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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 52 minutes ago, bob said:

    I thought 4 was a bit naff, and I didn't play 5, but I like the look of Infinite.

    Supposedly they intend it to be a game platform onto which they release updates for many years to come, sort of like Destiny or GTAV online.

    Not sure if that's something I'm on board with, but hopefully the initial base game is there to begin with.

    I don't intend to buy an Xbox, so hopefully this is available on PC?

    It's coming to Steam in December.

    Despite all the noise and chatter about how bad it looks, I think the gameplay looks phenomenal. Really looking forward to it.

  2. I finished Donkey Kong Country on the SNES app today.

    Mixed feelings about this game. The music and atmosphere are the peak of Super Nintendo but the game hasn't aged terribly well in my opinion. The first four worlds are fantastic, but the game nose dives a little once you get through the snow world. I just didn't find the industrial zone and the caves as inspiring as the rest of the game (though that could just be nostalgia speaking). There is no doubt the collision detection is simply awful, a result of the technology used, I'm sure, but there were numerous silly or cheap deaths, something I wouldn't expect from Super Mario World, for example. The game is still great fun though, and the level design is still consistently good, if not amazing. The bosses, however, are underwhelming and exceedingly easy. After beating K. Rool I was kind of left with a "is that it?" feeling. The game also chugs pretty badly on a couple of the levels, most notably the second level when it starts raining. Simply shocking for a 25 year old game on modern hardware, but what can you do? ::shrug:

    Having played DKC2 on the 3DS a few years ago, I can definitely say I prefer that game, but this one still has its moments. I still think it's an incredible achievement in the context of its original release, but as time's gone on, I do feel it was maybe carried quite heavily by the initial wow factor back in 1995. The sequels are fundamental better games, especially the Returns duo, but this game will always have its place in the history books. 

    2 hours and 20 minutes for a lights-to-flag play through. 68% completion. Much, much shorter than I remember but I was speed running the early stuff which I still have pretty good muscle memory for. The temptation is there to push that higher, but I may pursue other stuff in the meantime. Really happy this game was added to the service and I'd really like to see the other two games drop, particularly the second, which is maybe my favourite SNES game. 

    Awkward ending shot snapped for @nekunando because I don't use Twitter anymore.


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  3. 16 minutes ago, will' said:

    I’ve been playing a fair bit of F1 2020, really very good but a bit strange with it now not really following the current season both in car livery and track list.

    I’m also finding this years version much harder to increase your online safety rating. With last years version I got it up to the top level quite quickly and online was.a joy to play when everyone is a considerate racer. Being back in these lower leagues with the crash-meisters is testing my patience quite a lot.

    Yeah, the A rating is much harder to get this year, it's incredibly frustrating. I got up to a high B last week and have plummeted back down to a low C this week due to an absolutely awful session last night. My performance rating is slowly going up and I've managed a few wins and a good deal of podiums, but the timewasters and crashers are really starting to wind me up. 

  4. Day 27 - Best Boss Battle 


    The original and best. I challenge anyone to say they didn't hear "So long, gay Bowser" in the heady days of 1997. I mean, it's not even close to "King Bowser". I wonder if an uncompressed version of this audio clip was part of the recent Nintendo leaks to end this debate for once and all. 

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  5. 33 minutes ago, bob said:

    Best online multiplayer

    I don't really have time for online multiplayer anymore, but the game that I probably put the most hours into was:


    Halo Reach

    Halo bores will probably tell you that the addition of special abilities ruined online multiplayer, but I loved it. There was nothing quite like pulling off a perfectly timed armoured crouch thingy and destroying the person trying to run you over.

    I hated the abilities at first, but I'm finding myself playing Reach more than any other game in MCC. I miss not being able to sprint when it's not there.

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  6. Day 25 - Online Multiplayer 

    This one is easy. The best new IP Nintendo has come up with since Pikmin and now a mainstay in their biggest sellers after only 2 games. Splatoon, for me, is proof that Nintendo can move in the right direction and go with the times while still retaining everything that makes them unique. Give youth a chance Nintendo, let them express themselves and have more creative freedom! 

    Splatoon / Splatoon 2


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  7. Imola and Portimao are coming in October!! 


    Nurburgring is also coming after Sochi. 

    Man, I'm so excited to see these two races (and Mugello as well). Finally, some tracks without tarmac runoff! Hope they have good races and finally prove that turning a circuit into a car park isn't the most exciting way of running the sport. 

    Apparently they're still in discussion about a back-to-back weekend in Vietnam and Malaysia (yes please to both). 

    This current calendar really is an F1 fan boy's wet dream. 

    Edit: Forgot to mention that F1TV Pro was made available in my country today. I can still watch F1 through my parents SkyGo account, but I might give this a go if the quality is better than Sky's 720p 30fps stream. It also means I'll never have to listen to Simon Lazenby ever again :zzz:

    It's 8 Euros a month or 65 for the year. Once my Access subscription runs out next month, I'll probably try a month of Pro.

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  8. Finished Halo: Reach this evening.

    Having only finished the first one almost 20 years ago, I loved this game. Gone are the endless corridors and repeated levels (except for one section) and there are a couple of really cool surprises mid-game that I really wasn't expecting! A much tighter experience than the original with more of an emphasis on certain set pieces rather than just wave after wave of the same enemies. Each level throws something new at you and the added abilities, while I'm not a fan in multiplayer, really add something to the campaign and allow you to change tactics on the fly. The sense of scale is just as grand as the original, and even though you don't play as the Master Chief, I thought this prequel added something to the overall story of the first. 

    Obviously I haven't paid any attention to Halo in the past 10+ years so had no idea what to expect with this game. I went in completely blind and had an excellent time with it. Around 10 hours to finish the campaign, which I think was the perfect length. I'm already close to the end of the original as I've been playing both these games simultaneously, but I'm looking forward to the other games after this one. I've only ever done the first level or two from the second and third and this one really picked up around the 3-4 hour mark, so hoping the others do too. I remember being fairly disappointed by the early campaigns in both back in the day. 

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  9. I think Sony had a better showing overall but I’m super hyped for Halo Infinite, like @Sckewi, I hope it comes to Steam. Nice to see a lot of new IP but nothing really grabbed me. Definitely didn’t sell me on a Series X but it’s good to see MS trying to go toe-to-toe with Sony on exclusives and first party games, there was a lot of variety in that pres. 

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  10. Day 23 - Licensed video game

    I'm gonna go with @Vileplume2000 on this one - Star Wars Rogue Leader

    I've never been a big Star Wars fan (only seen the first two films and Episode 1) but I LOVE a few of the games in the Star Wars franchise. This was the first game I had on GameCube and it absolutely blew me away. The visuals were stunning and the dog-fighting was amazing, be it over land or in space. I sat and played this on launch night until 8 o'clock in the morning and kept coming back for more. Never quite managed all the gold medals but got a fair few of the unlockable levels and ships. I recently played it on Dolphin and it really does hold up still. Amazing achievement on the GameCube. This opening to the first mission still looks great 20 years later.

    Additional shout-out to Star Wars Episode 1: Racer and Knights of the old Republic, two of my favourite games from that era. 

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  11. Things have slowed a bit for me. I'm still walking 4-6km every day and eating well (despite the odd couple of slips) and I'm currently down 16lbs. Considering I'd lost 13 about a month ago, I think I need to change up my regime a bit. Considering getting a bike, though there isn't much point with only 6 weeks of Summer left. I've been trying to pick up my pace when walking, I'm at 7km/h now, which is pretty comfortable, where at the start even walking slowly for 30 mins would make me break a sweat. I need to play more Ring Fit as well, it's only been a couple of times a week recently. I've been weighing in about once a fortnight, but it's frustrating when the scales barely move.

  12. 12 minutes ago, drahkon said:


    Have been wanting to get back to it for a while. Seems like a great time to do so. Might even download it on my Switch if it'll have crossplay (and maybe even cross progression?).

    It doesn’t have cross progression and the Switch version is not great. Stick with wherever else you own it. 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, Sckewi said:

    Since I finished everything in the Isle of Armor (well, except completing all the different kinds of Restricted Battles), I've been playing the recently dropped Halo 3 for PC on Legendary. So glad it's finally on PC. xD

    I've also started a YouTube Walkthrough of it, if anyone would like to check it out! I'm also at an amazingly high 27 subscribers right now xD, so if anyone can help me get to 30 (nice round number) i'd be greatly appreciated!

    Yeah so I really suck at Halo :laughing:

    This is great, thanks for sharing. When I eventually get around to playing Halo 3, this will come in handy. 

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  14. Gonna go with another weird choice which doesn't strictly play by the rules again... Sorry! :grin:

    Day 21 - Game(s) that takes you back to your childhood

    Back in 2009, I was in a tough situation with my girlfriend at the time. We'd been living together for 2 years in a house we'd bought together. I was way too young when we bought it, just before my 19th birthday, she was a couple of years older and had a bit of money from an inheritance, I'd chipped in everything I had to my name, which was about 3 grand. It was a nasty house in a nasty part of Leeds but we'd done it up quite nicely and got a dog. First two years were pretty good, until I found out she'd cheated on me with about 4 people, one of which was a friend.

    With us both being at uni (and me having no money outside 16 hours a week at Pizza Hut), I couldn't afford to move out and we couldn't change the mortgage because we had a three year fixed term. She couldn't, and refused to buy me out. I was basically trapped there with her. I'm pretty lucky to have had a good life with good friends, good colleagues and just generally never had anything to be down about. But this was without a doubt the darkest and most depressing time in my life. I was in the spare room (which we hadn't done up), sleeping on a single bed with only the dog for company, while she was out with her new boyfriend. I was in a bad head space, obviously, and was really starting to hate the whole concept of adulting. I wanted to turn back time.

    I retreated into video games to take my mind off everything and these two games, which ironically I never played in childhood, are now two of my go to nostalgia games. When I played them, they helped me forget how bad everything was and feel like a kid again. No responsibilities, just me sat on my bed in front of an old 12-inch CRT. It's weird to think about only playing these games at the age of 21, but I associate them with childhood simply for the escapism they provided me at a time when stuff was really fucking awful.

    So thanks...

    Mega Man 2 

    What was your favorite Megaman 2 boss? #80's #Megaman – Welcome To ...

    And thanks, Ristar. 


    Also I want to give a big shout out to Mirror's Edge. The only current-gen game I played much of during that time. I got it cheap and beat it in a couple of nights just before I sold my 360 to help save cash to move out. It was an absolute blast. The nostalgia is especially strong with this one. One of the happiest memories of that crappy Winter. 


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  15. Can't say I'm surprised to be honest. They're on the 6th season pass now and this seems like a much better model of attracting new players rather than charging an (admittedly small) fee for the game. Will be glad to get some legacy content for free, but I don't see this changing things too much for people who already have been playing for years. 

  16. This is too hard for me :grin:

    No shame in admitting I've welled up a few times in games. Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword and Xenoblade 2 spring to mind instantly.

    My choice is a weird one, I'll admit.

    This trailer always brings a tear to my eye, it is the perfect video game trailer and it managed to capture the hype for this game and amplify it by 11. I don't know what it is that sets me off, but it gets me every goddamn time. The music is the best Nintendo have ever produced (and the song wasn't even in the game!!!) I can't not tear up when I watch it, even now. I'll attach the "sadness" moniker to it, because while the game delivered on the hype for me personally, this trailer had a better storyline than the actual game itself. The "sadness" comes from the game outstripping expectations on every front, bar the story. It could have been so much more. 


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  17. Day 19 - Best Melee Combat

    I was close to choosing Smash or Bayonetta, like Dennis. But this gets the vote from me. Some of the most amazing boss fights in gaming. Requires an immense amount of skill and dexterity to beat the later bosses. I don't think I have it in me to beat this game 116%, but I love the fact that this game isn't afraid to make lofty demands of the player.

    Hollow Knight 


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