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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. It's because the system is broken by the many who sign on with either no or a half assed intention of finding a job that has led to it having a bad rep. Some people therefore see it as in some way shameful. Of course, it shouldn't be. And for some the amount of money you get isn't worth the hassle when there's the bank of mum and dad.
  2. Having online trophies in AC Brotherhood was a gift - the online mode is brilliant, the best part of the game. Rewards for being originally entertained for hours? Yes, please.
  3. Yeah took the opportunity to download CC again while it was up. Have it on the 360 but never brought that with me, never really played it past normal mode completion before so quite enjoying it. Red knight and buzsaw ftw. If anyone fancies playing it in the evenings feel free to add me.
  4. Legacy of Kain is one of those games that hasn't aged very well. I tried playing it for an hour and that was enough for me.
  5. lol, Coolness when asked whether if by wet he was aroused or just wet. "Both". Deadpan non-laughter from either reminded me of Office style comedy gold.
  6. I used to work every Sunday at a bakery, I expected more money and I (rightly) got it. Time and a half ftw. Sunday is a day to relax and enjoy with friends and family, it makes absolute sense to expect to be paid more than if you worked some weekday.
  7. You can also use charge to stun pursuers since at higher levels people get wise that you're just going to drop a smokebomb as soon as they get close. It does have a longer cooldown time though. Once you unlock poison use it lots, that'll unlock slow acting poison (more points awarded). Also equip score x 2 and the overall cooldowns perk when you unlock them.
  8. This is probably my favourite online game alongside Demon's Souls for this generation. I'm on PS3 though, so I can't play with you. Pretty much played it to death though. I like how they managed to make a fun online game that didn't involve running and gunning like nearly every other online game out there these days.
  9. Just have sex with someone you love, then it's the best.
  10. Then you're either not doing it right or don't have much of a sex drive. Edit: damn, Dan beat me to it!
  11. I can tell you why: because sex is bloody brilliant!
  12. You could have just saved yourself the money and bought the first 4-5 episodes, then watched the last episode about 7 or 8 times, lol.
  13. £111. Looking forward to reading the song of ice and fire series.
  14. It isn't. Both silly ideas to me. People can have utterly different personas to how they appear on the internet. Not saying that your 'friends' aren't nice people, just that if for whatever reason they weren't you'd be in a bad situation.
  15. That sounds pretty unsafe, did you go from internet only contact to 'staying' with these people?
  16. That's fair enough, I was lucky enough to get my 3GS on a staff contract when I worked at Tesco which was only a year, and worked out pretty cheap with a decent tariff. I've seen so many iPhone deals advertised recently that, when worked out, are usually at least £100 more expensive than on a cheap sim only deal.
  17. It's £70 less in total (assuming you didn't just focus on the initial cost, as that's what the major telecomms companies are hoping on). Also a better tariff for those whole 2 years and no 24 month contract. Sure it's more money up front, but provided you have savings it shouldn't be impossible.
  18. (Not to sound mean but) for £510 you could have bought the iPhone directly from the store, then for £10 a month you could have been on a better giffgaff tariff with 250 mins, unlimited texts and unlimited data, totalling £750 over the 2 years. Whereas you'll be paying £819 over 2 years and be locked onto the worse contract. 24-month contracts are usually a raw deal, but I guess I can understand if people don't have want to cough up immediately.
  19. Yeah you constantly need to go through this endgame crap to find pirates. Disgaea is decent, I have to say that it does tire after a while and the production values are quite budget. Looks like a PS2 game that they ported to PS3.
  20. Hmm, clearly he must have known her for a year or at least when she was 15? Quite disturbing.
  21. Yeah you can't go back to being a kid until you clear the Forest Temple.
  22. Epic lulz was redefined by Demon's Souls. Nothing like standing in low health with equipment that quadrupled your attack. One hit KO ftw.
  23. Don't think he ever said you were, looked like he was just posting his thoughts on age relationships.
  24. Yeah that's what I meant by the two copies. As in, if both parents have at least one copy of the mutation, and the resultant child obtains one mutated copy of the gene from each parent then they have a kind of super-immunity.
  25. Yeah, it's something ridiculously high like that for the rest of the world. Also might be of interest is that 10-15% of Europeans have a mutation in the CCR5 receptor which increases resistance to HIV. And the 1% or so that have two copies of the mutation are near enough immune to HIV. Not sure how those two compare in any way but there ya go.
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