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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. I loved it when it was first broke away from GAF, it was a great place with a wonderful community. It's current iteration is WAY worse than GAF ever was. Era has slowly descended into absolute madness and, sadly, has taken a lot of good people down with them. I can't even watch GameXplain anymore because they've gone hard in on the Era style politics. Having an opinion there is simply not an option, you either agree with Lord Era or you will be hit with a perma ban. Forums are supposed to be for discussion and sharing opinions, yet there isn't any of that anymore - it's just one big circle jerk of people contributing aforementioned one-liners. It adds absolutely nothing of value to gaming and, with a lot of the media on their side, is hell bent on influencing the developers to conform to their politics. It's honestly disgusting. You know what I do when a game doesn't appeal to me? I don't buy it. I don't demand the developers CHANGE EVERYTHING SO I LIKE IT AGAIN. As I said, generation entitlement.

    Still, it provides a good number of laughs every now and then, ban reasons in particular are a favourite of mine, so at least it has that going for it. I give it a year before the whole site implodes. Champagne is already on ice. 

    • Like 4
  2. They have said there will be both male and female same-sex relationships, but ResetEra are doing their usual one liners and flipping the lid ("yikes", "not a good look", "SMH", "...the f**k") because they don't have THE RIGHT kind of same-sex relationships. Basically it's limited to some characters, but not the ones that they want to be gay :indeed:

    Welcome to 2019, where NINTENDO of all companies are including great diversity options for those who want them and a bunch of spoiled brat shut-ins on the Internet are still not happy and want to burn the whole thing down. Generation entitlement.

    • Haha 2
  3. I turned my 3DS on for the first time this year after reading this thread. So much love and attention put into the OS. The themes and the music took me right back... fired up the Plaza and used up some of my Street Passes from almost TWO years ago. As great as the Switch is, it was always the little touches of genius that made the 3DS so great, it oozes personality. 

    Decided tonight I’m gonna polish off a few games from the back catalogue and get the remaining games I never got round to buying - Samus Returns and Fire Emblem Echoes top of the list! 

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  4. Man I SUCK at this game now 😂

    Had a lot of fun playing the Splatfest so far. Some of the shifty station levels are so good, unlocking gates and the like, very creative. I’m almost an Order King and will be playing a bit more tonight and tomorrow if anyone wants to join in the fun. 

  5. I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but if you don’t have your credit card information locked behind a passcode or Touch ID (a pretty simple and sensible thing to set up on any device, especially if you are sharing it with children) and you expect your gadgets to be a digital babysitter, you deserve everything you get.

    The “I’m not tech savvy” doesn’t fly anymore. Technology is incredibly user friendly and it takes 5 minutes to find out how to install locks on such stuff and another 5 to implement it. Laziness and a lack of responsibility are the only things that come to my mind with these kinds of stories. I’ve seen this kind of stuff first hand in my own family and this “oh but I didn’t know they would do that” is a pathetic excuse in reality.

    What these games are doing is abhorrent, but if the parents were responsible, it simply wouldn’t happen.


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  6. 48 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

    I’d actually imagine that the Joy-cons are pretty expensive to make.  There’s a lot of tech in them.  First off is the bespoke analog stick (there is no other analog stick design that is as compact as the Joy-con one that supports clickable sticks; the materials are probably fairly pricey), then you have a blue-tooth 5.0 module for each Joy-con, the linear resonance actuators for HD Rumble, the motion sensors, the NFC chip, the Kinect style IR camera (and the onboard SOC that processes the IR camera data), the wireless charging rails, the batteries (per-Joycon) and finally the not insignificant manufacturing costs of cramming all of that tech into such a small device.


    Most of the Joy-con components are actually gone.  All that remains is the NFC chip (which pays for itself in Amiibos) and the custom stick design.  The rest is all gone (the console’s own motion sensors and battery pick up the slack left behind though).


    Likewise, similar USB c-HDMI docks are actually very expensive (Switch docks go for about the same price as your typical equivalent dock for mobile devices like the Surface Pro).  So there’s likely a not-insignificant cost here too.


    As for the CPU/GPU? It’s just a die-shrunken version of the same Tegra X1 chip that’s in the current Switch.  Hell, chances are pretty likely that the flagship Switch model will start using them too (as it would be cheaper to manufacture just the smaller version than to continue the old 22nm node used for the current model).

    That Digital Foundry video can't come soon enough! 

    The Switch really is a genius piece of innovation. As much as a love my new gaming PC, the fact the Switch is able to do what it does off a mobile processor is frankly astounding. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, sumo73 said:

    I just think £150 is not a good price for Nintendo and of course VAT has to be added on, thanks. As I said I think £179.99 is a better price for what is essentially a gaming tablet which would be cheaper than an Xbox One S for example. At £200 I see less of an appeal especially with the competition from others. Nintendo however knows that the Switch is very popular and that it will sell at it's suggested price.

    I agree completely, £179.99 would be a much better price. It’d place it £100 cheaper than the OG version. £199 is very steep considering the functionality it offers and the relative price of the other consoles. They could compensate for this by offering a free game or e-shop voucher, though I doubt they will until Nov/Dec.

    Expensive gadgets is just something we have to get used to now, unfortunately, thanks to the pound faltering. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, sumo73 said:

    £150 is less than the current conversion from $200 dollars to pounds. I personally think £179.99 is a better price.

    Earlier post from me (merged here)-

    Heard about this recently but removing several features from the original won't get prompt me to buy one. Happy with the 3DS and Wii U for now. I hope Nintendo can release a shorter version of their Switch Lite trailer in the future as the one I saw went on for too long.

    By the current exchange rate it's about £160. In the US, the price is without tax. Lump on 20% VAT and you get £200.

    • Like 3
  9. 1 minute ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Regarding the sticks, a worry with this Lite model is if they haven't fixed the drifting issue. On the OG you could at least replace the joy-con or remove it and take it apart but with this you'd have to send in the whole unit for repair or dismantle the whole thing to try and fix it yourself.

    If I remember rightly, drifting sticks were caused by a material Nintendo used in the manufacturing process. It was wearing away with extended use. Logically, they would have addressed this issue a long time ago and it shouldn't be an issue for Lite owners, or buyers of new joy-cons for that matter.

    • Like 1
  10. It's a pass from me. Don't usually play handheld anyway. Will wait for a "pro version".

    It makes sense release before Q3 with a small lead-up. There are no big releases left in Q2 bar Fire Emblem so I doubt they'll lose out on many sales. It's definitely aimed at the younger market and I expect we'll see a price of £160-200. A nice addition to the family, but there are still large bezels and no word about specs yet. Probably a 720p screen again.

  11. Oh hi there.

    - Handheld mode only.
    - 5.5 inch screen (slightly smaller than the original).
    - 720p display.
    - Battery life is 20-30% longer than the current Nintendo Switch.
    - Non-detachable Joy-cons.
    - No IR camera or HD Rumble.
    - Separate Joy-cons required for games like 1-2 Switch, Super Mario Party.
    - D-Pad included.
    - Releases 20th September in Grey, Blue and Yellow.


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  12. 9 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

    Yeah, that's a bit misleading. But wouldn't it be nice?

    It's a good video. Can't make it out but it seems that it celebrates that the library has hit >=2500 games now. How does that compare to other platforms, Nintendo and Non-tendo?

    I guess that’s the highest number of games released on a Nintendo platform. The Wii and DS are likely the closest but they almost exclusively had retail releases, bar the VC and WiiWare.

    The PS4 and Xbox One may have more as they’ve been out longer and indie / digital releases have been a thing since day one. I’d struggle to imagine the PS3 or even PS2 hit those numbers though.

  13. "Now, EA, Fuck off..." That's what I've been trying to tell people for years. Need for Speed on Wii U was the last EA game I bought (second hand I might add), that will never change before I die. PES lives. EA are absolutely disgusting. 

    On the whole I disagree with Jim that lootboxes should be banned. I'm on the side that we should let companies do what they want and let the market decide. I don't want the UK government, or ANY government for that matter, getting involved and telling us what we should or shouldn't play. I say let them push lootboxes until the sun comes down! What we do need, however, is more articles like this from the BBC. We need education. We need discussion, debate and downright mockery of the practices that EA indulge in. Criticise them until the sun comes down. Expose the absolute leeches like Andrew Wilson until he has to go into hiding, until every Tom, Dick and 'Arry knows they're being played.

    Games media has to make people believe they will NEVER get that lootbox drop they are waiting for until they've spent literally thousands of pounds on micro-transactions. This is where they, in my opinion, are failing. Too wrapped up in pointless gender stereotypes and culture war nonsense to pay attention to the real socially-pressing issues about how gaming has transformed over the past decade. EA proved with Battlefield 5 that they are happy to pander to games media, and thus we see articles furiously coming to their defence. We need more people like Jim in the mainstream, explaining modern gaming to the layman, explaining how they are all being swindled. EA is a multi-billion dollar company who has paid an obscene amount for the rights to various sports franchises, so it can make the money back 50 fold from its customers. I'm sure I'm not alone in my comprehensive boycott of EA, the problem, it seems to me, is convincing the 24 million-odd players who bought FIFA '19 to do the same.

    • Like 2
  14. 30 minutes ago, Sofiz said:

    Short Answer: Achievement is called "Best Of The Bunch" and it requires you to get MVP in a tournament match.

    Long Answer: My plan is to start a 2v2 tournament, as you can't get MVP playing solo. I'd set up a private, password protected tournament, and give the password to Vanilla, Glen and whoever else is able to fill the last slot.

    I'm going to enter with @Vanilla in my party, and then @Glen-i will have to party up with someone else and enter as that team. 

    Once the tournament starts, ideally the opposing team will clear a path for me to hit the ball straight into the goal, and Vanilla will not touch the ball in any way. Then I get the 100 points for scoring, making me MVP in the process. I don't know if the other team forfeiting after this will count, but I hope it does or we'd have to just let the match timer run out otherwise (and that would be a boring waste of time).

    I will say right now that we did try to earn this legitimately, but @Vanilla can attest to the amount of toxic tryhardy players in this mode, and it was pretty clear I'd never get this normally. Also tournaments themselves aren't exactly something you can jump into, as there's a lot of waiting around for them to even start, and then waiting for other teams to determine placements. I can see the appeal of this mode but not if you're playing against strangers.

    I'd like that achievement too, I'll join you guys.

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