for the top-down sections (never played micro machines), but it's very playable. I burst out laughing at the first opponent - the "California Dude". More of this please, Nintendo. 

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  11. So I had another go at both levels again...

    And finished neither :D

    Sorry @Dcubed, that jump is just far too hard. I got fed up of starting over again and just gave up. 

    @Sméagol, I got much further into your level. I like it a lot, but unfortunately, the punishment for death became too much in the end and I ended up just giving up again. I did do that bit @Glen-i posted first time though :heh:. Cool idea, but I was a much bigger fan of the Kebab Skewer level. Punishment was much less severe and I'm not much of a fan of vertical levels anyway. 

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  12. @Hero-of-Time, I think there are still like-minded people out there who would find a place in this community and would want to put the effort in to take part in the discussion. I'm not even talking in the 10s of people, but single digits. @Julius is a prime example of a new member joining and breathing new life into some areas of the forum. Thanks for that, BTW. Your posts are always a pleasure to read. Even one person can make a big difference. 

    Man @Dcubed, your post has put a lot of stuff in perspective for me. Gaming has changed so much, and much of it has passed me by without really noticing over the past 5-6 years. That kind of complete, tightly crafted game experience really is a dying breed, and there's so much online-integration that has really changed how games are made and played. Thinking about how many F2P games I've downloaded simply because they were "free", only to find them frustrating, a waste of time, or simply a time-sink where nothing is really achieved. Think I need to change my approach to gaming a little, and I certainly feel where @nekunando is coming from when he turns his Switch on and nothing really grabs his attention. 

    I still love me long RPGs though, just wish there were more hours in the day and more tools to speed up the slow bits. 

    • Like 1
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  13. 11 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    The only thing I'm going to add is... @Hero-of-Time plays a lot of games. A LOT. Certainly more than anyone that I've ever come across. The obvious thing to do here would be to get him involved in the podcast in some sort of capacity, or at least maybe some sort of segment so that he can pass off his knowledge on to others. There are tons of games that I ended up pursuing because he tipped me off that fence and tempted me enough to purchase whatever it was that he was playing or talking about at the time. Seems like everyone is missing a trick here.

    This is a great idea... @Hero-of-Time, it's your call. I'd love to do something like this is you're up for it. 

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  14. Thanks for the honest feedback. All very valid points. We did consider doing a "best games we'd played in 2019" list, which maybe would have been better in hindsight. 

    The problem for me was the fact that up until September I was working far too much and didn't have much time for gaming. When I did, I usually stuck on Rocket League as that's my go-to game to relax and kill time. The second problem is the inflated price of physical games where I am living. I only picked up Mario Maker 2 and Link's Awakening physical last year until I got home at Xmas and got a whole bunch of 2019 games. That's slightly less of a problem where I am now, but I'm still reluctant to pay full RRP (60 Euros) for physical games when I know that they are usually 15-25% cheaper in the UK. Unfortunately, the lack of competition and online stores means that's unlikely to change. Though delivery from the UK is much simpler and cheaper now. 

    My backlog is intimidatingly large, which can also be a problem as I often don't know what to stick on. The case can be that I'll shuffle through a few games before finally settling on something. This year though, I want to finish 50 games and am on course to do so... it's just a case of sticking to it, while keeping some funds free to pick up new games (even if that means paying full price on the e-shop at launch :o or slightly over the odds for physical releases). 

    Forums are already dead to be honest, the way I see it. Sure big ones like Reset survive, but that's because the big ones still have a place among some specific circles. I'm glad to be a part of this one and don't plan on leaving any time soon. The podcast (coupled with increased YT output) was intended to be a way of trying to bring new people into the fold, but that's a very slow process and growth takes a long time. It's also heavily dependent on quality and consistency, which is something we have to be aware of and keep working at, so any feedback, positive or negative is always welcome and we'll take it on board.  

    I'm honestly surprised you didn't play Pass though. Definitely my sleeper hit of 2019. So good, in fact, that I had it on my GOTY list 7 times. Better than Fortnite, that's for sure. 

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    • Haha 2
    • Sad 1
  15. I tried all of these levels and only managed to finish @Glen-i’s so he gets my vote :D

    I played another one of your levels @Sméagol, the one with the precision jumps and the boots. Absolutely loved it. Very challenging, but not impossible, kept me coming back for one more go. 

    I might make a level next time... even though I haven’t made any on this game yet.

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  16. 1 minute ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    I've not finished the episode yet but I had a laughing fit during my drive home from work when that person wrote in and was on about stealing his Vita back. Then when the conversation moved on to watching porn on a Vita and Chris explaining how he tried to use his PSP....I completely lost it. :laughing:

    Two feet tall and seven feet wide :D

    Sacred Symbols is getting funnier by the week. There were so many hilarious moments on this episode, they have such a good chemistry together. It started off a bit shaky in the earlier episodes, but they've really found their stride now. The only podcast I listen to every week and I don't even own a Playstation.

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