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Everything posted by 4q2

  1. Shite, they still come up with those mad sounding arts projects.....(Tip of the day = Arts = Taking the piss....Its in the write up, as long as you can describe and justify what you have attempted you can usually bag top marks). I wouldnt want to do the project for you as it is supposed to open your creative mind or something :P . Here's a bit of input on the subject though: Play with ambience to make the piece 'travel' better, ambient sound is one of the best things to place a person somewhere, the main sound in focus only presents an action. ie. rather than use just footsteps as mentioned above, combine with a few things of the atmosphere: Bird song, distant traffic for an urban sound, leaves rustling on trees lining the streets. Slight phasing of silence can also give a recorded outdoors feel, removing the phasing can bring the sound inside again (Depends on time restraints and can I be arsed factor though). Hope this helps push your idea's on a bit.
  2. 4q2

    UK Sales!

    Doesnt surprise me, They were one of the first major stores to toss the towel in on GC in my area. It wouldnt bother me, but they manage to stock albums and various other entertainment releases on release date so I cant really see their excuse. Its not a problem in certain respects, I assume most of us can get up off our backsides to go to a gaming store for these products, but I suppose it has a negative domino effect on sales (ie. HMV or Woolies screaming that a certain game did not sell well in their store).
  3. 4q2

    UK Sales!

    Good work on N's part....They only have to make sure retailers keep Wii on the shelves for its life duration and they may be on their way out of the home market rut. On a different note, it seems HMV have the tits on with em big time....No new releases on the shelves on Saturday when I checked for Wario ware....Had to go next door to Comet.
  4. http://www.gameinfowire.com/news.asp?nid=9987 Thats got to sting now its being posted all over.... Anyone pointing to Emmys looking for Sony's achievements are most likely going to be presented with this garb every time they search. No-one can really take the D-pad from nintendo though...Simple but excellent.
  5. Possibly in this one a bit late in the day, but I understand what you are saying....The same thing happened to me after a 14 year relationship and it messed me up good. At this stage the best thing I can suggest is put some distance on the relationship, sounds harsh, but if its meant to be things will sort themselves out and you will end up back together (if its all as clear cut as you make out, she should be the one grovelling for the relationship back) or you will end up seeing things from a clearer perspective and moving on and bettering yourself. It doesnt always have to end up as bad as you may be viewing it now. My situation now is miles better than it was pretty g/f who is 12 years younger than myself who shows she cares....Meanwhile my ex is in a stinking council flat begging to get out. I admit I am still recovering from what she did though, it left me a pretty deep mental scar. Its difficult, but chin up and have some fun as suggested.
  6. I would'nt think that is the case at all.... A systems true full potential is never used these days, the devs limit themselves to what is immediatley achievable as opposed to what is possibly achievable.....Go back to days of old with games like DKC. Now the devs hit a brick wall and dont attempt to think out of the box for whatever reason (dev time / research costs / improvement of dev system). Gone are the days of system mastery. Sad but true. As to the costing of PS3 vs Wii...Sony are losing a giant slice of money on each unit sold and people are still going to pay through the nose for it. I wouldnt have minded paying the extra for the Wii to include HD visuals, but I do not think it would have ultimately made for a better game. I would prefer to see the system sell plenty at a low price and not end up removed from most shops shelves as the GC did.
  7. Couldnt agree more..... Cant wait for someone to come up with 'Breathe carbon monoxide to win a PS3' Saying that I am still pissed off that no-one has introduced 'Celebrity Hiroshima Island' on prime time tv...
  8. Love speculation threads. Imho Nintendo will build on the evolution of the controller possibly allowing for it to make use of simplified wireless sensors. (ie. something that can be attached to the foot to allow the kicking of a football in a footy game or an head in a chav style beat em up). Feedback from the tv screen could be another option allowing the user to hide or block. The question of upgrade of the core system I think is very sensible....I have a feeling the lifespan of the Wii to the next Nintendo machine will be shorter lived than usual. Two or three years down the line 'true' next gen tech will be a lot cheaper and smaller, allowing them to keep the edge on making punters looking for a good price happy.
  9. Im not as impressed with this one as with previous incarnations...I have to admit I enjoyed Raving Rabbids more.
  10. Keep promising myself to sit down with this one, but it just keeps ending up a the back of the 'to play' pile.
  11. Bah....Number of the Beast would have been preferable.
  12. That first game....thats the FPS alien jobbie on the PS3, correct me if I'm wrong... I was playing that the other week for around 45 mins and I have to say it left me underwhelmed. Both graphically and in gameplay for what was under the bonnet, and after playing CoD3 on Wii it felt a worse experience too. Edit: (Seems I'm wrong. I aint played gears yet if thats what it is...but I still stick to what I say regarding the game I was playing on PS3) The racer is PGR3 ? Only played the demo that was on the 360, looks stunning walking around the cars at the garage scene, so it should for the power of the machine but the detail is lost in the thick of the game, I couldnt say it offers any enhancement for anyone other than a bystander. The last one I dont know, but I can nitpick if I choose to :P
  13. The graphics whoreage is going a little bit too far for the time being....I cant say I have seen any of the next gen consoles produce anything stunning visually, its unfair to level the arguement solely at the Wii. Again I suppose it comes down to what you expect from a game and console, but for 'bang for your buck' factor I would say PS3 and 360 are trailing a lot more relatively in the graphic stakes.
  14. Wii Sports was never a pack in game on japanese territory (as pointed out by Solitanze)....Even if it hadnt been the case I'm sure Wii play was the second highest seller for Japan above and still above Zelda. Those crazy Japs love their minigames though. BTW....wasnt Wii sports 2 officially denied as WIP? Personally, the release list still makes me more moist with anticipation than any other console though...No more Heroes, BWII, Sadness (A title that has gone very quiet over recent months...I get the impending feeling that it is going to be ditched, but hope I'm wrong), this could be one of the best couple of years N have given us in a long time.... Just a thought here, dont look at the controller as anything other than a controller...Its nothing more than a radical redesign of what we have used for years. Sony have attempted the same thing, but have not provided the same amount of attention and care to the design. This I think is where those thoughts of 'gimmick' come from. As usual Nintendo have laid down the hardware capable of playing a mean game. Its down to the developers to produce and N to keep them interested in producing.
  15. Go on then....I may go off on tangents here but wtf :P Zelda.....What can I say ? Graphically, wouldnt everything have been done on a glorified GC devkit ? If isnt that, then its down to the lazyness of the developers. I have been playing Phantasy star Universe on the 360 for the past few days, and I get the exact same feeling.... Its early days yet, but someone will show something that makes the machine visually shine once people get used to the new hardware...Remember RE4.... For the developers that really do care there are methods and techniques for dealing with any hardware shortcomings the Wii may come across. This is a comment I dont really understand. I still see the main standards of fun and accesibility....Can you expand on the standards that you see as sacrificed? Zelda played a huge part in the drive for sales of the new console, but didnt Japan report Wii sports as the biggest release seller ? I dont know what to say regarding this....If Zelda, MArio and Metroid were not on the Wiilease list (heh :P) there would be uproar... Each of those games cannot stride from the normal formula. I can see N's reluctance to ditch them due to the fact they are what make people buy Nintendo machines for the most part.... Saying that, they have announced some new franchises such as that disaster game thingy and Project Hammer. Either way, If it doesnt work out, look on the bright side.....Nintendo have shown more innovation than any one other console manufacturer and havent made you pay through the nose for it.
  16. [controversy]I cant wait to see the episode where he rips into Twilight Princess[/controversy]....
  17. Been watching this geezer a few months now......great stuff. The Wii salute / Console puppet show episode is hysterical along with the non-nintendo focused 'movie sequel titles' one.
  18. Have people lost touch with the meaning of 'personal opinion' FFS ? At the end of the day if you don't like the game or feel cheated in some way, consider it a warning not to waste £40 on the next in the Zelda series.
  19. CEX in Leeds city center had one in stock on Saturday.... They have jacked the price to £295 for it though.
  20. Imho, the game isnt shabby at all...Well worth the £40 price tag (Which is what this is all about at the end of the day). Boss fights every few minutes ? Not a problem, love that sort of thing. The only thing that goes as a 'complaint' is that it is 'Super OoT Deluxe' with innovative Wiimote control....And that for me certainly is not something I will hold against it.
  21. Not a bad freebie (as per)..if you are a Nintendo Japanese platinum member.... http://translate.google.com/translate?sourceid=navclient&hl=en&u=http%3a%2f%2fclub%2enintendo%2ejp%2frank2006%2findex%2ehtml Looks like they pick up your Mii over t'internet and send you a new wiimote battery cover with the Mii embossed into the plastic.
  22. The controller is quality....It controls games and adds to the experience. When announced I was dubious of its value to gaming. The name....doesnt matter, I will always call it 'the Nintendo' anyway(Force of habit. All this time spent naming systems is wasted on me).
  23. Converting movies from dvd ? The imToo apps are ok for doing that. If you already have the movie ripped to hdd, try Super © as a freeware option. Theres also an option in there for converting flvs as well. http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html
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