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Everything posted by 4q2

  1. 4q2


    The ones with the stripping female WPC roaches ? Been there...Rips are far superior for giant spliffage but, back to the old school with mi favourite blue rizla double skinners :P
  2. Which venue/night was that ? I tend to like many forms of dance music and end up at plenty of nights that are mixed or attract the camper side of nightlife. Been chatted up a few times etc, etc. No biggie (At least not with the g/f in tow). Its worth it for the atmosphere. In the last 3 years of clubbing Leeds to death, I cannot say I have seen any trouble at the 'camp' venues, so my vote for decent night out will always be gay-nite ftw.
  3. Very nice....So there is life to extinguish outside of the nuthouse. Some of those pics are quite reminiscent of Derek Rigg's style for the Somewhere in Time album sleeve for Iron Maiden....Half expecting the band and Eddie to be somewhere in the scenery. I assuming all but the first 2 are concept art though ? (Strange for a game that is releasing any day soon..) Another game that seems to be a definite purchase.
  4. As per Wiki-Wiki Yo scratch: "In general, surveys quoted by anti-gay activists tend to show figures nearer 1%, while surveys quoted by gay activists tend to show figures nearer 10%, with a mean of 4-5% figure most often cited in mainstream media reports." If you are an homophobe the figure for the forum would be about 30 poofters in this forum. If you are an Activist: approx 300 queers in the forum. If you are from some publication no one cares about: approx. 150 'you knows' in the forum.... Or something. Of course this probably doesnt account for people in the wardrobe/cupboard/closet. I would produce a pie chart, but it will make me hungry.
  5. Carrying on in the series of Lego games that should be: Lego: Enter The Dragon.
  6. 4q2


    Nah....I always find there is to much excess left on a double skinner.
  7. I detest all soaps.... Although my feelings may change if Chris Morris ever decides to produce one.
  8. This is being ordered next week when payday rolls along I know it will earn its keep.
  9. What loss ? In an age of cheap return flights, teleconferencing, email and mobile communications they must have wanted to leave imho.
  10. Im happy....for once. A kinetic powered controller would have been a nice touch though.
  11. 4q2


    Really...Every time I travel there I usually swan off the train with a smoke in my mouth and no-one has said a word or even given a look in the four years I have been making the run. Before strolling in Wetherspoons I usually have a smoke before going into the pub due to its no smoking ban, (and usually catch a crafty one when going to the cash machine around the corner when funds have run low or I have seen someone get raped by the fruit machines). I would kick up if anyone said anything because there is an ashtray right before the the ropes as you enter Wetherspoons that states 'no smoking beyond this point' which to me states the wrong message or causes confusion.....but there you go. I live 40 miles from Leeds (Rotherham-ish), but my lady lives in Leeds where I tend to do most of my w/e drinking...Always up for a pint or 8. Masturbation, without it my world would be incomplete....A case of mistaken identity on that one?
  12. Too right... Would love to see the lego cut scene interpretation of the infamous Ajax scene: "I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle....c'mon"
  13. I agree, Yin and yang, balance etc....The world and nature has its ways of levelling things out, and the world is apparently going the way of overpopulated. It seems a fair way to put the brakes on things. Yeah, lol, whats the big issue with tranny folk.... Very few of them get to the stage of lopping their bits off and I would reckon most understand they are not getting the full deal when they go for it, which in itself must prove how tortured they feel to go to the extent they do to try to conform with a female body image.
  14. 4q2


    But not every smoker is so inconsiderate to expose everyone around them, and if thats the case it is just one more right being removed. Of course I understand that smoking is an action that damages my health and when the law comes in on July the 1st I will be making a concious effort to stop smoking and will not be smoking in any enclosed area other than my own...BUT: The whole thing is going too far to stop people who want to smoke in their own space or in the open air. There are far bigger pollutants to help kill you at that point. I dont need someone to care about my wellbeing and I certainly have paid my dues to the NHS in NI and smokers tax to deserve any treatment. As much as anyone who gets into a brawl / injured on a Friday night after a good piss up, or anyone who writes their car off whilst behind the wheel.
  15. 4q2


    Whose health is damaged ? Passive smoking guesstimates are neither fact or proven especially in open air.
  16. 4q2


    I can confirm that is not the case atm (or as recent as Sunday)... Leeds Central doesnt operate a smoking ban in the open air or the closed front. The nearest place in there other than the shops is the Wetherspoons pub. Also my local interchange are not operating the ban either on the open platform.
  17. I might go out of boredom even though the lineup is shit...a lot of money just to really see NIN though.
  18. Quality thread, lol. Do true bisexuals exist ? I reckon so, why shouldnt a person end up being attracted to any person they liked the look of ? It would be a bit shit to say the brain was only capable of liking and being stimulated by one gender image. I do think a lot of is how a person socially proofs themselves though. What do I know though ? Im straight and only worn dresses on a few occasions
  19. 4q2


    Its down to whoever owns the interchange/pub...They can do it if they want and I think they enforce it as the same conglomerate tend to own these places. At the most they can probably attempt to have their private security / Transport police bar you, but in a court it would be a nice test case to see if a proceeding would state that a person has no right to travel. Pubs....Fair play, the workers are really the ones at risk here and in all honesty its sorta like a prostitute stating they shouldnt have to work in a place where people have stds or a bird farm worker stating that they should only work in a place where bird flu isnt a present risk. As it stands looking at the true risk point of second hand smoke you are at the highest risk if you live in a household of smokers unless you are constantly in a place that exposes you to smoke inhalation. The workplace and every other relavant enclosed place has already banned it, which leaves drinking establishments. If it is an occasional visit to the pub/club you will not really figure in the passive smoking statistics...if you are frequently sat in the pub then you most likely drink way too much and therefore should stop whining about the effects of substances on a social level and healthcare level or you are most likely unemployed spongeing off the state anyway with a higher risk of using NHS treatment (As per some other research program that stated Britains lower classes are more open to early death / chronic illness). Etc...Etc.... Be happy, if you are a lifestyle Nazi you have got your wish on another human right, leaving someone else to start on something else (ie replica swords, mobile phones, wifi, electricity sub stations, personal transport, whatever).
  20. 4q2


    My point before I had even read this far..... I tend to smoke a lot when ppl are not around me and in my own space, I have been forced to take that pov, I am also making some effort to stop smoking before the ban kicks in...But: I dont drive (can but dont choose to) but have to inhale several inconsiderate bastards right to pollute the streets with their motor vehicles on a constant and daily basis along with watching it filth up some of our most lovely architecture (Why not quit and get up off their fat arses and walk or get public transport ?). Just wait till July the 1st when the antismoking nazis complain about the cloud of smoke they have to endure every time they enter a pub or stray into the beer garden on a hot summers day...
  21. Well, Lego Star Wars was bought for me as a gift (I wouldnt have bought it) and I have to say I found it very enjoyable with plenty of unlockables, secrets and other bits and a good dollop of worthwhile gameplay...Add to that the great way the game manages to parody the film and it couldnt do no wrong imho. The 'stupid Lego gimmicks' were really just an additional extra to the game.
  22. Theoretically it could as long as you werent trying to drive too much wattage through it....You can definately do it with cheap mics and get away with it due to the fact the diaphragms are usually one piece of plastic. The point I was trying to state was the fact that input response is not the same as output response. As well as a 58 picks up vocals, I doubt the same could be said for it outputting the same ranges, even if it was robust enough.
  23. It got pretty damn easy once you got the knack... The 'Super Bubble Bobble' Code : this will change the Bubble Bobble logo in 'Super Bubble bobble' and the game will change under several points of view : different platform colors, different order for monster appearances... The code that must be entered at the title screen to access Super Bubble Bobble is displayed at the end of the credits after you beat the game in 2 players, normal mode. The message is coded, but it hints you to enter the secret room in level 20 to get the key for decoding. If you do so, you enter the secret room, on the base of which there is an inscription. The first line is the coding of the alphabet, the other lines are coded advices to beat the final boss. The decoded 'secret message' is : SJBLRJSR (Start - Jump - Bubble - Left - Right - Jump - Start - Right) Never used it, but there you go.
  24. Probably Boot Hill, in a Hemsby arcade vs. my Dad when I was about or five years old. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boot_Hill_(arcade_game)
  25. Lego: The warriors. Please.
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