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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 17 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    That last point is still up in the air, @Sheikah. There was a bit of back and forth between a lot of people as to whether what you stated is indeed the case. It has caused a bit of confusion and Sony would do well to clarify what the situation is.

    Pretty much. I love when these reveals happen. It clearly shows which gamers have yet to grow up and get past the whole choosing a side thing. The way some have went on its as if they have stock in these consoles or something.

    As I understand the reaction to the conference has been largely negative.

    "WHERE AR THE GAEMZZ?!?!1!?"

    People are stupid. Fanboys are worse. I thought it was a really interesting talk, Cerny did a fantastic job of making complex ideas easy to understand. Also, I'm really pleased that both Sony and MS seem to be taking wildly different approaches to the next gen. It's great that they're both not focusing solely on making graphics better, but trying to cut down on load times, incorporating ray-tracing (which I am a BIG fan of, those Doom 2 and Minecraft demos are INSANE), and include as much cross-gen compatibility as they can. I think the idea of having one MS machine or one Sony machine and being able to access a really wide catalogue of games is what we need. I have games in my Steam library from 2010, all of them work on my current PC, yet I can't play Wii Sports without having a heap of different equipment. Sure BC might not be the "most important" feature, but it's one I'd always prefer to have for convenience. I'd like the industry to be in a position where if you have a modern Playstation or a modern Xbox and ALL your games from all generations work. Something I feel, sadly, Nintendo will ever get close to. 

    Given that the PC market has become much simpler for the average Joe to jump into and the costs (while still high) are not at the crazy levels of 10-15 years ago, the home console market has to stay relevant. I think exclusives will play a big role in that as well as being involved in the "eco-system". For now, outright power isn't really that important I think, and when it's all said and done, I think they'll be close. The games will win out in the end. Hopefully gamers will too. 

    • Like 1
  2. You're close to the end, finish Xenoblade 2...? Nah. 

    Maybe start Fire Emblem: Three houses then? Nah.

    Dragon Quest XI, perfect time to sink 100 hours into an apparently amazing RPG! Nah.


    OH LOOK, Final Fantasy VIII is on sale! Quick!

    "Fiiiiiithooos. Luuuuusec. Weeeeecos. Vinosec."

    The opening 3 hours of this game > Opening of FFVII. I'm having a great time.
    The junction system is way less complicated when you're not 12 years old.  

    • Like 5
  3. Tell us about Taiwan @londragon.

    11 hours ago, Grazza said:

    I can't understand why people want to mix with each other at this time.  It's like they just don't get it.  I'm still finding some people stand a bit too close to me and, worst of all, you still get idiots going out and coughing near others.


    What worries me most is the supermarkets.  I can avoid most other places, but it seems inevitable I'll be too close to someone infected whilst food shopping at some point (and obviously the trolleys are disgusting too).


    We need enforced social distancing, where everyone is instructed they have to be a certain distance away from others.  Maybe I'm oversimplifying it, but if everyone did that, remained clean, washed their hand etc we could stop it being passed on at all, couldn't we?

    Latvia passed a couple of laws yesterday. 

    Breaking quarantine (not confirmed infected): 350 euro fine.

    Breaking quarantine (confirmed infected): Up to 3 years in jail :eek:

    Not keeping at least 2 metres from others in public places: Administrative penalty (probably a smaller fine). 

    • Like 2
  4. 44 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

    Is this any good? Just found it for the equialent of £2 and don't know if I should just sell it straight away or try it out - I played Hyrule Warriors but didn't enjoy it much in the long run.

    The man to ask is @Glen-i, I'm sure he has lots of hours in this game.

    It's a good Musou. I preferred Hyrule Warriors, but I don't have much of a connection with Fire Emblem. Definitely worth giving it a go at 2 euros though!

  5. 11 minutes ago, londragon said:

    How’s the situation in Latvia at the moment, Nick?

    Quiet. I have barely been outside since Friday. My boss said the centre is a ghost town when she called me today. I'm glad people are staying at home. We're only at 34 confirmed cases so far.

    Went to the supermarket yesterday, nothing out of stock, shelves full. Nothing out of the ordinary.

    +30 moons on Odyssey. That's about it so far. Tempted to start Fire Emblem or Dragon Quest XI. (no, finish Xenoblade...).

    • Like 1
  6. Our borders are closing on Monday. Supermarkets and chemists will still be working. Shopping malls will be open for a limited number of hours and only let in a certain amount of people. Told to stay at home for all non-essential trips. I'm curious to see how this approach will compare with the U.K. in the long-run. My holiday to Berlin in May is most likely cancelled... more money for games though :laughing:

    I feel it's a good move as the cases here have tripled in the last 2 days (though that's probably down to testing being more widespread). 15 confirmed cases in my city, which is just under 1 million. Still, feels weird now that it's confirmed. The panic buying started yesterday. Long life foods and toilet roll are gone from the shelves (I really don't get the latter). Supermarkets are promising the warehouses are full, so I'm going to go down to my local one tomorrow and get enough for a week. Even though goods are still freely moving in and out, I think this will show how self-sufficient EU nations are. I don't have a lot of hope for Latvia... Almost everything I buy in the Supermarket outside dairy (amazing), meat (high quality) and a few veg is imported. Edit: Forgot the beer. The local beer is some of the best in the world.

    Found it hard to concentrate on work yesterday and today, kept checking the news and NeoGaf. Think that's a bad idea. I should probably figure out some kind of regime for myself.  

    On the upside, I have 6 weeks worth of AEW to watch, the new series of Better Call Saul and about 70 games in my Switch backlog. Expect more experimental bullshit in the podcast :grin: I should probably actually start using Ring-Fit as well...Let's get this party started!

    • Like 1
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  7. 10 minutes ago, Pestneb said:

    I do think the media have focused too much on the virus and have inflated things a bit. I don't bother reading the news any more because it's all about this virus.Yes it's not a nice one, but tbh personally with my household I'm more concerned by measles than coronavirus. It's not new but there are enough idiots exposing us all to that one's threat. With this coronavirus there's little we can do aside from being careful to clean our hands and isolate ourselves if we get ill, but with measles there are vaccines already out there. I don't know that countries fully isolating themselves is really feasible either, not long term. With supply chains we are to reliant on imports for food alone, let alone anything else. I also heard they are hoping to effectively allow controlled infection of the low risk community to help provide a sort of herd immunity to those at risk. something like 60% of the population need to be infected (and presumably survive) in order to get a reasonable herd immunity and slow the spread. That's based on an assumption that this thing will hang around and be a seasonal bug, like the flu is.

    It's not feasible long term. But if we don't want the old dying needlessly and our health services overrun, it's absolutely necessary for the next few weeks. 

    China has a lot to answer for as far as I'm concerned. They tried to hide it, punished those who talked about it and only came forward when it was too late. If it was up to me, we would be cutting all economic ties with them and getting our production out of there as quickly as possible. It won't happen, but it should. They cannot be trusted and should be boycotted by all free and open economies. 

    • Like 2
  8. 20 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

    Denmark has now closed the boarders. Only people with a real purpose (living or working in Denmark) may enter the country. And cargo trucks with food and other goods may of course enter.

    I think this is the best move for the time being. Cancel all flights for a month and get the situation under control before deciding on the next step. I'm hoping Latvia closes the border soon. We still have flights going to and from Western Europe, which seems crazy given how much it's blowing up over there. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Crazy. Have they given a reason?

    On Patreon he said he’s simply moving on. Not to something new. Assume he’s stepping away from the gaming industry. Let me see if I can copy paste. 


    First the blunt facts:
    I’ll be leaving Easy Allies and Los Angeles at the end of next month
    My last solo stream will be Friday, April 17th. 
    My last group stream will be Tuesday, April 21st. 
    My last Easy Allies Podcast will be posted on Friday, April 24th for early access and publicly on Sunday, April 26th. 

    Apologies if that was abrupt, I’ve just read a few of these kinds of posts before and the opening sentences are always excruciating as you’re just waiting to get to the bad news. 
    And I realize this is bad news in a time of rampant bad news. I have a job that I love working with people I love for a community I love and yet today I’m announcing that, after four years with Easy Allies, it’s time for me to go.
    Before anything else I need to make it clear how grateful I am to the Easy Allies community. From March of 2016, when we nervously cobbled Easy Allies together, to today, I feel like a different, calmer, more understanding person. I feel simply better. And, sincerely, not just saying this to be sweet, I owe a great deal of that feeling to this amorphous collection of funny and supportive internet viewers and commenters. I frequently think about the people who have said I’ve improved their day or week or year, and I can only offer my earnest thanks in return and apologize for putting myself first this time.

    Our team has known about my exit for a while and have been making plans to cover my absence. The Easy Allies Podcast will of course continue; Jones will nurture it like his very own podcast. Gundam streams will carry on, Damiani will produce Achieve It Yourself, and Don has promised to pick up my slack for future betting specials. No one has volunteered to take over my trash bag duties yet.
    As for my own future, I can’t say where I’m going. Not in a fun way where I have a sweet gig lined up that has to stay secret for now, I actually don’t know. Usually people who write these will say “Can’t wait to see what’s next, very excited! I’m very young baby!” but to be honest with you I’m terrified of not knowing what’s next, and that’s sort of the point.
    My fear is that your fear is that I’ll just go do what I’m doing now somewhere else. That’s not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for my life’s Main Thing, something that demands my full potential and potentially fully failing at it. Currently I feel like I’m eating french fries every day. I love french fries, I will always eat french fries, but I'm coming to realize I have to eat more than french fries.
    This is also to say that I don’t imagine I’ll disappear forever. I want to get my Main Thing established, or at least get on the path to this nebulous Main Thing, and then figure out my french fries from there. I told you I’m streaming a full playthrough of Digimon World and you better believe I’m going to follow through on that. I’m just not going to start up my own Twitch channel next week. Please understand if I’m offline for a while.  

    If you have questions, concerns, advice, or just want to make sure this isn’t a prank, I’m starting tonight’s stream a half hour early to give us all a chance to talk about everything. ( 8:30pm PT on twitch.tv/easyallies )
    Once more I’d like to thank the supporters of Easy Allies. I only have this opportunity because of everything you’ve given us. You might have noticed I’ve stopped using “Love and Respect” as a signoff in Patreon posts. Secretly I just hated seeing it used against us as the stupidest ironic checkmate in comments sections. However, I’d like to indulge in the notion one last time as I feel it’s especially appropriate in this situation.

    Love and Respect,

    Ok so I don’t read it properly. 
    Don’t know what Main Thing means...?

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 2
  10. So as the situation rapidly worsens in Europe, many of use are facing time off work, time off the streets and time spent at home. Sport has been essentially cancelled and public places like cinemas, bars and restaurants are likely soon to follow leaving us with little opportunity for fun activities and social interaction. I know the U.K. is taking a different approach to the continent for the time being, but I can see inevitable shut-downs happening as the days go by.  

    To combat the boredom, the worry and the panic that is likely to engulf our lives over the next month, I suggest we have a place where we can share Skype / Discord information (thanks , Nintendo) and arrange online gaming sessions. I know a number of people on this forum live alone or live far away from close friends and relatives and we are all facing a period of limited interaction with other people. I think getting together a couple of times a week and just sitting down for a group chat and a gaming session would be a good way of helping each other get through this time. Ironically, we've never had a better opportunity to tackle those backlogs...

    I've slowly been getting down at how the situation is changing, unlikely to be going out to work for the next 4 weeks at least as all the schools will be closed, and the prospect of spending all that time at home, completely alone, is not one I'm looking forward to. We already have Mario Kart 8 on Thursday at 8pm UK, Smash Bros. Ultimate on the same day at 9.15pm UK - I'll be joining these sessions for the foreseeable future and would suggest opening voice channels if anyone else is up for it.

    If anyone has any recommendations for any online games, post them here. Animal Crossing launches in a week. I'm already going back on my decision not to buy it, because I think sinking hours into it will help the time pass. 

    So, N-E, who's locked down? Who wants to join?

    Stay safe everybody, and let's get through this together. 

    • Like 6
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  11. 8 minutes ago, Phube said:

    I’m looking for headset advise.


    My daughter has recently got into Fortnite and wants to talk with her cousin (who plays on his XBox). Can this be achieved on the Switch via a standard gaming headset? And if so can it be wireless, or does it have to be wired?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!



    AFAIK it can be wireless if there is a dongle that goes into the 3.5mm jack. Pure Bluetooth headphones aren't supported by the Switch. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. Only seven confirmed cases where I am but watching this spread across Western Europe means it will inevitably come here too soon. 

    Looking at statistics, we’re in a better position than the U.K. to deal with extreme cases, way more ICU beds per 1000 of the population. However the population is old here, very old. Maybe not Italy levels, but it has the potential to be disastrous. 

    We have 100s of flights going to and from Western Europe. Italian flights have been cancelled for the past few days, 250 staff at Air Baltic temporarily laid off... can’t imagine how they’re going to pay the bills. People arriving on flights from badly affected countries are being advised to self-isolate for two weeks. Whether they actually will is another question. School holidays start next week and have been extended by a week. Sensible move. In about an hour they’re going to take a decision on whether to close the border. I honestly think they should, given how few cases we have and the age of the population. 

    As for me, I work from home most of the time but teach older teen kids twice a week in a language school. My next classes are in three hours and I think they’re going to be my last for the foreseeable future. No problems with supermarkets so far, plenty of stock, no empty shelves but that may change over the weekend. I might get stocked up on dry food, just in case. Lucky that it’s just me, can’t imagine going through this as a family. 

    Hopefully the numbers in Europe start reflecting Korea soon (don’t trust China’s at all) and after what will undoubtedly be a tough period, we can slowly get back to normal. 

  13. I've had my fill now. 

    My vote goes to @Glen-i, just. @RedShell's was a close second.

    Overall, some really cool levels. I finished five out of the seven. I enjoyed most of the gimmicks, particularly Glen's P-block maze, absolutely superb, feels so good when you nail it, excellent timing and spacing of those things.

    Redshell's bounce the spike ball on the trampolines was excellent, great job. 

    Dennis's level was tough, but fun to run through a couple of times.

    Lee's and Morgan's levels were both good. Sorry, Lee, but Morgan has you beat on this one. His was a little more challenging and a little less frustrating, I liked that it had a bit of variety mixed in with some tough wall-jumping. Your level would be good to speed-run, but I don't have the energy now.

    The other two levels were good as well. D-Cubed's was great until the on/off vertical bit. Absolutely no patience for that, especially when there is no set rhythm (one spike per screen, for example). The fact that there are multiple means you have to keep an eye on all of them, and on the jumps. Too difficult and not fun after 10 miserable and failed attempts

    Smeagol, I got to the spike boss on your stage. It took me ages to figure out the bit before that and get it right. There are some good jumps and some good puzzles in this level, but as always, I have no energy to go through enormous sections to get back to the point where I died again, and again, and again. Having to spend time to get back to the bit you can't do just isn't fun for me. I spent an hour on it, got as far as I could. 0.25% completion rate sounds about right. Too many hard sections, punishment too heavy for messing up.

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  14. 35 minutes ago, Dcubed said:



    And there it is! Sony have officially gone 3rd party! :D 


    Nintendo gives up on dedicated handhelds and consoles, Microsoft starts releasing their games on Nintendo consoles, and Sony are now a PC game developer.  What a crazy generation! :p 

    With this and Death Stranding coming to PC, there is literally NO reason for me to ever consider a PS4. 

    These were the two games that really piqued my interest, and now they're coming to PC.

    Good move, Sony :laughing:

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