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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Of course everyone understands that sales doesn't necessarily mean good gaming, but that never stops people bringing up 'success' in some way or another to defend/bash companies. So silly.
  2. Yeah but what window? It's arbitrary, and can be spun to make something sound better than it is. I am saying that it is a bad, misleading use of statistics, not that it doesn't convey success at all. It's the scientist within me hating shite stats. What companies do to draw casuals is dull as dishwater, fair enough if people want to discuss it though. It won't have any positive impact on quality gaming.
  3. To be fair, they're some of the very best games the PS1 had to offer. Far better than most other (cheap) titles anyway. FF7-8-9 are epic 3/4 disc games, with full playtimes above 60-80 hours. You get what you pay for on this one.
  4. By last comment do you mean 'fastest selling'? I hate that term as it is never accompanied by a time frame (e.g. Sold the most units in x months). And because it usually focuses on a narrow window rather than more long term sales. It's 'trend' in statistic form.
  5. Pressing the home button also takes you to the particular message on the PS3. As well as that, the cool PS3 keypad attachment that is under a tenner now has various shortcut buttons for easy navigation. The dashboard section navigation isn't great. It's not as simple to see at a glance where you need to go to. Sections seem cluttered - each section takes up a whole screen, with useless things in the background like pseudo miis (ugh). Well, I've used both for a very long time, and I've always preferred the XMB. I think you may have missed mine then. The very salient point being that, as none of us have vested interests in the company, it's silly to cheer or even defend the financial success of a company instead of addressing it's impact on quality gaming. It would be better if our preferred company/gadget wasn't the most successful. That might mean they weren't forcing as much brain training or fitness garbage ahead of better titles. Oh and picking up on the 'fastest selling' comment you used in defence of Kinect was entirely justified, as it is a pretty silly gimmicky statistic.
  6. By billions of options do you mean the large number of features arranged tidily under easily recognisable sections? Such as a gamepad icon to contain both the inserted game plus ps3/ps1 games stored to hard drive. Really easy and clear to use, much better than having to sift through panels on the xbox until you get to the relevant section. Want to rent a movie or watch a DVD? Just move to the big film icon. Couldn't be much simpler.
  7. Ugh, 'fastest selling', such a menial statistic. We certainly seem to have a lot of video game company shareholders here... I don't know about you, but the financial success of a gadget for a console means absolutely nothing for me. Far more important is a focus on quality gaming, which Kinect certainly doesn't provide.
  8. Tired but just got up to make our flight to Italy in a few hours. Couldn't sleep at all last night, hopefully catch some on the plane. See you in a week!
  9. Hrmmm... In the description for the 30 days of free PSN plus it says that all the titles are "free to play for 30 days". I thought titles bought with ps plus were kept forever?
  10. It's great because we can order through our uni for massive discounts. We recently bought a seagate 2TB external drive for 55ish quid.
  11. Just finished my poster for a display in a few weeks time. It takes ages to get data/images and then position them properly for a science poster, really pleased with the result. I got a call from my second supervisor saying it was brilliant which is great. One of the good things about doing a PhD is when you've done a lot of the data collection and can show your work to others.
  12. I have just moved to them, easily the best provider/package I've been able to find. If you can get most the people you call on it, you really need to buy a 5 pound goodybag once every 3 months. It'd be free calls and texts to them over the 3 months.
  13. Is it just a cleverly disguised rum cooler?
  14. Shadow of the Colossus is a thing of wonder, but I could really pass up ICO again. This is all about Shadow for me, it'll be brilliant.
  15. Yeah that's true. Although I will say I have lived at 2 different addresses now in both the north and south of England, ShopTo delivery has been as good for me at both. Really good seller.
  16. On numerous occasions I've never received the game a day before release from GAME. Just my experience though. I also recall people preordering their 3DS from GAME who didn't get it until release, whereas I got it a day early with ShopTo. I'll let you know how the game was when you start playing it. J/k. :p
  17. ShopTo almost without fail get the game to you at least a day before release, that's a far better gift than a folded poster and a different box.
  18. They obviously benefit from exclusivity in some way, there's some 3rd party titles that would clearly make a killing if they went multiformat.
  19. My argument was that the extra £5 could be seen as the cost of preorder content, which you said couldn't be possible as the price of 3DS games was 'going to be' £35 (yet we now see they set prices to match demand). Clearly this is no longer the case since preorder content blows so they would probably have been losing online sales.
  20. Having MGS3 in this will be cool, but I can't be arsed playing MGS2 again.
  21. Couldn't resist. Their prices were never set in stone as £35. The £5 difference was probably losing them sales, at least it's good they changed their price to match the rest. I guess this is a physical trade-in?
  22. The 30 days to download the games begins from whenever the PSN store comes back up (ie. soon), presumably.
  23. It's also good how you can claim your friends' downloads free if they sign into your PS3 on their account. Doesn't work on some online titles (like Warhawk, one license per payment) but for many titles it does. Got quite a few this way.
  24. Assuming the welcome back thing has started and is still running in 2 weeks (I'm sure it will be) I'm pretty sure all you'll need to do is login to PSN on your new PS3, and it'll let you download your pick of games.
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