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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 1 hour ago, Julius said:

    Oh dang, that's a meaty patch, best make sure I've got that downloading too :blank: enjoy! 

    Also, got to say I appreciate there being a reversible cover with the female protagonist. 

    EDIT: also just a heads-up to those playing/will be playing, I've been reading into the settings of the game a bit because I'm fully expecting this game to give me a bit of a headache, mostly down to the first person perspective and multiple settings (nothing serious but I just know what my head can be like at times!), and there are quite a few you might want to turn off if it either makes you nauseous or looks washed out. I read up on the PC settings but not sure if all are on the next gen backwards compatible versions, maybe someone could confirm?

    Namely, for nausea, Chromatic Aberration, Motion Blur, and Depth of Field (last one is probably going to have less of a noticeable impact than the others, depends on if it doesn't make you feel off I guess). For looking washed out, might be worth turning off the Film Grain option. Lens Flare is also an option to watch out for, another one where it depends on your tastes and how you find it I guess!

    Can definitely attest to switching off Film Grain. The game looks heaps better with it switched off.

    I'm gonna try it without Chromatic Aberration later as it's still a little blurrier than I'd like. 

    • Like 1
  2. I played for an hour on Steam last night. I've had no issues with the PC version - no bugs, no crashes, everything seems to run fine.

    I can manage 1080p30 on my PC at medium / high settings and while it's not jaw-dropping (yet) it still looks great and runs without any hiccups. HDR also doesn't seem to be properly calibrated on PC. When I switched it on, I didn't notice that much of a difference, but it definitely isn't "dark and washed out" as Stuwii said, it still looks fairly bright and colourful on my setup. 

    I've started as a Nomad and done the first mission which was fairly straightforward, followed by a pretty decent chase scene and half of the next mission. Really enjoying playing this in first person, the world feels very immersive and interactive.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Jonnas said:

    It's excellent, and worthy of standing alongside the classic Sonic games, in visuals, music, and even game-feel (even if it feels distinct enough). Classic Sonic is easier to learn (which is always a plus in my book), its physics engine is more robust, and movement is more fun to play with. Freedom Planet has deeper combat, larger and more complex levels, harder challenges, and better boss battles on the whole. In a way, you could say Sonic has a lower skill floor, whereas Freedom Planet has the higher ceiling.

    Another thing, in Sonic, there are 3 playable characters (5, if you count Mania), but they all feel like variants of the same base. In Freedom Planet, all three characters feel incredibly distinct from one another (Lilac feels designed by Sega, Carol feels designed by Capcom, and Mila feels designed by Nintendo). The level design somehow makes this variety work, and I think that's one of the most impressive things about that game.

    So yeah, I think FP holds up really well to the Sonic classics, including Mania.

    Looks like I will be buying this then!

    • Like 2
  4. Dunno if anyone has seen the F2 race, but Nikita Mazepin shouldn't be anywhere near F1. His "defence" in that race was a fucking embarrassment. Hope the FIA strip him of his super license after that performance. Only a matter of time before he seriously injures or kills someone. 

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  5. Good update overall! Trending with friends and the NSO home screen button are certainly more than we've had before!

    I can maybe see this as them laying the groundwork for a few social features that may be improved upon in the coming weeks, years, decades.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    The 3rd thing that happens is that a person finishes the game before the patch arrives, gets annoyed and then doesn't get to experience the new settings for a while because they've just played through the game. Had I picked up the collection on day 1 I certainly wouldn't have been happy if I had finished Sunshine before the update, which most likely have been what would have happened. Weren't the Cube button prompts kept in the game? If so, it suggests they were always going to add this support and if that was the case then they should have told people ahead of time. 

    As for the price drops, many have said that is unsustainable and yet this has been going on ever since the PSOne generation, which was about 20 years ago now. Sure, it's more aggressive now but that's probably because of the amount competition on each platform. Digital storefronts are even more aggressive. Just gotta look at the eShop and Steam to see the heavy discounting that goes on.

    I think for digital games, especially indies, the "wait for a sale" mentality is something the developers take into account now. Hence why we see 10% day one / pre-order discounts and not a whole lot of highly-rated stuff releasing for under £20 anymore. Wasn't Shantae 5 like £30 or something?! At least that way they pick up some big money on day one from the die-hards, and lower the cost for the rest after a couple of months. There's a few games I'm willing to get at full price (hell, I'll pay £50 for the next Hollow Knight), but I do think indie devs on the eShop know ahead of time that the real sales are going to come once the first discount is applied. I don't like this approach all that much, but the Wishlist allows me to get away with it on both Steam and the eShop. 

    I also think that's why the jump to £70 is not all that big of a deal. The vast majority will just wait for a sale and those who are super keen will jump right in. It fractures the Zeitgeist a little bit, but at the end of the day, if it didn't work, the publishers wouldn't be doing it. I've long stopped caring about paying a game in the moment. I barely consume any gaming content outside of Sacred Symbols and occasionally RFN just because I like the banter. RFN are always behind the curve anyway. I'm happy to pick up a game for a good price later on if I know I'll enjoy it, and then there are those few select series I'm ready to jump in for on day one, no matter the cost. However, that's not so I can be part of some club, it's so I can get my hands on something I've been looking forward to for a long time. I have no issues with jumping in at full price because a) I know I'll get my money's worth and b) it's an anticipated release. Everything else can wait. 


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  7. I don't see the issue if most people are prepared to pay full price for these old games. Do I like it? Not really, I haven't picked up a couple of games because of the price, namely Yoshi and the Xenoblade remaster. Nintendo themselves know the value of their own IP and they live and die by their software pricing. At the moment, they're quite clearly living. One only has to remember the Wii U, when software was slashed in price as the demand simply wasn't there (Looking at you AC Amiibo). However, the sales numbers of the "B-tier" games tells me they don't always get it right, but it is what it is.

    Once the sales for these games cross the sales threshold, they'll be released as Player's Choice titles. Until then, it's just a case of keeping an eye on in-store sales and second hand copies. You can't really blame Nintendo for maximising profit, that's their number one goal. Once they're not doing that, you'll get Odyssey and BOTW at £20, both of which have already been sold at 33% off on the eShop if I recall correctly. 

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Here's a question/topic for you guys to discuss. 

    Great question, H-o-T. 
    Do any of our regular listeners have any thoughts on this? Would be interesting to have a number of perspectives before we discuss it on Sunday morning so we can include them in the discussion.

  9. 41 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    With you playing a lot more on your PS4 you should have a spinoff podcast called N-E Other Console. What? I think it's a clever name. :p 


    I love it!

    Yeah the Game Awards have been weak for a while. I definitely won't be watching, but still hope there are some good game announcements across the board. Really interested to see some more new next current gen stuff now. A glimpse of Bayo 3, BoTW 2 or Prime 4 would leave me satisfied as a far as the moderately-sized N is concerned. 

    • Haha 3
  10. I've put in about three hours so far and if I'm being completely honest, I think I prefer the original Hyrule Warriors. This hasn't impressed me at all so far. I need to spend more time with it, obviously, but it's definitely in the "disappointing" category so far. A number of things I want to complain about but I'm going to spend more time with it before I do.

    The frame rate is still god awful. 

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  11. 9 hours ago, Jonnas said:

    The "kids watching too much YouTube" stuff goes beyond gaming, and it annoys me so much. To prevent an off-topic rant, that's all I'll say :heh: 

    Come on Jonnas, You can't dangle the carrot of a rant and then back away.

    We're all ears... :grin:

  12. I've finally listened to the episode in its entirety. 
    I was very trusting of Lee and Greg in editing :laughing:

    A huge thanks to everyone for joining us in this episode, it was a lot of fun to record and even more fun hearing everyone's Mario memories. 

    I'd love to have everyone back on in the future, and anyone on N-E for that matter, to do more listener segments. We don't have a very wide reach - around 40-50 listeners a week for the podcast and YouTube, but it is a real pleasure to make this podcast for the site. We're not professionals, but opinionated fanboys who may not always get it right, but we're all passionate about Nintendo. Thank you to everyone who listens and thanks to N-E for allowing us to chat shit for a couple of hours every week under the site's banner. 

    Most of all, thanks to @Londragon and @nekunando for making Sunday mornings easy to get up for. This past year has been an absolute pleasure. Here's to many more.

    We're always open to questions, feedback and criticism, so keep it coming if you have any comments. 

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