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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 16 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    I know that I'd definitely be interested in Slay the Spire. Having this on the go would be amazing. Other than that, what is there? E.g., I've played Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey and didn't enjoy them. What about other offerings from either Nintendo as a first party studio or second party studios (to add, Mario Kart and Smash Bros are a given; these are games that I would eventually buy)? Would there be games that I enjoy? What about exclusive indies? Or indies that came to the Switch via the Microsoft deal or whatever the fuck that was?

    I can't speak for your gaming taste but we've had Cuphead and Ori and the Blind Forest from Microsoft (And Minecraft...). Both solid additions to the Switch Library and great for handheld gaming. If you haven't played Hollow Knight yet, what are you doing? :laughing: If you have, also nice to have on the go. I put way more time into Stardew Valley on Switch over Steam because handheld. I'd generally say avoid multi-plat indies that are 3D and graphics heavy (like Rocket League, for example) because they generally look awful on the Switch. I'm personally wanting all the PS1 Final Fantasy games because again, handheld as an option is mega for longer games.

    There are barely any exclusive indies but Golf Story was a lot of fun and Tetris 99 is worth it for the online sub alone. 

    I have a few indie games on both Switch and Steam and the Switch always wins out because it's just way more convenient. Be prepared to pay for that convenience though.

    As for non-indie exclusives, there are plenty. Mario and Rabbids was surprisingly fun. Xenoblade 2 is amazing. Octopath Traveller is a nice throwback to 16-bit RPGs. Splatoon 2 is still going strong and now is not a bad time to jump in. ARMS was cool but the online is probably dead now. Have a look at a list of exclusives and see what grabs your fancy. There's plenty of stuff similar to MK and Smash from Nintendo and second parties. 

    • Thanks 3
  2. As I get older, I'm definitely in favour of short games that cut down on a lot of the excess and just get down to the nitty gritty. I absolutely adored Hollow Knight which took me around 25-30 hours to finish. There is post game stuff, but I will go back to that later. Link's Awakening is another compact game that I finished in <15 hours. Perfect. However, when a long game really grabs me, I do tend to get sucked in. This doesn't happen often but BOTW took me 120 hours to do the final boss, and I enjoyed every second. On the 4th March I put in 12 hours :D  I think I was done by May, so a couple of months after release, but it was literally all I played.

    Xenoblade 2 is currently sitting at 100+ hours and I still have two chapters to go. I have dipped in and out of this a lot, and I'm coming up to the two year mark since I started. When it clicks, I can sit and play for 4-5 hours at a time, but this is pretty rare. The game has a lot of busy work, which is great for those who want it, but for me it can be irritating when I'm pretty under-levelled and just want to progress the story. The fact you need to constantly need to dip in and out of menus is annoying. Overall, I absolutely adore the game, I just can't dedicated the time it demands. 

    Since the Switch launched I've dropped a couple of longer games. FFVII, Octopath and Skyrim immediately jump to mind. I think it's better to have one long game on the go at a time and then just play a few indies or online games when the mood isn't quite there for a long session. Overall though, I'm definitely in favour of 15-30 hour experiences. Something that tells a good story from start to finish with tight gameplay that keeps busy work to a minimum. There's a time and place for a long RPG (I'm gonna pick up DQXI over Xmas), but I'd definitely recommend only having one on your plate at a time. If it doesn't grab you, play something else and pick it back up when you've beaten a few shorter games. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    You act as if Nintendo had no input. Do you think that Next Level Games woke up one morning and said "Today we're going to make a new Luigi's Mansion game" or Good Feel do the same with Yoshi? No, Nintendo go to them and commission them to make a new game for their console. What does it matter if it's an EPD team or not? Regardless of you dismissing the critically-acclaimed Mario and Zelda series, there are 6 internal development teams, a 2D Mario one, a 3D Mario one, a Zelda one, a Mario Kart/ARMS one, typically an Animal Crossing one, and a sixth one that does quirkier titles. All of them are working on games, two of them just put out Game of the Year contenders. One is currently supporting a mobile game.

    1) Mercury Steam. The backlash is real for Super Metroid.
    2) Luigi's Mansion was EAD / Miyamoto. Passing the buck. Just like they did with the original F-Zero, Pilotwings, 1080, WaveRace and the others that have disappered / been handed down to other studios and subsequently been on indefinite hiatus. Though I haven't played LM3, by all accounts it's an amazing game. Kudos to Next Level. However...
    3) Yoshi's Crafted World and Link's Awakening had horrible framerate issues. This wouldn't have happened in-house. Seal of quality? Nah. 

    Quoting myself because you obviously missed it: Second Party is a risk


    Crazy concept I know but maybe, just maybe, they're working on Mario Kart 9 or 8 DLC concurrently with Tour. A mobile game which, maybe you don't know, is also being co-developed by Bandai Namco and DeNA. You can throw up a patronising "speculation" gif all you want, funnily enough, that's what message boards are for. 


    My speculation is that this EAD studio are stuck on mobile games until the end of time. 85% output. It's the future, baby. 

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Ronnie said:

    Says the man 

    Please don't assume my gender, bigot. Am I doing gaming forums right? 


    Switch's 2 years and 9 months "pathetic"

    Wrong, the last two years. Since Jan 2018. Please read my posts with greater care. 

    Ronnie, I wrote what I though above. It's all very clearly laid out. Made concessions, accepted I could be wrong about things. I've said my piece. You chose to make personal attacks instead of discussing what I'd said specifically regarding Nintendo's first party output. We can go round in circles with you trying to one up me, or we can accept the point that Nintendo's FIRST PARTY output over the past couple of years has been weak compared to the past.


    This debate was started because it was "clear as day where Nintendo's priorities lie: in the mobile market" allegedly

    Wrong or right: They are dedicating more time now to mobile development than they did three years ago to the detriment of their switch output? I'd argue, yes. 


    In a year where they've done nothing but shove top quality Switch games down our throat

    Yes, the second party studios have done a great job, something I did actually mention in my previous post. See: The Switch is my favourite console of all time.


    just because a grand total of one internal EPD development team is currently helping develop Mario Kart Tour, and another developed Super Mario Run three years ago. Yep, clear as day Nintendo only care about mobile gaming now. 

    One out of seven studios is still just under 15% of their internal output. Quite a chunk. Mario Kart 9 would be nice. Or some more DLC for 8. Switch output of internal studios is at 85% of what the Wii U was = at the detriment. But nope, we get the absolutely scummy trashfest that is Mario Kart Tour. Care to disagree?

    Nothing you say will convince me otherwise regarding their poor output, especially when it's written in black and white in both D-Cubed's post and yours. You seem to care a lot more about words people use than the actual content of what they're saying. Re-read my previous post regarding first / second party output and let me know what you think about it because your petty insults are tiresome. Also, feel free to educate me some more. You could probably sit down and masturbate a bit afterwards so you REALLY start to feel good about yourself. Monolith is owned by Nintendo, they worked on Zelda BOTW. Are they their own company or an "external R&D" part of Nintendo? If they're fully integrated into Nintendo, why do they still have the Monolith Soft monkier and have four studios? My knowledge of Japanese is non-existent, but at a guess (we know you love to do that), I'd say they still have a certain degree of independence. Surely they should be sat next to Iwata's desk in Kyoto if they are first party? Can you tell us how much Nintendo paid them for their contribution to BOTW? How much input did Nintendo have in Xenoblade 2, because I'm going through it now and it seems to me there is a distinct lack of Nintendo's hand in that game. For the better. TELL ME RONNIE, I NEED TO KNOW. HOW FIRST PARTY ARE THEY?

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    Sorry I don't have a patronising image for the entitled, never-happy internet gamer.

    You are just too much :laughing::laughing::laughing:


    he accused me of being "detached from reality" when I said I expected PS5 to retail for about £300-400. 

    He's right.


    EPD 3: BOTW Sequel
    EPD 4: Brain Age
    EPD 5: Animal Crossing New Horizons
    EPD 8: ?? (3D Mario team)
    EPD 9: Mario Kart Tour support (at least) 
    EPD 10: ?? (2D Mario team)

    Mario and Zelda. Quelle surprise.


    We've no idea how much of the 9 team is on MK Tour and how much of it is working on an announced game. Regardless, I don't see much to complain about in the above. We've also got a big January Direct coming up shortly when they tend to do their big reveals (more so than at E3 lately)


    A lot of your posts seem to contain that. My opinion is just as valid as yours, and in my opinion, you love talking out of your arse and thinking you are right about everything.

    I'll go back to being a, what was it, "entitled, never-happy internet gamer."

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    Sushi Striker
    Super Mario Maker 2
    Ring Fit Adventure
    Brain Age Switch
    Animal Crossing New Horizons

    January 2018 - March 2020.

    Yeah, definitely healthy.... @Dcubed was right the first time. For a company of Nintendo's standards, I think that is pathetic, especially for the second and third year of a major console release. Three ports, two casual games and two sequels.

    The games they got out in the first nine months were superb. I thoroughly enjoyed my first year with the Switch. I've loved the last two years too, and it has quickly become my favourite console of all time, but something is seriously wrong if they went from (sometimes single-handedly) supporting a handheld and home console system simultaneously over the past 25-30 years to THAT. Content wise, I expected them to maintain the level of the first nine months over the course of the next three to four years.

    Honestly, at this point, I actually welcome them farming stuff out more often to second party. I think letting other devs tackle their franchises and Nintendo sort of taking on the Daddy role of watching over them will likely lead to more variation and maybe even stuff that people actually want, given their apparent reluctance to do it themselves. If that's what they're doing, great. But when many people (including myself) have a vested interest in the vastly talented FIRST PARTY (read: internal R&D) developers at Nintendo and primarily bought the console for their games and their innovation, the info above simply doesn't make pleasant reading. Something is changing at Nintendo and I'm fairly sceptical it'll work out well in the long run. That's my opinion though. I could very easily be wrong. If you like Sushi Striker and Brain Age, I'm happy for you. That's not what I'm after for my Switch, and I hope they have good stuff cooking behind the scenes. Second party development, it seems to me, is a bigger risk, regardless of how close the collaboration is. I've already seen people hoping the potential Super Metroid remake isn't going to Mercury Steam. I also definitely wouldn't want to see them making any ports in-house.



    Saying "what are you talking about?", criticising other people's choice of words to form their own opinion and replying with one word answers to those opinions is not the way to win people over to your way of thinking. 

    I can play that game if that's what you want though. 

    You'll be needing this when you join the Nintendo Defence Force. You have my axe, as well, brave warrior. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    1-2 Switch, ARMS, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2 and two Game of the Years in BOTW And Odyssey in the space of 9 months. Fine I suppose. Could do better :laughing:

    I can't quite believe the hyperbole in this thread: "Shocking, Pathetic and Sickening" to describe Switch software. 

    @Glen-i you're mixing first and second party there. A glaring example is why can OOT3D and MM3d count but not Link's Awakening on Switch?

    Xenoblade 2 is Monolith Soft, we are talking about FIRST PARTY software. They have a console on the market (one, not two) and have done almost nothing for two years. Sickening (the laughing smiley face surely gave it away... 🙄), shocking, pathetic. Read it again. Hyperbole, maybe. Opinion, yes. Compared to FIRST PARTY output over the years, it is all of those things.

    “Fine” was a reference to the OUTPUT, not the quality. They have countless studios. They could and should do more to support their hardware instead of this braindead mobile guff.

    • Like 1
  8. I knew Nintendo had been pretty quiet over the past couple of years (Switch year one was fine) but I had absolutely no idea it was on that scale. Seeing what they’ve done in the past two years alone is absolutely sickening 😂

    I really hope they’ve got a lot coming next year. Thank god the second parties have been around to pick up the slack. No wonder Q1 and Q2 were so quiet. Shocking. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    I've also reached that point with RadioFreeNintendo. I'm just finding their banter stale. James and Greg seem to be the only ones who play recent games, with Gui and John just kinda being there to fill in the numbers. When was the last time John actually finished a game? At this point he's just become a game collector. It's hard to contribute if he's not playing/finishing anything.

    Admittedly I do enjoy their banter, especially John. He is a funny man.

    I don't think I've even heard Gui speak about a game this year, always skip his bit. Just find him dry and uninteresting, and yes you're right, he rarely plays anything new. With John I don't mind that so much, his piece on Columns last week was gold. I like the chemistry he and James have. 

  10. I haven't watched NVC in a few months, but did tune in for this absolute car crash...

    "Am I being gaslit?" is the most 2019 response to any criticism, valid or no.

    Amazing to witness how far IGN has fallen. Jose, Brian and Peer had great chemistry and always put on a great show, even if there was nothing of value to really discuss. I don't even know how these four got jobs. Clueless. I thought Zach went to work for Ubisoft? That was a quick return...

  11. 16 minutes ago, BowserBasher said:

    Strange. I found it the other way round. I could never finish it in the original without a guide, but this time round, even though I didn’t really recall the route to take in the dungeon, I was able to complete it with no guide. 

    I think it took me just over an hour, with a lot of going back and forth. I really enjoyed it though, I'd forgotten everything about the layout so it felt like I was going through it fresh. It's a testament to the excellent design that it managed to provide a distinct challenge, even to a seasoned Zelda player, something I haven't really experienced in this game so far. 


    I haven't had many problems with the difficulty in this game, but it is incredibly obtuse at times. I got stuck after the 3rd... or maybe 4th dungeon, I think. I had looked all over the map two or three times and had no idea where to go next. Ulrira had told me to go to the Desert. CAN'T GET THERE MATE. CAN'T SWIM. I'd spoken to everyone at least twice to try and get rid of the goddamn honey trade item. So when I found out that there was a set of hidden stairs under grass to cross over the water to the Animal Village, I was a little annoyed and didn't feel bad about looking up how to progress online. Stuff like that is a bit of a relic, but overall I'm really enjoying everything about this game. Except the framerate, of course.


    • Thanks 1
  12. Didn't realise @S.C.G had already posted this in the Game Maker's thread. Good video though, watched it shortly after posting. Hollow Knight is SUCH a good game and watching this made me appreciate it all the more so. 

    • Like 2
  13. Yeah... Same for me. I've had seven wins since I bought the battle pass for chapter 2. I had managed seven total wins in 155 hours previously. It honestly kept me coming back... I did wonder though if the fact that Switch is "mobile only" now (i.e. separated from consoles and PC) had something to do with it. Guess not.

    Had no idea this was going on. Probably time to kick this to the kerb. Scummy bastards.

  14. The Touryst launches on November 21st for €19.99! Excited to see how it turns out, I've only played Fast RMX and Nano Assault Neo from Shin'en so it'll be interesting to see how they handle such a different genre

    I loved the debut showing it had in the Direct. I’m a fan of Shin’en’s stuff so will be keeping an eye on this.
  15. The decline of Britain over the past few years is something, you would think, came straight out of a fiction novel. Politicians and the media both deserve equal blame for the absolute state the country is in. The lies. The self-interest. The arrogance. It honestly makes me sick. 

    I've permanently checked out and won't be coming back. Got my 5-year EU residency last week, started working and paying taxes. 

    Registered a proxy vote, but at this point, I don't even think I'll bother. I'll be watching from the sidelines and counting my lucky stars I got out before it was too late.


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