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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 38 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

    The more I think about this one the weirder I find it. I mean, it's Mario's anniversary, but why choose the Game & Watch as a form factor for this game? Why only throw in SMB and the Lost Levels, but not SMB2 or SMB3? Why not make a mini Game Boy with the Mario titles? Why make the juggle game black and white while the original Mario the Juggler was in colour? And what about other G&W games Mario starred in? Are they one of the 35 surprises? And the clock mixing 8 bit Mario with 16 bit Yoshi also feels wrong. So many questions. 


    • Haha 4
  2. 1 hour ago, will' said:

    I've been watching some YouTube videos and attempting to keep researching this, currently I'm looking at something like this. Two differences would be that I'll go for one of the new 3080 cards because it seems pretty great considering the price POINT. I also think I prefer the NZXT H1 case but it didn't seem to be listed there.

    What do you guys think? Anything I should reconsider before I continue on this path? I know there are other bits I need but these seemed like the ones I need to get locked down first.

    I think it looks decent, nice one!

    2TB SSD drive is a great idea, I'd suggest getting a beefy regular one for movies, music etc. 4TB won't cost much these days but it's useful to have it for tons of small files and extra space if you need it. Also recommend adding a M2 drive to that for your OS, most used programs and a few select games as even that will be much better than an SSD with loading. 512gb would be more than enough for that and a few games on rotation. 

    I have an NZXT case, and honestly, I wouldn't recommend them. Cable management is shit. Mine gets quite hot because they are designed to be "quiet" (i.e. bad cooling). They are not that quiet when the GPU is at full whack, so pretty redundant. Sturdy AF but doesn't really do what it advertises very well. I have a Radeon GPU though which generally runs hotter than a NVidia so you might be OK on that front. 

    That processor is an absolute beast, I'm so jealous :bowdown:

    1 hour ago, Happenstance said:

    One thing that’s also worth looking into is future proofing with usb c ports. 

    Just had a look at that motherboard and it has two. Most of the ASUS ROG-Strix ones do.

    The graphics card will need to be ITX compatible, that's right. No way the standard 3080 will fit in that system. Might not be one available immediately after it launches so keep an eye out for any companies doing a mini version in the next few weeks / months. You might be waiting a while to be honest, given the size of the heat sink on the regular card.

    There's some dimensions of the different cards available here: 



    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Ganepark32 said:

    I do suspect though that there'll be a much stronger lineup for next year.

    Copyright everyone (2018 + 2019) 

    You know the drill: fool me once, shame on you... :laughing:

    The direct was decent. Glad to see stuff finally announced. Happiest moment for me is the All-Stars version on the SNES app. The definitive versions of the 8-bit games. Means I can finally play them.

    Sunshine and Galaxy both looked superb in 1080p widescreen, clearly credit to their fantastic art direction. 64 looks wank. Disappointed they didn't even try to touch the textures up or something. I think all three games could have benefited from a mild lick of paint, given the original All-Stars fully upgraded the four games in the collection. Who am I kidding though, Nintendo already have your money. Lack of Galaxy 2 leaves a sour taste and the "limited availability" is abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous. Shameful from Nintendo. The more the try to imitate Disney, the further away the push me ::shrug: I'm still undecided on this game. I could just pirate all three games for free, right now. A cheap an easy port is not worth £50.

    Great that SM3DW is getting new content. That game is an absolute gem and needs to be played by everyone. I'll likely pass as my Wii U version is sat right next to me. 

    Other stuff was "meh". I'm so bored of the original SMB now, I have no interest in anything they do related to this game. 

    That Mario Kart AR game though. HOLY HELL, that looks amazing! Probably won't pick it up, because it looks very simplistic and aimed at kids but I definitely appreciate this bold new direction and hope it bears more fruit in the future. 

    Edit: Having no new original games announced for Xmas on September 3rd is a joke. If Nintendo's "big" Holiday line-up is really Pikmin 3 and a couple of Mario ports, the new console is definitely coming next year...



    • Like 2
  4. On 01/09/2020 at 10:41 PM, Jonnas said:

    Anyhoo, @Nicktendo, I'm not sure if you do handheld gaming, but I own a NTSC version of Disgaea for the Nintendo DS. The game never clicked with me, so I can sell it to you, if you want.

    Good to know you're enjoying Mark of the Ninja, excellent game. One thing I like about it is that you don't get penalized that harshly for being caught, or for killing guards (the Hitman series tends to hide unlockable weapons behind perfect runs, which can be frustrating), so you can always play the way you want. Replaying those levels by the end of the game with a more optimised kit for your playstyle will definitely be worth your time.

    The 3DS is in a cupboard somewhere and completely drained in power, I don't even know where the charger is :D Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass. I don't want to go back to a 240p screen. I may end up getting it on Switch later.

    I'm coming to the end of Mark of the Ninja now and have really enjoyed the game. I'll definitely be going back for the scrolls and the challenges once I finish the main story and I'll post my thoughts in the Gaming Diary afterwards. One of the best indie games I've played for sure. 

    9 minutes ago, WackerJr said:

    Another enjoyable listen this week.  I’m a little sad that the under-appreciated genres discussion sounds like it’s stopping as, especially the board games previously, allowed me to learn more about games I may not have considered.

    CrossCode is now on my radar following the praise you heaped on it.  I didn’t know anything about it before.

    ”The water effects are not that bad” 😂 It doesn’t bode well when that’s the most positive comment about a game! I don’t think ‘Ships’ will be putting that quote on any of the advertising for it. Or maybe they will if @Londragon ends up being the only person to review it!

    Nice one on last week’s transition tunes.  You ‘beat’ the wider audience and I certainly didn’t know it (as my wildly inaccurate guess showed!!) 

      TT guess (Hide contents)

    Mario Golf 64 (I recognise tune #4 from the series so I think it’s one of those)

    Edit: oops I see Jonas has already put in their guess for Mario Golf.


    My CrossCode recommendation came with a warning. In true internet gamer style, I was "praising" a game I've never played. I do own it, I have read reviews and seen other people's comments, but haven't actually played it myself yet, so take it with a pinch of salt. I'll be starting it as soon as I clear some other indie games off my plate first. It looks great though. 

    Transition tunes are correct - @Jonnas guessed the GameCube game when it was actually the 64 version, so you take the W on this one :laughing:. Sorry Jonnas :cheeky:

    • Thanks 2
  5. 28 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

    Nope, not as of yet anyway... I've just listened to the three tracks again, they're all so different, you'd have thought that would make it easier, or narrow it down but alas...

    Just to clarify, the game was either mentioned in this weeks podcast or a recent, previous podcast?

    I get the sense that it is a modern game... oh wait, I think I might have just got it.

      TT Guess (Hide contents)

    It isn't Super Crush KO is it?

    It probably isn't that, but I've got nothing else to go on.

    It was mentioned in this one. Super Crush K.O. basically has one song, so it's not that I'm afraid :D

    • Like 1
  6. On 28/08/2020 at 3:00 AM, will' said:

    Listened while I was working and was nice having this on in the background.

    I’ve been playing a lot of F1 too and have stepped away from my 100% career mode to do some trophy collecting. Seems like none of it is too challenging so might even manage to get the platinum if I stick with it.

    I’ve also been thinking about getting a wheel, but don’t really see the point unless you go all in. Have been looking at the Fanatec stuff but it’s quite pricey.

    I also went over to a friends place the other night and was shocked to see how fast the game loads compared to my super slow PS4, so now a PC is on my buying list.


    Yeah I'd definitely like to get a wheel too, but not something I'm looking at doing for the time being. 

    My friend has a Logitech wheel which cost him 400 Euros. Amazing to use it in racing games with incredible force feedback. Will give it a go in F1 in a couple of weeks. 

    This is why I mentioned M2 storage in the other thread, a race usually loads up in 5-10 seconds for me, whereas F1 2019 took a good minute plus on my old mechanical HDD.


    Any TT guesses this week @S.C.G @Jonnas @Vileplume2000?? 

  7. 37 minutes ago, will' said:

    This is exactly why I’ve never been into PC gaming. As soon as I feel like I’m one step in it all seems so confusing. It’s also why I worry about building my own machine, as I really don’t feel confident about buying the right thing. I do really appreciate the advice from everyone, I’m going to put together a shopping list and will post it up here for review by you guys. Thank God I have you all to help!

    Honestly I felt exactly the same. It's daunting.

    Do your research, watch plenty of build / part tips on YT, read reviews, understand how stuff works and what you need to get what you want.

    Once your self-built PC is sat running F1 in 4K, it'll have all been worth it. 

    • Like 1
  8. Definitely recommend building your own, will be much cheaper in the end. It's not difficult. I did it last year with zero experience in building PCs. Shouldn't be too hard to source parts at a good price in Singapore. YouTube videos can show you every aspect of building a PC and what to buy in terms of cases / power.

    A budget of £5K is a bit extreme, you'll be able to build a competent beast for under £2K. Mine cost me just under a grand and I can run 99% of games at ultra settings in 1080p. Other run at 60FPS in 1440p or 4K if they're not super recent (last 2-3 years). Obviously if 4K60 is your target or higher framerates, you'll be closer to or even slightly over two grand.

    A Ryzen processor is the way forward. The new models are generally better than Intel ones and priced much more competitively.

    I have an AMD graphics card (RX580) and it does the job for me at this moment in time. Nvidia cards are a little more expensive but seem to run the majority of games better. If you're wanting to play at higher framerates (120hz or 144hz), Nvidia is your best bet in cooperation with a g-sync monitor. Like others have said, new cards are coming soon, so expect the prices of current cards to drop. With a high budget you'd want something that supports Ray-Tracing to future proof yourself. Nvidia also supports DLSS, which allows games to run in a lower res and uses AI to simulate higher res, works wonders for framerates. It's hard to tell the difference in some games, amazing technology. 

    Go with M2 storage. It's still expensive, but lightning fast. I bought 512GB for £80, but it was absolutely worth it and reduces the load times massively. 

    Not to up to date on mini-systems and gfx-cards as I have have a pretty big tower. 


    • Like 1
  9. I finished Super Crush K.O. last night, the second Switch game from Canadian studio Vertex Pop and a sort of semi-sequel to Graceful Explosion Machine.

    I've got to say, these guys really know how to design a mechanically sound experience. This is some of the most fun I've ever had with a side-scrolling brawler. The combat is superb. You have basic attacks assigned to X, special attacks to Y and a gun to ZR. The latter two are limited to avoid being spammed with a fairly lengthy cool down if you over-use them. You also have a dodge on L, which can be used to absorb projectile damage or quickly get out of trouble, but this has an extremely lengthy cool down and needs to be used sparingly. Gameplay wise, it's essentially an expansion on the shmup mechanics found in GEM, but adapted for the Beat 'em up genre. You have to manage your attacks, maintain your combo and avoid damage, which sounds straightforward on paper but when there are 15+ enemies on screen it can get a bit hectic.

    The game controls like an absolute dream and feels extremely fluid and responsive. Chaining together attacks is a joy. Throw in some light platforming elements and you have a fast-paced game that makes your dart across the screen left and right to keep your combo going. Like GEM, this game is fairly simple to beat, but tough to master. Going for an "S" ranking in each of the 20 levels gets gradually harder, achieving a "perfect combo" in each stage's numerous sections is extremely tough and requires learning enemy placement and patterns. I managed to beat all of the levels on the first attempt as you're generously given 5 lives in each stage and plenty of checkpoints, but you're punished heavily by the scoring system for taking too long to finish or dying. I basically need to go back through the latter half of the game and improve some of those B rankings to an S. That would probably double the 3-4 hours it took me to beat the game in the first place.

    Each world is broken into 5 levels, 4 stages and a boss. The stages take around 5-10 minutes to finish, with a boss battle lasting about 3 minutes. Perfectly suited to the Switch's pick-up-and-play nature, but can easily be finished in a couple of sittings should you desire. Unfortunately, while the art style is nice, there isn't a lot of variety. The worlds all basically look the same, and while I appreciate the aesthetic, it gets very repetitive by the third world. New enemies are thrown into the mix as you progress, and the difficulty ramps up, but this is not true of the boss stages. You fight the same boss with slightly altered attack patterns, which makes for a pretty disappointing final showdown. 

    The "story" is a bit stupid. Alien girl kidnaps your cat, chase the alien and rescue. That's about it. Didn't feel it was really necessary and ignored it almost immediately :D However, the gameplay is super satisfying and based on that alone, I think it's a game anyone who likes a good brawler should play. While the game is short, there is plenty of challenge in the high-score chasing and it's not exactly expensive. Want to say £7.99, which is a bargain. More so if it ever goes on sale. Recommended. Looking forward to seeing what these guys come up with next. 


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  10. One of my Pro Controllers suffers from stick drift. Granted it's not as bad as the Joy-Cons and is temporarily fixable, it's still annoying. The issue is that it's really easy for dust to get into and underneath the sticks. Probably not an issue for people who clean a lot :D But yeah... not an issue on past hardware, is an issue with the Switch to compound the Joy-Con issues. 
    Great pad, good weight, good rumble, good build quality (for the most part) but the drifting and the shitty D-Pad kind of kill it for me. Infinitely better than the Joy-Cons, but I'd be up for a revision with a new console launching.

    Hope it's true to be honest, and glad that I held off on a Lite or better battery model. 

    Wishlist would definitely be a better screen (doesn't have to be 1080p, happy with 720), smaller bezels, better Joy-Con and a slightly improved CPU/GPU. Not expecting close to PS4, but ironing out some frame dips and making more consistent 1080p docked and / or 60 FPS more common across different games would be nice. 

  11. The Messenger: Picnic Panic = 100% Done.

    A nice 3 hour extra adventure which throws up a lot of new and interesting stuff. Very challenging compared to the base game. 

    Again, I'll say more later :laughing:

    But I will say it is fantastic that this DLC was free. Top stuff, Sabotage. 

    New Game + is calling...

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  12. 4 hours ago, will' said:

    Another great episode. I know you mentioned just before the Topic of the Week that it was a lot of non-Nintendo talk but honestly, I actually prefer the non-Nintendo stuff. I think hearing about that stuff from fellow Nintendo fans just fits nicely with me and I really enjoy the impartial talk about the other markets.

    The talk on Fall Guys I generally agreed with but I do think the slightly spongier controls are what makes the game. If it was pure skill it would turn into any other online game and before long I’d be out as I just can’t dedicate the time to get good enough. As it is I can see myself being able to play for a good while.

    I’ve also been someone on the fence ever since launch about Snake Pass. I will pick it up at some point, but it’s one of those games that seems easy to ignore, I’m not sure why. Was hoping I’d be helpful with the Sumo Digital knowledge, but you already beat me to it damnit. 

    I also loved the Genki Rockets at the end. Hadn’t heard that in a while so ended up listening to a few more songs for the final part of my run. Even added a couple to my running playlist!

    Given there isn't much news and stuff to play on the Nintendo front, I can see that being the case for a while, which is fine. The PodPals episode should be good, I know both me and Greg have a LOT to say about The Messenger and that was a timed console exclusive on the Switch IIRC. I've been playing my Switch a bit more recently, and with the Indie Direct yesterday, I might pick up a couple more games soon. I've had £60 sat on the eShop since April. 

    When I settled on No More Heroes for the intro and outro music I had completely forgotten about Genki Rockets. Think that song played in one of the shops in Santa Destroy. I followed them from that game and downloaded one of their albums. Absolute waves of nostalgia when I listened to it on Sunday night. It must've been about 10 years since I've listened to any Japanese music, and I updated my music playlist with a load of old stuff I used to listen to back in the Uni days. 

    • Like 1
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  13. 14 hours ago, Jonnas said:

    Not much to add on the news side of things, but I did enjoy hearing about less known platformers, especially considering the thread that @Julius started some time back.

    I actually own Dandara (haven't played it yet), and it's next on my list: a Metroidvania with a unique concept for movement. Didn't know it was also high-difficulty. I also hear it draws inspiration from Brazilian culture (the not-as-well-known part of it), so I'm looking forward to it.

    Good on Nick for starting Mark of the Ninja, love that game. I'm also taking that Snake Pass recommendation to heart, as it's the type of game that interested me from the moment I saw it. I've flirted with purchasing it several times now too, but always backed out due to various reasons (even now, I have a Switch backlog to clear first!). I'll make it a priority for next time.

    (Fun fact, besides making the Worms series, Team17 also published Yooka-Laylee)

    As for the Transition Tunes...

      TT guess (Reveal hidden contents)

    Snake Pass

    Recognized Dave Wise the moment I heard it, and wondered if you were going to bring up Tropical Freeze during the episode... but then Nick revealed the composer for this title within the same episode where we should guess its tunes!



    Snake Pass is really great! It has camera issues (classic 3D platformer problems, eh?) I've remembered who made it now, sumo digital, who've been doing A LOT of good work recently, not Team 17. It's a fun and challenging game but not a time sink. As I said in the 'cast, 5-10 hours is enough to see it from start to finish, with a little more for 100%. Well worth getting if it goes on sale. 

    Transition tunes are correct, the hints were there for those who listened carefully :laughing: David Wise is a pioneer and instantly recognisable in these tunes. Great OST.

    • Like 2
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  14. 1 hour ago, Julius said:

    I don't know what exactly I expected the outcome of all of this to be, but it was certainly something along these lines. 



    Sweeney is pure garbage. 

  15. $599 is a great price considering the hardware.

    As you mentioned though, @Julius there's nothing to really entice people to it at the moment with Halo being delayed. I'm pretty sure the contract option will be available in the US, hopefully in Western Europe too and I can see many people going for it that way, especially if GamePass and Live are thrown in for cheap (or free!). 

    I wonder what Sony will do if this is the price. They already had the PS3 launch at $599 which proved to be a colossal mistake. Yes, technically a $599 PS5 would be cheaper adjusted for inflation, but I wonder if they'll split the Xbox SX price by going $549 Digital Only and $599/$649 for the disc-based consoles.

    Interesting times ahead. I'm stocked up on popcorn. 

  16. 3 minutes ago, will' said:

    That’s a decent video in parts. He glosses over a lot of stuff but I think it’s worth a watch for those who don’t have any experience in reading and understanding legal documents like this. It would have been nice if he’d covered some of the finer points and properly got into the crux of Epic’s argument that only having one store to access all those people that is totally controlled by the platform holder may not be a completely fair practice. On the other hand the detail on the specific laws was pretty good, and showed how hard it will be to ‘prove’ anything about the claim.

    I still stand by my overall opinion that this is a good thing to test out. While I have no issues with Apple or the walled garden approach on a personal level, I don’t quite see how there is such a need to control iOS but not the Mac, though I doubt that would in any way that would be relevant as this is a case about their iOS users specifically and selling things to them.

    Ultimately it will boil down to  whether the completely integrated approach stifles competition and whether Apple should be compelled to open up parts of that market. Personally I don’t think it is, but I would like to see them ease some of the rules of the App Store with regards to how content can be packaged and distributed.

    The one about Google is also on his channel and it seems Epic have a slightly better case against Google, but still an extremely long shot. Worth a watch if you have time. It’s also revealed in that video (according to Epic) that Apple phones constitute less than 25% of the global phone market. So it is in no way the “monopoly” they are trying to present it as. 

    It’s clearer now why the Epic Game Store charges 12.5% compared to 30% across the industry. It was all part of the plan. Ironically, games are not cheaper on the EGS, and outside the “free” games Epic pays for to give away to people, the consumer doesn’t win. This is all ridiculously shady.

  17. 39 minutes ago, will' said:

    I wasn’t directly quoting you on that but fair enough. I just don’t understand why the addition of consumer freedom to choose stores would push you to reconsider using the store you currently have no issue with?

    It’s the way the iPhone and iOS is designed. On my Mac I can freely choose where to get my software from. Either through the App Store or anywhere else - what’s the difference with that?

    I totally agree Apple wouldn’t change that by choice, that’s exactly what a case like this needs to investigate it.

    You’re right, it’s not about Fortnite, it’s a much bigger industry and consumer freedom issue. I don’t really understand your point about IE, why is it not similar?

    The argument is pretty clear that it’s about allowing consumer choice rather than punishing a company. What is best for Apple will not always be best for the consumer, and that is the very point of this. Apple has become so big and controlling of everything people do that it may not be fair anymore. Why does this suddenly become a security issue?

    To be totally honest this isn’t an area I’m totally an expert on but when I say transition I mean transfer of everything you do on the device, all purchases, all content, etc. etc. That’s great you can transfer pictures and contacts but what about everything else? Of course there will be some effort involved, but I’d say with Apple it’s at the point where everything is so integrated it’s VERY difficult to do so.

    I think it’s a fair opinion that the competition is between the two ecosystems but clearly not everyone agrees with that. Like you say, nobody is going to offer to remove their control, so isn’t it a good thing to put it to the test in an official way?

    I totally agree with your comments on data privacy, and I definitely see it as a positive for Apple devices, I just don’t really see it’s relevance to this situation?

    Isn’t the answer to this in your question? When consumer choice is limited to two options, which you can’t freely move between that is not a lot of choice. Of course a smartphone isn’t a right, but that doesn’t mean consumers should be limited in how they use them or the choice offered to them.

    I don’t really get your final point, why is offering more choice to consumers who want it inconveniencing those who don’t? It’s also not about cutting down Apple or Google, just making the market fairer than it is. Of course more competition will impact them, but that’s exactly why they don’t want to open anything up and something like this is a welcome test of whether they truly are acting in a fair way towards the consumer.

    All payments made in the App Store go through Apple directly. My point in this discussion is that having a second store or third-party payments would upset that balance and pose a risk to how secure their systems are. That's why I don't think they should allow other companies access at an OS level. Touch ID and Face ID are security systems implemented at OS level, via both hardware (Apple's processors) and software (iOS) to prevent other companies having access to your CC information, and also keep your data extremely safe - the safest in the entire industry. By allowing others access, those systems are immediately at risk. It's central to the design philosophy of iOS, and one which I appreciate massively as an end-user. So it's really not as simple as just allowing more competition. What you're asking them to do is basically give up what they've spent billions of dollars and many millions man-hours investing in. People have more freedom (including different stores and the ability to sideload whatever app they want) on Android. So if that's what they want, they should buy an Android phone, but that obviously makes you more vulnerable to hacks and other nasty stuff. People had a choice for years with different OSs, and the world moved to Android and iOS. Competition existed and people made a choice. Windows didn't push their OS enough and it was missing too many apps to make a dent in the success of Android and iOS. I remember Instagram wasn't there for years and people got annoyed by it, and this certainly wasn't limited to Insta.

    The difference with Macs is that the hardware is not always developed in-house (yet). They still use Intel chips in a variety of products. Though that is slowly changing with Face / Touch ID being implemented in MacBooks and iMacs and the new MacBooks using Apple's own A12/A13 processors which have the security implemented in the chip. I expect that stuff will really change once MacOS and iOS gradually merge into one, which is likely the plan. In 5-10 years, I would say you probably won't be able to install third party apps on Mac outside of the App Store. The iPad Pro is already essentially a fast decent MacBook and it doesn't allow third party stores. Even though I don't own a Mac, I expect over the next few years that will become a more valuable to the security-concerned end-user, and I would be interested in getting one down the line for work. 

    Apple could be more consumer friendly, of course they could, but I don't think allowing others access to their security is the way to do it. I think Epic understands that, which is why we're seeing this lawsuit, and why it was unquestionably planned with their marketing video ready to go minutes after they announced the lawsuit. 

  18. 2 hours ago, will' said:

    I agree with what you’re saying, but these practices should still be examined to make sure they are consumer friendly.

    “All other options” isn’t exactly a huge amount of choice, and it assumes everyone has the spare cash to go out and buy a new device as well as transferring their content. Once you’re inside one of these ecosystems you can’t take anything out of it or move on. If you move from one to the other it’s not a smooth transfer and carry on, it’s a complete reset on how you use that type of device.

    I don’t really understand your position here. In your last post you say “Of course more freedom and choice would be better” but here you’re saying that if it were to be offered to anybody you’d be so upset that you wouldn’t buy the products anymore. Lot’s of people would love to attempt to offer something better, that’s the whole point of this case. Apple doesn’t allow you to even try and that is the problem.

    Situations like this are precisely why anti-trust laws exist, and they should be put to the test once in a while for the benefit of the consumer. Apple’s vertical integration through the entire sourcing, manufacturing, sales and after-support is pretty amazing, and are why it’s become so valuable. But it’s now of a such a size, with such far reaching integration through so many industries that nobody else can compete and consumer freedom is limited.

    The case is pretty similar to the one against Microsoft and bundling of Internet Explorer. It even cites the same laws being contravened. Something like this has been brewing for a while, and it will be interesting to see where this goes.

    “Upset” is not what I said. I said I would reconsider. It’s 2020 and China exists. Anyone who offers me good security and privacy for my data is going to get my money. 

    As I’ve already mention, the way an Apple device is designed, both software and hardware, is done with this in mind. Allowing other companies access via a store is counter to this philosophy. Why the hell would they allow something that fundamentally goes against everything they’ve invested their money and R&D into? Do you think Epic don’t know that? This has nothing to do with Fortnite, it’s about forcing a fundamental change in their security or forcing them to lower their (industry standard) 30% cut. And this is why it’s not similar to having IE pre-installed on Windows. 

    You’ve said Apple’s design philosophy is why they are so amazing and why they are so rich. Companies that do things well and create things that people want get to the top. I don’t see how punishing Apple in a way that forces them to alter their security is going to be good for them or the consumer who uses their products. 

    I moved from Android to Apple a year and a half ago and there is absolutely no real difficulty in making such a move. There are even options to transfer all your pictures and contacts across with the click of a button. It’s as smooth a transfer as it needs to be for those two things. Also, it’s a one time move. Once it’s done, it’s done. But again, staying in an ecosystem is only convenience, it’s not a prison sentence. If you want out, you’re going to have to put in a little bit of work into redownloading apps and signing in to them all again. Anyone who wants to leave ANY ecosystem, will have to wrestle with that themselves and weigh up whether it’s worth it. If it’s not, then your principles aren’t strong enough. 

    Competition, I believe, should not come inside Apple’s store or within iOS, it should come in the form of another OS. Vertical integration is why many people buy an iOS device. It is nowhere near as widely used as Android, but Apple don’t sell your data to make their phones cheaper. They are offering a product which is increasingly rare these days and actually values your data and security as something that’s not a money spinner. Android is the competition and the vast majority of the world’s smartphones are Android. There’s a reason a lot of people hate Apple, and use the “too much profit” and “too big” argument as an excuse. It is no coincidence in my view that China, the biggest abuser of personal data and privacy in the world, would try to launch such an attack on Apple. 

    How is consumer freedom limited, given that people have a choice between Apple and Android? Given that for people that have concerns about either of these companies, they can buy a phone with a different OS (they do exist) or not buy a smartphone at all? A smartphone is not a right. No one has to have one, even if having one makes life much easier. Choice still exists in terms of price and OS. I’ve already agreed that it would be better to have more choice in terms of OS, but that it shouldn’t be done by cutting down the big two or creating inconveniences for their existing happy customers. 

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