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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. On 31/01/2020 at 4:03 PM, Glen-i said:

    Oh wait, I just remembered Bayo is technically owned by Sega. Man, do Platinum own any of their IP's?

    After listening to this week's Sacred Symbols, it appears they don't.

    Looks like this Tencent investment and Wonderful 101 Kickstarter experiment is the beginning of them trying to go it alone (either self-publishing or not giving away IP to publishers). It'll be interesting if they attempt to buy back any of their IP. The "Platinum 4" has really got me wondering what's coming from them in the future. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Bit the bullet on Crash and Spyro trilogies. Would have preferred them physical but when I was back home in December I couldn’t find either of them for <£30. I was reluctant to pay that because the Xbox and PS4 versions were way cheaper. 

    Anyway, both for £30 seems fair. I have fond memories of Spyro 1. Never really had much time with Crash. 

    That’s me up to 120 games now. 20 rows of icons. I’ll be long dead before the backlog is complete. 

    Edit: The camera is Spyro is offensively bad. :nono:

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Skies of Arcadia.

    Correct! Thanks to @S.C.G for choosing the music this week! 

    8 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • There were rumours a while back now that Miyamoto really liked what he seen of Plok! when he first came across it and that it was one of his favourite games on the SNES

    As far as I know, this is true. He was a big fan of it back in the day, and I'm guessing that's why Ninty published it in Europe and why it received a bit of a marketing push through official channels.

    8 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • EA have tried a few times to release games that have no microtransactions. These were part of their indie initiative named EA Originals. A part from the original Unravel game and A Way Out, I don't think they generated a lot of buzz or sales. Sea of Solitude and Fe were released with little fanfare. Yeah, EA do embrace scummy practices but they do also try other approaches with these types of games. Sadly, they fall by the wayside and are often overlooked. I'm also guilty of passing up on such titles.

    This is true, I was interested in both Unravel 2 and A Way Out (don't own a next-gen console). I don't understand why they don't push these games and market them very well. It's almost as if they don't care. Unravel 2 has been fairly cheap on the e-shop, but I still haven't bothered picking it up. I'm not against EA Originals in principle. In fact, it would be good if they helped fund indie games. Something still feels lacklustre about it though, almost like they do it through gritted teeth. 

    8 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • Like Nick, Animal Crossing is also a game I usually play on my own. I did play with members of N-E over the years on the various versions but for the most part it is a single player experience for me. I have such a weird relationship with the series. I imported the US version on the Gamecube, ordered an eReader and bought a load of the cards for it. I spent ages on that game and loved it to bits. Every other entry after that i've played but I usually get bored after playing it for a month or so. I'm not a gamer who likes a game that's a slow burn and feel like the game limits me to what I can actually do. I still continue to buy the things though.

    As I mentioned in the cast, AC on the GC was amazing. I loved every second of it. I had the US version imported (pretty sure it came out a year before the EU version). I'd been interested since seeing Animal Forest on the N64 and was gutted when that didn't make it out back then, so I snapped this up as soon as I could. Again, as I said, the DS and Wii versions didn't really do enough new for me (including removing some stuff I liked about the GC game), but they won me back over in a massive way with New Leaf. It's by far the best in the series and it's my most played 3DS game by a long way, spanning about 3-4 years of regular play. I love how much of a slow burn it is - to still be unlocking stuff after a couple of years and hundreds of hours is really appealing to me in this game. I like the fact that I can ignore it for a couple of months, come back for an event and pick up where I left off. There's no pressure to constantly play. 

    8 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • You had R4 cards for your DS....:nono: 

    My mum did :heh: I barely played the DS. I do have a soft-modded Wii though, but that is mainly for the SNES / GBA games I'd sold over the years :weep: and for running Wii / GC games off a HDD instead of a disk.

    8 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • An upgraded Switch model is the biggest fear when it comes to the Animal Crossing save. For those who do upgrade, are said people going to have to start from scratch with their island/town? For a game that requires you to play all year round and put in lots of hours in order to get the most out of it, a better solution than what they have presented is definitely needed. I have yet to pick up a Lite and was honestly thinking of picking one up (especially as they are down to £169 at the moment) for Animal Crossing but not being able to transfer the save back and forth between my main console and Lite means i'm not going to bother.
    • I'm still baffled as to why a Nintendo online subscription is needed for the whole transfer process that Nintendo have said would be used if a Switch breaks. It's your save and it's essentially being held at ransom until you pay. 

    Yeah, I've said enough about this now, but I find it baffling, and the point about upgrading / buying a new Switch is one that particularly sticks out. 

    8 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:
    • I think it was Darksnowman who was the other person playing Animal Crossing online with us. Wii Speak was awful. Look at you, Nick remembering my Geordie accent after all of these years. How touching. :D 

     They were good times! Simpler times, for sure :laughing: If I do end up getting the game down the line, I would give the online chat stuff a go... once. I'm not expecting much though. 

    6 hours ago, WackerJr said:

    Well done Sam & Mike for getting Plok!

    I’ve never played it, but here was my clearly wrong thinking from those clues last week:

    • Super Mario All-Stars: based on that VHS, but clearly those tunes weren’t from it.

    • Battletoads: again featured on that VHS and developed by Rare. Completely different style of sound though.

    • Wheel of Fortune: Rare developed a NES game and the SNES version actually thanks “Dave Lister” in the credits (Craig Charles’ character in Red Dwarf).  I thought this would be an amazing link, but sadly the game contains a grand total of just one tune in it!

    • Super Robot Wars: since Craig Charles used to present Robot Wars when I watched it... sadly nothing else about that game was like the tunes or associated with Rare.


    Still, I enjoyed the clues and my laughably failed attempts to work it out! Kudos to Nick, plus Sam & Mike for being much smarter & more knowledgeable than me!

    Well, I did try to make the clues obscure, but you have some nice ideas there - particularly about Super Robot Wars. One of the tunes I included does appear, pretty clearly, in the video, but I guess it's one of those things you had to have it as a child to really get the reference. :D

    1 hour ago, S.C.G said:

    I've just finished listening to this weeks Podcast, excellent stuff @londragon and @Nicktendo :D

    I very much enjoyed the segment about Animal Crossing, very fair and balanced on the topical stuff about the upcoming game but what I really enjoyed was the discussion about the earlier Animal Crossing titles, especially Nick recounting tales about having multiple towns on various memory cards, trading the fruits between the towns and having a 'best' town plus a 'reject' town based on which animals were in it...because we might as well admit it, we all have our favourite Animal Crossing residents. :p

    Also, you got a laugh out of me with the Podcast EXTRAS! again so well played. :grin:

    Keeping with the theme, I'm going to ask a question for next weeks podcast as I think this deserves some deeper discussion...

    Which are your favourite animal residents from each of the Animal Crossing games you've played?

    You could even turn it into some kind of game if you really wanted to, as certain residents were introduced across different games, it might be interesting to see which ones you remember from the various titles... I'm mainly referring to mainline titles as well, not really counting the spin-offs or anything mobile-based unless you wanted to include them. ::shrug:

    Well IF a direct is announced next Tuesday, I'm sure we'll have a section dedicated to predictions, and with AC likely to heavily feature, I can give me two pennies on the "best" characters. Not sure that'll be a question for Greg though :cheeky:

    • Like 3
  4. 3 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    I genuinely don't understand how two great trailers, a gorgeous looking game with tons of new additions and (presumably) a Direct still to come hasn't got you excited... all because backing up your saves is more complicated than hitting the cloud save button and there's a bit of confusion whether there'll be DLC/in app purchases or not. But to each their own. Sad to hear you won't be getting it. Personally I'm really excited and am happy to wait for more info before making a judgement call. I'm sure it'll be an 8/10+ game anyway, so I'm not too concerned.

    Potentially having a 100+ hour save file lost and having items locked behind a paywall is concerning. 

    The trailers have done little for me so far, though I’ll happily admit the game looks gorgeous.

    I’m not wasting my time with a game that doesn’t seem to respect it. If that doesn’t bother you, great. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    No I just like to call out hyperbole like that and calling this save backup thing a "disaster".

    Considering I’ve had all four mainline Animal Crossing games and consider it one of my favourite franchises, the fact Nintendo have done more to convince me not to buy this game than have to make me want it day one should say it all. 

    The messaging has been a disaster. Sure, I may be in the 5%, the 1% or the 0.1%. I don’t care. They have put me off this game completely. Will it matter to them, no. 

    So congratulations, I guess. Like I said, enjoy the game, and I’ll focus on the words I choose to describe something. If you don’t like it, by all means be sarcastic and arrogant. 

    • Like 2
  6. 25 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    Apart from the already discussed in-app purchase thing, I asked what other "countless misunderstandings" there were apart from the save data backup thing, so basically transferring data. Cool.

    You take every word only at its literal meaning. Cool. 

    • Like 2
  7. 21 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    And they said you'll get one. I'm still unsure about the "countless misunderstandings" relating to messaging, excluding the whole save backup thing which they've already said they're working on ...?

    They've released two trailers, a Treehouse Live segment and are (presumably) about to put out a deep dive Direct on the game. Not sure what else they can do to try and convince you ::shrug: 

    I "joined in" by saying how interesting it is that gamers expect deep dives on games nowadays compared to a few gens back where we would find things out by playing the game.

    The gaming community is famous for making a mountain out of a molehill. A Direct is coming, previews from outlets like IGN are coming, all I'm suggesting is people be patient. I'm ok to wait to see if the game has in app purchases or not.  ::shrug: 

    Not enough to convince me. So (presumably) I won’t buy it. 

    In-app purchasing is another misunderstanding. Cloud saves. Back-ups. Transferring data. Whether NSO is required for back-ups or transferring. Countless. 

    Where did I say I expected a deep dive? Where has anyone said that? Using your loose “gamers” term to misprepresent the people of this forum is really just so classy. 

    Magazines had previews, reviews and all that jazz. Now imagine people hadn’t been told whether they needed an Expansion Pak before Perfect Dark launched. We knew about it then because magazines told us way in advance.

    Enjoy the game. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    And previews, reviews, gameplay videos are a thing now. Doom Eternal, Ori 2, Nioh 2 are all out in a month, no one's clamouring for a 30 minute presentation on those games outlining everything they have to offer. 

    I'm obviously out of the loop, I'm unaware of the countless misunderstandings so far. Sure the save data/backup stuff but I hadn't heard of any others.

    It's posts like this that give video gamers a bad name. Seriously, just chill out. Don't lose sleep over a rating that says In App Purchases, an explanation will come.

    I 100% understand wanting to know about how game saves are going to be handled though. They've already said they're working on a solution and will have more info shortly. The game's out in over a month, all signs are pointing to a Direct next week so, I'm fine to just find out then. ::shrug:

    Read again, Ronnie. I said I don’t want / need a 30-minute presentation. I said I wanted an explanation of a mess (which it is) caused by Nintendo’s bad messaging. 

    I’m not losing sleep over it, I’m not buying this game because Nintendo have done nothing to convince me to part with my money. 

    I think raising these points is valid, considering how much Nintendo are needlessly getting wrong with the Switch, a view many people on this forum share  

    Sorry, but a gaming forum is just one place where people discuss expectations and hype. I said above I don’t care about the content of the game. Why join in and purposefully ignore points I’ve made if you have nothing to contribute other than essentially “shut up gamers”? Seems a weird position to take on a gaming forum 🤷🏼‍♂️

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    It's funny how fans expect/demand game-focused Nintendo Directs over a month before release. A far cry from back in the day where a game would come out and people would find things out by playing it. If I could resist watching it when they do have it I would, but sadly I'm not that strong willed.


    This is a completely disingenuous point. Magazines and websites existed in the 90s and 00s, you know. Information has always been out there, and it definitely wasn’t as tightly controlled as it is now by Nintendo. 

    No one is asking to know everything in an E3 blowout years before the game releases, but preventing misunderstanding like the countless ones AC has had is something that all potential customers should be able to expect. Even a general direct which had a two minute explanation on how saving in AC works would have done it. A CLEAR statement on Nintendo’s website would even be better that what they’ve said so far, which, as always, is bugger all.  

    This is particularly annoying when, so close to launch, official box art appears online which seems to suggest something and Nintendo has no official explanation to either confirm or deny either way. Made worse by the fact that this information is changing.

    A month from launch and we have more questions than answers. Now if that was about the game’s CONTENT, I wouldn’t see that as a problem at all, but this is not about content. It’s about what we’re actually going to be able to do with a piece of software that costs £50, and how much “ownership” and “control”, I guess, we’ll actually have over it. This also includes whether some features will be locked behind additional purchases. 

    Don’t confuse content with technical features / specifications. I don’t care if we see more of the game itself, I do, however, want to know what arbitrary restrictions Nintendo is going to place on me. 

    • Like 4
  10. A car. 
    Living without one is such a pain in the arse in general, and in the end I got fed up taking the bus / tram everywhere.
    My friend's dad was selling his Skoda Fabia for 1100 Euros.
    Although I've driven in Europe a few times, I've never owned my own car here. Gonna take a while to get used to changing gears with my right hand. 
    Now I can buy loo roll in packs of 24 instead of 4.

    Happy days. 



    • Thanks 1
  11. On 18/12/2019 at 4:20 PM, ArtMediocre said:

    And now people are starting to get their eyes open. I've lost track of how many posts I've read about pleople who were VR doubters and even haters, who've finally given a proper headset a go. Everyone ended up ordering one the next day, and they're losing their s**t :D. What a time to be alive!

    Add me to that list...I was wrong on the podcast.

    I played SuperHot on the Oculus Quest at the weekend. Also played The Excorcist, which was much weaker graphically (goes for a realistic look, which looks more like a "game" than SuperHot due to some low-res textures). VR is the future, not AR! What an amazing experience it was.

    Still pretty expensive though. 

    • Like 2
  12. I forgot to mention the clue yesterday...

    Probably only going to be applicable to U.K. based members (Sorry Dutchies. Not sorry Drakhon :laughing:)


    (N-E Cafe clearly coming becoming a throwback to 80s/90s actors and singers).

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  13. Still going to boycott them :indeed:



    Last month, EA's COO Blake Jorgensen said the company had more plans for the Switch and was "always" communicating with Nintendo about what else it could bring to the hybrid system. Other EA representatives have made similar comments in the past, but so far we've only seen games like Unravel Two and watered-down versions of FIFA.

    If Electronic Arts does plan to roll out more games on Nintendo's latest hardware, where's the proof? According to the Youtuber Doctre81, who has made a name for himself sifting through LinkedIn profiles, rumours about the third-party giant bringing its Frostbite engine to the Switch could still be a thing.

    EA's Motive Studios is seeking a Rendering Engineer to work on a "beloved and revered" IP and requires an individual who has experience with multiple platforms including the Nintendo Switch. 


    • Like 1
  14. 30 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

    96.9%? I think I can guess what you're missing.

      World of Light spoilers (Hide contents)

    Try fighting Galeem and Dharkon by themselves.



    I did both of them before the real final boss and was getting both confused and annoyed as to why I kept getting booted back out to the main menu :D


  15. 19 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

    I'm pretty sure that they were involved with a lot of SNES games beyond the ones which they developed themselves.

    This is true. Have a guess, what's the worst that could happen? You win the code? :cheeky:

    There has already been one correct guess (from Facebook), but I'm going to drop another clue tomorrow, so he / she has a little competition. 

    @londragon will draw the winner from a hat, so guess, guess, guess. Only send him a PM, don't post your answer here or you risk lowering your chances!

    • Like 2
  16. 4 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

    That's a fair point, but I imagine they will come up with a mechanism for that. They won't want to negatively effect any potential Switch Plus.

    That's my hope. Though I think this should have been in the thought process from the very beginning. 

    Also, if they lock a transfer behind a Nintendo Switch Online sub (which many things are already pointing to), that would be an extremely scummy move.

  17. Just now, LazyBoy said:

    Sorry for the double post. He says something in there that I fundamentally disagree with - "you cant dictate how we have fun with your game." Well yes they can, it's their game. I mean you can't go full GTA and massacre your fellow villagers - but what if you want to? Surely you have the same objection - I want to enjoy it how I want, give me a gun. 

    Sharing a village is a mechanism of the game that Nintendo want to create. You may not like it, but to discredit it simply because it removes agency from the player is to discredit any game that is a sandbox. 

    I was more referring to the fact you cannot transfer your save between one console and another. Pretty stupid if your Switch breaks or you want to upgrade.

    As for Nintendo setting the rules for their own game, I'm all for it. Though it's funny how they've taken a step backwards with this game, when other games in the same series were not as restrictive. 

  18. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is finally done! Spirit Adventure that is...

    Final Battle was really cool and pretty hard, took me three attempts. Nice cutscene at the end, and the way the main music goes into piano only towards the end of the credits is pretty awesome. 

    I'm sat at 96.9% completion, so I guess I have a few more fights to mop up.

    I have 209 spirits to collect (including a lot of the DLC / event ones which I've missed), so I guess that's the next thing I should do. 

    What an amazing game.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  19. 7 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

    I had the same problem with mine.  Bought a few replacement batteries direct from Nintendo and swapped out the one on mine; keeping the other batteries spare for the future.

    Do you know if it's still possible to get them? My NEW 3DS is about 4 years old now and the battery doesn't usually go beyond 2 hours.

    What about eBay? Amazon? or is it better to buy official ones direct from the big N?

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