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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. This week I'm gonna be talking in depth about Animal Crossing. I'm going to roll the credits tonight, K.K. is coming! 
    If anyone has any thoughts / comments about their time with the game over the past two weeks, especially those who've "finished" it, it'd be good to see how my feeling stack up in comparison. I'm very positive about the game overall, but there are a few things that could've been done better, which I guess is the general feeling on the forum. 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, sumo73 said:

    The bottom line is business is business and politics comes second. According to the WHO (don't mention ROC) Italy has a higher number of COVID-19 cases than China. :confused: Something doesn't seem right here.

    Something has to change through all of this but I wonder if it will. The UK still imports about half of it's food from overseas and yet about 1/3 of all food bought at supermarkets is thrown away. The UK depends too much on importing food and other things from various parts of the world. If you want to buy a face mask it's probably better to make one yourself than wait a month to get one from half way around the world. Being more self reliant as a country isn't about resurrecting nationalism but successive governments have allowed us to be far too reliant on others because it was cheaper and more expedient to do so.

    I know quite a few East Asian people and a few of them have had some issues from other people because of all this mess. It's not their fault (look higher up) and the blame must not be put on them. I won't get on the China bashing train.

    There’s a difference between bashing China and bashing the CCP. They need to be called out, and people who bash China and the Chinese people should be shut down.

    Self-reliance is not really possible in the modern world. Mutual respect and co-operation is, so that’s what we should aim for. And people need to be aware of how important this is. The media in Europe and the US is failing us. Why is a YouTuber who happened to live in China doing the work the media should be doing? 

    The WHO are in bed with the CCP and published information on the 14th January that there was no human-to-human transmission.

    It’s little wonder the rest of the world have handled this badly when only a month before outbreaks started, we were being told not to worry about it. Information is power, and when it is misleading, conflicting or downright fake, there is very little people, or governments, can do. 

    The WHO should be ignored. Listen to your local scientists and virologists. They should be boycotted for this alone. Reprehensible. 


    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    It's crazy what China gets up to and with zero accountability. I'd love to think that the governments of the world will kick off with them after this has sorted itself out and then take their business elsewhere but who am I kidding. Sadly, I imagine many countries and businesses will continue to work with them as if nothing has happened, despite all of this.

    I think it depends on how long this thing carries on for and how many people are affected. I think Western governments need to hit home that this problem was made in China. Not a “Chinese virus”, but the fact that the CCP actively made sure the infection wouldn’t be contained and disappeared those who spoke out needs to be pushed. It’s still happening. Critics on social media are still going missing. CCP virus is what it should be called. The fact they’ve sent faulty aid to Italy, Spain and the Netherlands is absolutely disgusting and the CCP know exactly what they’re doing. This is on top of them scouring Western countries for medical supplies in January and February. There are countless videos on YouTube with Chinese citizens buying boxes of masks and other things from the US and Australia, which is why there are so few out in the wild now. They know we can’t lock people in their homes like they did and I’m sure they’re now loving the chaos they’ve created. 

    Seems like my mum has it. I knew this was going to happen with her being in a supermarket, but thankfully she seems to be over the worst now. She’d not told me anything as she didn’t want me to worry but she’s had all the symptoms and still has a tight chest and light muscle fatigue. Her fever is gone and she has more energy than she did last week and she’s spent the last 10 days at home. She can’t get tested because she’s not in hospital. Just have to hope that no-one else in my family has got it. 

    Your point about the older people and Brexit is true, and I hope this mess is one thing that can serve to unify people a little more and get those on the extremes back into some kind of coherent reality. China lied and people died. We’d do well to not forget that fact in any upcoming election. Anyone who wants to be friends and do business with the CCP will never get my vote. They need to be cut off from the West just like the USSR was and Huawei needs to be removed from all government level infrastructure projects. 

    • Like 2
  4. Anyone who’s seen Galaxy I and II running at 1080p/60 on Dolphin will know that those games needs leaving well and truly alone bar maybe a little light texture improvement. It already looks amazing in full HD, so I hope they put the bulk of  the work into 64 and Sunshine, should the rumour be true. The pointer stuff shouldn’t be too hard to work into the joycons.

    I usually hate rumours, but this one has me so excited. The original All-stars was absolutely amazing and the prospect of having four 3D Mario games on one cart again is filling me with childlike joy. I’d happily play through all four of them to completion and start all over again without even thinking, it’s been years since I touched any of them. 

  5. Yeah I just talked to him again and could ask him to move in - "Not right now, Nick". OK mate. Probably won't bother doing it for three days :laughing:

    9 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Apparently it takes 3 days or so of you doing tasks for them until they move in.


    13 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

    Maybe you can try use it again tomorrow?


    8 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    Hooray, finally some new music!

    A real shame paths are unlocked so late, that's probably one of the first things I'd want to put down

    I'm pretty sure there's a way of getting them to move in, I've not read what it is though. Better be, or else that ebay money spent on Henry and Rosie have gone to waste.


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  6. Don't be shy, give it a try!

    I'm thinking of doing a LIVE quarantine quiz this week or next on Skype or Zoom if anyone is interested, we'd get together on and pit our wits against each other in a Nintendo themed quiz which we can film for the N-E YouTube channel. Anyone interested in taking part? Should only be an hour max, but you'll get the official title of Smartest N-E forum member if you win. Can potentially do any day of the week 7-10pm U.K. time. There'll be mix of questions, general knowledge, guess the song, cropped screenshots etc. 

    Ideally we'd have a minimum of four players, more would be welcome. 

    • Like 1
  7. Happy birthday to @ScottishGamecubeInIreland

    Not only is this good stuff because someone, probably in Ireland, is having a birthday, but it’s also good stuff because it’s my new favourite forum name. 

    18 posts, we hardly knew ye. 

    Edit: Birthday shout out also to @Small Ambulance

    The profile picture caps it off. I would like to know both of these people. Was choosing a good forum name really that difficult in the mid-late 2000s? 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Julius said:

    Yep, while I'm enjoying my time with the game, the QoL patch notes from the next update almost writes itself; there are definitely a few things which occasionally throw me off, and which I'd love to see ironed out moving forwards. 

    Off the top of my head for now, the main ones would be:

    - a gauge or something for the remaining "life" of a tool would be neat, or a way to perhaps "mend" the tool by working on it with similar materials before it breaks. It just saves me using a tool until it breaks while I'm on the opposite side of my island, or worse yet, out on my daily trips to other islands in the hunt for better items. 

    - placing multiple items into storage in your home, and, vice versa, taking multiple items out of storage and putting them into your pockets. Basically anything which takes time away from me exploring the island(s) could probably be streamlined to some extent.

    - maybe it's only because I change clothes every day when I boot up the game, but selecting items from your wardrobe and seeing your villager wear them gives the impression that they are now wearing that item, so I press B to back out, almost every time! Instead, this not only cancels my outfit selections, but takes me out of the wardrobe!

    Just really little things. Correct me if I'm missing something, by all means; I mean, I did only just realise that you can rearrange items in your pockets (haven't really had a reason to do so, but after writing this, was just playing around) :laughing:

    I've also read somewhere that you can't work on custom designs with the touch screen? Haven't tested myself yet as have only really been playing docked, but that seems like a bit of an odd decision if it's true. 

    But yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm loving my time with the game! :D

    The three QOL updates are all stuff I'd welcome, particularly when changing. I've done that each and every time. 

    As far as I'm aware, the only way to use touch input for the custom designs is by using New Leaf on the 3DS....


    © Nintendo 1999.

    • Haha 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Sheikah said:


    Who here didn't already play it when it was on Wii, or later on 3DS? Feels like they're really milking this one.

    I had it on Wii and never really played it. 

    Bought it on 3DS but the graphics put me off completely. 

    Finally, a version I can sink my teeth into... Hats off to Nintendo for convincing me to buy this game for a third time :indeed: (the 3DS one was really unplayable to be fair). 

    • Thanks 1
  10. Yeah so I should probably play this again. It's been three weeks already...

    Fantastic free update and completely out of the blue. Glad Nintendo are still supporting this game, this update is really, really good. 

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