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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 5 hours ago, Jonnas said:

    Currently on minute 42, but not much to say... Just a transition tune guess:

      TT guess (Reveal hidden contents)


    Also, a more general thing: how difficult would it be to include time stamps, even if just in text? For example, I don't care much for Animal Crossing, so I don't care for the updates at the beginning, but I can't skip that part without knowing how long it is. Time stamps would also make the transition tunes easier to go back to and listen again.

    Do you mean time stamps for individual news items? If so, we can certainly do that for the bigger news pieces.

    15 minutes ago, WackerJr said:

    Haha, you’re right there!  I’m almost relieved I didn’t know that one!

    Midway through the latest one & TT guess:

      TT guess (Reveal hidden contents)

    Conker’s Bad Fur Day - I loved this game! 😂


    Correct! I had a feeling you'd get that one :laughing:

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  2. 53 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    My shop has red, yellow and white pansies if you want seeds. Or I can spare a few of those + lillies from my island.

    Awesome, thanks. If you decide to open up this evening or go visit somewhere, I'd love to grab some seeds and a lilly or two. I'm free all evening if you'll be online, so just let me know when it's convenient for you.
    Fancy some island hopping tonight if people are opening the gates. 

  3. I forgot to mention this in the podcast, but this micro-changes that Nintendo are making are really starting to bug me (no pun intended). 

    I just don't see the point in it. I'm not one who's going after fish and bugs as I have no desire to spend time doing those activities and fill out my collection in a hurry, but the chances of me seeing any of the rare bugs have been drastically cut, and why? It's completely pointless. What are they even attempting to achieve with this? People will just find new ways of making money (if that really is what they're trying to curb). It's so unbelievably dumb that they need to go into the code and change these things as a reaction to what some people are doing. Why change the game for everyone because of a few isolated loud mouths on Twitter? It simply suggests to me that Nintendo lack confidence in their own product and prefer to dictate how people should play rather than let people organically experience the game they have built.

    The more time goes by, the less I'm finding enjoyment in this game. I honestly dislike the fact that everyone is experiencing everything at the same time, often on the same day. It feels too staged and far less of an individual, organic experience (which I would argue AC always has been). There was merit in both moving as quickly as possible or stretching stuff out over time. The fact that stuff is announced on Twitter and YouTube days before it goes live completely ruins the surprise and mystery that used to be commonplace with this series. Even if you try to ignore the new stuff, you always end up finding out about it before it's in the game. If this was new content, it wouldn't bother me as much, but the fact that we essentially have a fraction of what the game used to be and Nintendo are simply updating the game to include stuff that was more often than not already part of the series is annoying. Leif and Redd should have been in from the start. Gyroids should have been in from the start. I don't see the value in "23rd of April, Redd is coming to visit everyone". It's much more interesting when a couple of people get him and everyone else either has to wait or travel to that island. Maybe some will disagree, but that's how I see it. 

    The game feels more like a live service than an Animal Crossing game. For me, that is simply disappointing. I do love this game and feel the new stuff they have added and the wealth of options you have is a good step forward, but the cut content and "events" are a huge regression in my book. Events are good, but it feels like there's one every week or two now. I'm almost tempted to put it down for a long time and come back to it when the element of surprise and wonder will return and the "pressure" (even though it isn't really) of playing on a certain day or at certain times will largely be gone. 

    • Like 1
  4. Get ready for a 40-minute review of Xenoblade 2 this week. Two years too late, I know, but I'll definitely be interesting in hearing if the community shares my opinion on the game!

    2 hours ago, WackerJr said:

    Another good one this week.  I have no idea of the transition tunes, and the change in tone of the last one threw me even more!  Random guess:

      TT random guess (Reveal hidden contents)

    One of the Shantae games.


    Not right I'm afraid. I honestly think no-one will get it, it's far too obscure and a TERRIBLE game. @nekunando reveals all tomorrow...

    • Thanks 1
  5. 45 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:


    Sensible move. Real journalism. A far cry from the gaming centred niche which derives its revenue from hate-clicks, controversy and endless culture wars. 

    Now that he's properly funded, so to say, I'll be looking forward to seeing what he comes up with. 

  6. I've attempted @darksnowman's level a few times now and despite it being the "easiest", I have absolutely no idea what is going on at what I suspect is the end... Couldn't finish it. A visual and aural assault. :laughing: But certainly some cool ideas on the way up! 

    My vote is going to @Sméagol this month. I've now finished the level three times and each time it has become easier to pull off the tricky bits. I think I'm the only one who's finished it so far, right? 

    I'm hoping for easier entries next month :D


    • Like 1
  7. So one guy in a discord server I’m in got his Nintendo account hacked and had £100 spent on Fortnite v-bucks. Checking Twitter seems to suggest this is widespread at the moment. Make sure your accounts are locked down with two-factor authentication and that you remove any payment methods you don’t really need from your Switch. PayPal seems to have been used in most cases.

    Also, a WiiU revival may be on the cards *prays in Fils-Amieish*


    • Like 2
  8. 12 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

    Not sure why people were using it in the first place. I'd rather sell my turnips to my local Nook on a loss than queuing for an hour and pay some fee to be allowed to sell my turnips on some random island.

    Buy and sell local produce! 

    Agree with the sentiments in this thread. F the guys charging an entry fee, bells or real money. Absolute scumbags. I haven't used any of those "services" and don't plan on doing so, think we have a big enough community here. I think I'm going to have one more week of selling turnips abroad (to pay off upstairs) and then I'm going to chill on this game. I'm in no rush to do anything as I want to drag it out over time. I managed a whopping 8 points in the fishing tourney :laughing:  At that rate I'll be getting the gold trophy around the launch of Xbox Series ZX (81). 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Vileplume2000 said:

    So no winner yet, but this challenge does confirm that I don't like autoscroll levels. They are always my least favourite ones in Mario games, and I didn't feel it here either. They're just so slow, and when you die you can't rush through the bit you already know but you have to abide the scroll speed.


    I did Smeagol's level again and managed to improve my time from 21 mins to 1:58. That still includes dying (a lot), but I ALMOST had a perfect run. I've figured out how to get into the bonus room, but couldn't quite pull it off, so that's one for later. 

    I've done RedShell's level this morning. A new (but very slow) world record of 3 mins something something. I haven't found the baby face yet, but will maybe have another go later to look for it. I liked this level, not too challenging until the final section, which is fun and frustrating in equal measure, but certainly doable. I kept hugging the wall as well which was annoying :laughing: I liked the jumps with the jumpy mouse at the edge, required a bit of platforming precision. I also kept pressing R for a spin jump and ended up long jumping, that was irritating... I guess 3D World is my least played style. All-in-all, a fun level. I'm going to replay it again, and DarkSnowman's of course before I pass judgement. 

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