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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Well this is fairly close to me. I'm at UCL which is right next to Euston station...
  2. Yeah, genetically people of European descent have much higher tolerance to dairy then from other parts of the world. Ready Brek for the win! Especially honey flavour.
  3. I think the question to begin with is "why replacement meats"? Why combine soya and fuck loads of salt to begin with to produce a deformed 'sausage' that resembles meat? I guess this all goes back to human perceptions, and the fact that meat not only is tasty but looks delicious also. People who don't eat meat are still somewhat drawn to the look/general taste of it. That's why companies try at least to resemble some of the taste of meat with what they can.
  4. lol, Magic Wellness stick. So true.
  5. It's true that sausage isn't shaped like the pig itself but that particular shape is iconic for a meat sausage. He's arguing that the more recent vegan products harp on about not being meat yet adapt the 'shape of cruelty' so to speak when in actual fact they could make their food look completely different from meat products.
  6. Here's hoping you Zapdos pants off the girl, give her a Slowpoke and maybe even let her Rhydon you. At least then it'll be less Gloom for you, you really have to take a Chansey in life sometimes. Just don't Jynx it.
  7. I think she ate a bowl of leaves. What she deserved tbh.
  8. Yeah that's the kind of thing that new people might not have a clue about. Another thing was after fighting Dark Link. I forgot about the song of time block at the back of the area and exited back to the main room. When the time came, I was a key down and I could physically see on which floor and where on the map the key was (due to compass). But the access to that room was completely sealed off from that level, which meant various permutations of the water level / floor to access it (you drop down through a hole to that floor as it happens).
  9. I'll follow up with another joke then: Dynastygal.
  10. Grats man. Whereabouts are you working?
  11. Sorry, just have to say, my girlfriend spied at this page yesterday and saw this comment and couldn't stop laughing. She thinks that this site is my guilty pleasure, full of people who all probably masturbate to Princess Peach.
  12. lol, sorry, I was just taking the piss out of my ex girlfriend (Dynastygal) who came on here and told a butcher (think it may have been McPhee) that she'd firebomb his butchers. Yeah, she was mental.
  13. From eating vegan stuff when I had a vegan girlfriend it was crap, and didn't make me feel better at all. Soya meat products taste incredibly processed. I would wager those saying they felt better from vegan diets are either anti animal cruelty or have a general dislike/stomach disagreement with meat. There's no reason why you couldn't eat parts of the vegan diet alongside lean meats to be even healthier. No sense limiting your pallet really if you quite like/have no qualms with eating meat.
  14. Turn vegan, or I'll firebomb your butchers.
  15. This is brilliant, still loving it despite having completed it so many times. Really hoping they do this treatment to MM, I think it's by far the better game.
  16. I think the problem with Sony games is that they are always best played on a big screen. I don't think I played one game on the PSP that I didn't think "I'd far prefer this if it was just on PS3". FF7 crisis core came to mind. DS games have had a more pick up and play feel to them, and dare I say are more fun. But maybe they'll prove me wrong.
  17. Only tards go into shops for launch games in real life. From ShopTo you get it cheaper and earlier, and don't have to go anywhere.
  18. £1 is too far into an overdraft. :p But yeah, if you're in debt ReZ it doesn't seem wise to get your girlfriend to get a PS3.
  19. Regardless of his desire for a stable relationship or not, his behaviour and beliefs about women are foul, and speak bound for his character. His attempted scientific explanation of 'why women like dickeads' is laughable, obviously backed up with watertight scientific proof and not bullshit at all.
  20. Ugh...any women who fall for shallow tactics like that aren't worth time or effort. Seriously, what shit relationship material. I'm sure we've had a conversation like this before which ended with my disapproval of your derogatory terminology for women and the notion of 'pulling' for a 'quick shag'. Honestly, it's not the kind of behaviour that leads to a fulfilling, respectful relationship and sadly this culture is too popular these days.
  21. Jesus man how do you get so far into an overdraft? No idea why people spend money they don't have.
  22. My family is going to pick up this cute mini labradoodle on Saturday. Will be lovely to see it next week when I go home to visit. Never had dogs in our house before!
  23. If you were pretending therefore and they were not your real views, answer this: Do you genuinely, in real life believe that people who do not sleep with more than one person at once are going to be crushed? You either don't retract that, in which case you are every much the ass you protest to not be in reality, or you reject it and unmask yourself as a troll who deliberately said something hurtful to someone clearly in need of support. Either way, you'll look an a-hole.
  24. So much wrong/stupid with this post. My opinion of you drops by the day. If you sleep with multiple people at once not only does it make you a tart, it means that you devalue sex to something purely instinctual, void of love. But hey, whatever helps you combat the morally corrupt society, eh?
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