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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. 112 bells here (Monday AM). Worth waiting until we see something better.
  2. I've noticed that eating fruit does some interesting things. Like you can dig an entire tree out, and plant it back somewhere else full size too (could be good for gifting or landscaping). Just don't go whacking any rocks after eating fruit!
  3. Mine are 108 unfortunately. Anyone with those low prices got their gates open?
  4. Didn't work for me when I visited Glen. This is why I imagine it's frustrating if you share your device with another. [emoji14] As with all rock mashing peeps, anchor yourself by digging holes around you so you stay in place while whacking it with a shovel/axe, means you can get the full 8 items. [emoji4] This is how I got enough iron yesterday, from the couple of islands I visited on a Nook ticket. One rock was lucky and gave 8 iron pieces. One of the villagers I've recruited is Audie the fox, who seems quite cool, and apparently is the one named after the grandma who played AC a lot.
  5. Ahh man. This thing, it was this big (arm gestures). Also a lovely message from Glen
  6. By the way for anyone looking for sticks, I found you can just keep shaking any one tree as much as you want and you'll keep getting them.
  7. Think I've got most people added here - I've opened my gates if anyone tries to visit. I've got pears if anyone has any other fruit to trade for it!
  8. It's stuff like this that almost makes me wish our country was a bit more heavy handed when dealing with these things. At the very least, shame needs to be a bigger deal here like it is in Japan. A lot of people just do not give a damn about how they come across to others and think only about themselves. It's pretty sickening tbh, and I just wish there was some way to hold these people accountable.
  9. Yep, it's a no brainer in this case. Especially because unlike what is usually the case, the digital version is actually cheaper! Pack your shit boys and girls, it's time to depart on an adventure tomorrow.
  10. Yeah, to be honest Cerny does say himself "We're expecting almost all of them to be playable at launch on PlayStation 5". Which would suggest other games are "unplayable" rather than just not boost-mode enabled.
  11. Ah fair enough, edited my post accordingly. This is something they definitely need to clarify.
  12. I totally expected you to be the one to not like this presentation. A couple of points on BC - I don't think that PS1 and PS2 BC is any way needed, and very unlikely to have an effect on the success of the console. Most people will not use it, and just like Microsoft's BC on X1, I think it's one of those things that people would praise but most people wouldn't use it or buy a console for it. While it might be a nice novelty, the vast majority aren't buying a new console to play their old games on it. BC is a great idea for the previous generation though (i.e. PS4), since it helps people transition right away. It means you can basically pack away your PS4 as soon as the PS5 releases, and play your PS4 games in boost mode. Also, the "top 100 games PS4 games are supported" comment may mean that 100 games support boost mode, while all other PS4 games are supported (but not boosted). They need to clarify this though.
  13. Ha, yeah, discussion about this got quite heated earlier in this topic... Let's just say that I agree with you.
  14. Exactly, people buying to combat panic buying are in fact panic buying. This situation is being caused by people doing this!
  15. Ah man. I guess I can wait if necessary, don't want to pay the usually high price for digital.
  16. Well in the past (like for PS3), they included the previous generation system's chipset which like he mentioned was very expensive and eventually dropped from slim models. But even then, they didn't have 100% compatibility. Since they're not going that route anymore it means even more work on a case-by-case basis to get each game working properly.
  17. They didn't even manage 100% compatibility with PS2 games played on PS3 and that's when they even included the PS2 chipset, so no way they were going to get PS5 to be 100% compatible with all PS4 games on release. I see the "teraflops aren't everything" as more of a pre-emptive comment, since they know it's going to get compared to the Xbox. He has a point though, if they've got twice the SSD read speed. Could be that on balance each console is stronger in different areas.
  18. Yep, I am actually finding it quite interesting.
  19. I'm guessing they used that game to demo because of the insane load times. Most games don't have loading times that are that long.
  20. He followed up to clarify: So sounds like a combination of the CPU and SSD being praised in particular.
  21. Can you let me know whether it is.
  22. Consider me educated, never knew Pokemon typing adventure was a thing. Out of interest, is Animal Crossing on your radar? Feels like the perfect game for the current climate, can see myself playing that during the next few weeks.
  23. I'm guessing it's because it was targeted at the tech enthusiast, as most people will be happy with the cheaper base PS4. Admittedly both the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X were only ever stop gaps for the next generation consoles, offering boosts to resolution and framerate but little else. In that sense it was never going to be as exciting as a new generation of consoles. As for managing expectations, they outlined exactly what it was - nobody was left thinking either before or after that this was a new generation or that it would have its own new games that the old system couldn't play. Maybe because it was solely focused on specs and performance and not about games, it would be boring to most people. At the end of the day though I'm not too bothered about how dry this presentation will be (which it may be, if this is spec focused), so long as they get the facts across clearly and give us the information we've been asking for.
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