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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 18 minutes ago, bob said:

    The karma of Ramos admitting he purposefully got a yellow so he could miss this game and be back for the quarters makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

    This is the best timeline. Couldn’t help but smile when they showed him looking on from the crowd. 

  2. Long live our Saviour and Lord Jim Sterling. Even though I don’t always agree with him, he’s often bang on the money, haven’t missed a show in two or so years. I feel he won’t rest until GaaS and Microtransactions are banished from the land and I’ll be cheering him on every step of the way. EA seem to be consuming themselves from the inside and it seems people are finally waking up to these ugly practices. Bring on the downfall, I say, bring it on. 

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  3. Just made it to the final boss, haven’t beaten him yet. I’m at 70% completion - ~25 hours. Just wanted to echo the sentiment in this thread. Despite a very rocky start and a lot of frustration, I completely fell in love with this game. It is genuinely a masterpiece, especially from an audio-visual aspect. Utterly beautiful and controls like a dream. I went into this game completely blind having got it in the sale, even though I’d heard the praise directed at it. I’m annoyed with myself for letting it sit on my Switch for half a year.

    It’s been a very long time since I played a Metroidvania, and this was just what I needed.  A fantastic reminder of why I love gaming. Can’t wait for Silksong.

    • Like 2
  4. Even though it's only been two years, the Switch is already my favourite console of all time.

    I have 6 games over 100 hours, I don't think I've EVER played a game for 100 hours before, Animal Crossing: New Leaf comes close at 97.

    Smash will no doubt be the 7th soon. 

    What a fantastic system, so many good first party releases, including incredible Zelda and Mario games, Splatoon 2. For me though, it's the indies that have really shone. Currently going through Hollow Knight and having an absolute blast, I've played Rocket League for almost a whole month :eek: 650 hours... 

    Long may it continue.

    • Like 4
  5. I made a prediction back in January that United would finish third and Arsenal fourth. Looking more and more likely with every game. Spurs falling apart, Chelsea nowhere.

    Still too tight to call between the top two but I have a horrible feeling City will nick it in the final game or 2.

  6. I’ve used Nord VPN for the past couple of years with no problems. Works on my phone, iPad and PC. Was £50 for two years and well worth the money. Works with Netflix and most of the servers work with BBC content, but sometimes you have to fiddle around with it as some of the them are blocked by the BBC. 

    Getting a VPN is definitely necessary if you’re concerned about security. Though it’s not exclusively why I got it, I use it whenever I’m travelling and connecting to open Wi-Fi. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    It's easy enough but it's something that i'm against doing.

    I agree entirely, people shouldn’t have to do this, I’m just lucky in this case as it’s my default store. I won’t be buying either way, even though I’d love to go through 4 again and play Zero for the first time. Capcom can do one. I only buy their games on discount, even if I bloody love them. Still waiting for Mega Man 11 to hit 50% off.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

    How would a "Netflix for games" work exactly? Would the games run natively on the hardware, or would it all be streamed? If the latter, I'd take playing it on an actual Xbox to streaming it on something else any day.

    This is one question I have too. I imagine for bigger games, they'll be streamed (thinking of Forza, GOW etc), but for indies, surely they'd just download to the system if they can run natively? Though it would certainly require extra work.

    This is why game scaling is so interesting, if a game is able to run on many devices and can scale accordingly, it makes sense to let it run natively on the hardware. This also gives you the added bonus of playing off-line (maybe you'll have to check in once every 24 hours).  I still don't think the infrastructure is quite there for full scale game streaming, in the coming years, it certainly makes sense.

    It's obvious what Microsoft gains from this, but I do wonder what's in it for Nintendo (besides a bigger library and probably better online), more importantly, what they're giving Microsoft, if anything. The fact that sales of e-shop games could potentially be diminished could be a worry from a 3rd party standpoint. E3 is going to be interesting this year.

  9. It makes perfect sense. Why sell ~30 million consoles, when you could sell a bit less than that and make $10 a month off potentially hundreds of millions? 

    The rumour about Project Scarlett being a streaming device and a powerhouse is bleeding obvious to me now. Streaming box for the cheap, entry-level casuals, powerhouse for the hardcore, hi-tech couch-gamers. Both will be cheaper than power-PC and both will have a market. I honestly think this could be a revolutionary step by MS. They’ll be making a bit of cash off the hardware and a hell of a lot more off services.

    As I said above, I wouldn’t think twice about dropping a tenner a month on a “Netflix for games” like service if it had games that couldn’t be supported on the Switch and had an online service at the level of XBL. I’m desperate for a good racing game on the Switch and could be enticed by the likes of Sea of Theives and Crackdown 3. I’ve spent the last 3 years mulling over buying an Xbox One, even more so after Game Pass was revealed. I can’t justify the upfront costs as I just don’t have the time to dedicate to it, but I’ll happily drop a few quid a month to play Xbox games on my Switch or PC. This really could be a game changer and I hope they pull it off.

    Also, think about all the studios they’re buying up. In 3-4 years you’re going to start seeing all of these games releasing “only on Xbox Game Pass”. Want to play? Buy an Xbox or subscribe to Game Pass, play anywhere. Cross saves, cross play, start on Switch, play on the phone at work, see the ending in 4K on your Xbox. Seamless gaming. It’s genuinely exciting.

    • Thanks 1
  10. I think it makes sense to have both, services and dedicated hardware. Look at what Apple are doing, they’re investing a lot of money in services alongside their dedicated hardware, which despite not being massively popular, has it’s dedicated fan base and audience.

    I think there’ll always be room for a Microsoft console in the marketplace, especially if, like the X, they go for a powerhouse. I reckon there’s a good 20-40 million potential customers who’d stay loyal to the brand and continue to buy consoles for the next 15-20 years. Especially when you can just sit back on the couch and play on a 70 inch beast 4K TV. 

    In my opinion they know they’ll never beat Nintendo and Sony in terms of franchises, and this way they can maintain their loyal audience and expand their reach to other gamers as well. A really smart move to be honest. I know I’d be interested in Game Pass if it meant I could play Xbox games without buying the system. What’ll be really interesting is how it changes the industry. While I think there’ll always be room for dedicated hardware (especially if we talk about offline gaming), service based gaming is probably going to explode, just like Netflix did, and Microsoft is way ahead of the curve right now.

    • Like 1
  11. 36 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

    I reckon it’s probably Scalebound. Makes the most sense by far.


    Nintendo have already revived a Platinum Games title before; and Kamiya is not directing any of Platinum’s upcoming games... only working as a supervisor... (his last known Directorial role being... you guessed it! Scalebound!)


    UE4 also generally runs well on Switch, so the porting process would be fairly easy to do.  And Microsoft has a healthy relationship with Nintendo; allowing their IPs (such as Hellblade) on their platform with no issues.


    Reviving cancelled 3rd party titles and turning them into exclusives is Nintendo’s current MO.  Scalebound is the next obvious candidate.

    You called it 


  12. 34 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    A HUGE update patch has just dropped for Dead Cells.


    Awesome, looking forward to getting back into this. One of my favourite indie games on the Switch but I haven’t put a whole lot of time into it so far.

  13. 30 minutes ago, Agent Gibbs said:

    I know people wanted a new game, but I think people are missing the point here – Nintendo are playing it safe! They are using a new engine that they will intend to cover future 2D Zelda games  on the Switch, new games will come! Producing a remake of a beloved game allows them to test this but also minimise losses by playing on the nostalgia/remake element, so if it doesn’t work out due to style or other reasons they will minimise losses due to this.

    This is a very good point. 

    • Like 1
  14. The Nintendo Direct hype train, stopping at: Rejection, Disappointment, Back-stabbing Central and Shattered Dreams Parkway.

    Not much in that Direct for me. Mario Maker 2 is nice. Undecided on the Zelda art-style. Don't want to play Link's Awakening again... Platinum's new game looked aweseome. So hyped for Fire Emblem but almost fell asleep during the trailer. No Metroid is disappointing but expected, if they only canceled 4 a few weeks ago, there's no way the absolutely-definite-100%-confirmed HD Trilogy remaster would be close to completion.

    "Leakers" can burn in a sea of fire, I'm 70% sure of that.

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Tim B said:

    I only got to the Chapter Twos on Octopath Traveler. I adored it at first but it really did just turn into the same thing over and over again. Went back to it to give it another try and was like...nope! Thank u, next.

    Exactly the same thing happened to me. Finished two or three chapter twos and dropped it. Went back to it last week and just can’t get into it. Shame, as it’s gorgeous, combat system is great and the OST really is amazing. The stories are just so staggered though, I already can’t remember what the hell is going on despite re-reading everyone’s backstory. 

  16. 1 minute ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    The whole Game Awards Metroid thing that happened was one of the best things that came out of that event. It showed a lot of people up and since then most of them have been pretty quiet about things.

    Nintendo had all of them by the balls and then showed the Joker trailer which absolutely no-one predicted :laughing:

    I really hope that the ones that do claim they have sources are getting fed false information. It seems like the only way for Nintendo to put an end to this nonsense.

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