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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. If it helps, you can revisit those combat shrines periodically to get their weapons again, which are some of the best in the game. The enemies in them respawn after a while.
  2. Thanks for all your hard work over the years@Ashley, it has been a pleasure to have you as the big boss all this time. Hope you can find more time to enjoy the things you want to do now you're stepping down! @S.C.G couldn't think of a nicer guy to pick up the role! I trust that your new position will not deter your daily awarding of at least 20 thanks.
  3. To be honest the original game will probably be better value in the sense that it's been heavily discounted a lot (seen it going for around 15 quid fairly often). With these new versions they tend to be near to a full price game again. It really depends how good/meaningful the DLC is and how much extra you think it's worth.
  4. Just a counterpoint to the suggestions - I've never played any of the Shenmue titles before but finally got round to installing Shenmue I and II on my PS4. I don't stop playing many games after 20 or so minutes, but this was one. I thought it was a cruel joke, like, some in joke that I was not privy to. Some of the jankiest movement, awkward NPCs and obscenely bad voice acting I have ever seen in a game. I can see how this game might have wowed back in the day when no other games had such a big scope. But man, as someone with no nostalgia to sustain me, this was really rough. I was extra disappointed as a lot of the flaws seemed like they could have been worked on given it's a remaster.
  5. I hope that's followed up with a yearly clay pigeon shooting with a Banjo Kazooie N&B disc.
  6. Man, the heart is tough. Faced it a couple of times and got completely wrecked. I'm thinking that my standard tactics aren't going to work here and that it needs some sort of cheese/meta strategy. Bit of a shame it is 10 times harder than anything that has gone before.
  7. Ahh sorry, I don't have a photo. But yeah, I think he's my favourite character - really liked the orb juggling aspect. That said, I do remember some of the cards that had a big impact, and artefacts:
  8. Based on your recommendation drahkon I bought this on Switch (currently £20 on eShop). It's really good! My favourite character so far is the third one that can summon orbs. In 3 tries with him I managed to beat it up to the point it forces you to stop. I can see there's a lot to do though, feels like the kind of game you could spend hundreds of hours on.
  9. Finally got around to playing this remake. Stupendously good, easily one of the best remake treatments for a game.
  10. Unfortunately for Microsoft though they lack three things - the games, sufficient Japanese support, and brand loyalty outside of America. You can make the specs as good as you want, Game Pass as cheap as you want, but if you don't have the games it's not going to matter in the long run.
  11. Mate, you can't type all that and leave out the punchline.
  12. Don't get me started on Nintendo's policy, even though I had a free code (via Amazon Prime) to get the sub it puts you onto auto renew.
  13. Yep, Sekiro has been reduced quite a lot on X1 but not PS4 unfortunately.
  14. That's probably because the game puts bots in now so many people win a lot more.
  15. They just need to make extinct about three quarters of the Pokemon that released from Gen 3 onward, citing some regional virus, and they're golden.
  16. It might be sad for some but they've been hoist by their own petard. You can't continue to keep adding Pokemon and moves, while all the while making the graphics better, and still expect to squeeze them all on/go to all the trouble of animating them all every time.
  17. You can't catch them all in any game. You can own them all, in some. Sorry, but I know how much you like pedantry.
  18. Good to see it's there, but it's crazy it has taken this long and it's still not supported by most games it seems. You still can't send messages to your friends either, right?
  19. This post genuinely made me lol.
  20. Even hand it over to someone who might enjoy it, if you didn't. I can also think of games that are very different after you get partway through (like Final Fantasy XIV), so you can't really judge a whole game based on playing just a bit.
  21. Couldn't agree more. It's their job to review games, whether they personally enjoyed them or not.
  22. Reviews are exactly what I expected for an unusual game like this.
  23. The Switch version is £34.85 right now at Simply Games
  24. PS2 also had crazy exclusives (in some cases only exclusive for a few years, but it did the trick), like GTA 3, Vice City, Final Fantasy X, God of War, Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3. Still does go to show that Sony have got the talent, and definitely the following.
  25. I wouldn't say we are going round in circles, you said that publishers aren't going to give a shit about YouTube videos by Jim, which as far as I'm aware is a new point, and that's what I was responding to. Also your point you make - that nobody needs to buy games with microtransactions, and that they should just avoid them, I think is not best informed. Jim has gone into this subject more, but there are many people susceptible to lootboxes who can't control themselves (gambling addicts, basically). There are also children who are always going to want the latest FIFA game, for instance, and then you see there are games more or less targeting them with loot boxes. It is nasty stuff, and the answer isn't to just tell everyone to ignore them. Not everyone can easily ignore them - hence why whales exist. With regards to going round in circles - you asked again if anyone has ever come away from his video in a good mood, but like I said before - I do! I think a lot of people find them entertaining and the effect of entertainment is to generally lift one's mood. You seem to have the idea that everyone comes away from his videos worked up or unhappy, and that may be true for you, but as myself and others in the topic have mentioned, we generally find the videos humorous and uplifting. He is trying to be funny about it, after all. I also get the impression from your first line that you thought I was telling you that you should be watching these videos, but that couldn't be further from the truth. It's your life, you choose what you want to watch. Not everyone will like his style.
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