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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Do you have flourescent lights in your house, and have people been turning them on/off? My freeview box was expensive(but i got it for free cos my sister bought it ) and it's a bit of a shitbox, screws up all the time, came with a scart lead that didn't fit, and the one I have no has recently seemed to be falling out kind of. The picture sort of flys constantly up/down/left/right sort of thing, one of them directions, and I have to get up and wiggle the scart plugs a bit to sort it out. It doesn't have any sort of inbuilt volume control either, and the control it has will only work with another JVC tv(thats what make it is), so I have to have both to hand, bit inconvienient. What make is yours, and how much was it?
  2. I left mine tied up with the wire tie before the transformer, otherwise it'd just end up loose and magically tangle and tie itself into knots with anything that touches it. I wish I had somewhere to tuck all the sensor bar wire though, it's so annoying cos it's like miles long and quite thin and flimsy.
  3. Fuzzy? I had some flickering black bars(gonna put a picture tomorrow when im not too lazy to upload it). I STILL don't understand the point of region locking, but I guess it clearly isn't a hardware lock type thing. It is kind of easy to do, but who would have thought to try it and find it? I did get worried about my wii a bit, given that it seems to reset every time if you aren't fast enough with it all. Maybe they did consider it an issue, and made it so it reset soon after if the disc was removed, as opposed to just starting loading and then asking for the disc cover to close(like if you started a game in a gc then quickly popped the lid up, it'd ask for it to be closed?)
  4. Thanks for that 4q2. How much of a schoolboy do I feel now after that error? Man, I feel like a tit. Damn that flameboy! Fresh is a much cooler name though.
  5. I get a feeling you may be mixing him up with flameboy He's more on the Wii side of things than general, I think. Something about his name always makes me read my name when it's quoted(if that makes sense). Does anyone know how to go about actually changing your name legally?
  6. Ninjabread man looks kind of cool! He looks like one mean breadbased snack, but I wouldn't pick that up for more than £20, if that. Unless it turned out to be really awesome, but I've never heard of these games or this company, so I don't expect it to. Of course, when it is I shall jump on the bandwagon. Good to see support for the wii either way! Now at first, I wasn't sure what you meant. I thought you were saying those are all shots from the same game, or that it was the same game as previous versions with updated textures and character designs. But no, I was wrong, after checking the links I realised you meant these are BASICALLY ALL EXACTLY THE SAME GAME. What gives?
  7. Sorry, I feel like a right pain in the arse, I dunno why I made such an abrupt post . I'm about to try this out with my old action replay, I haven't had a chance yet, I'm just curious how it works out when it comes to actually changing the discs around for it. EDIT: I managed to boot the AR disc but with visual trouble(picture soon), then MK: DD which was fine but I hadn't checked what codes were on if any so I dunno if the AR codes work. Took me about 8 tries to get it all sorted. Still had visual trouble with the AR, two black bars sort of bars flashing over the bottom part of the screen. PAL(got not ntsc stuff ) MK: DD played fine after booting from the AR menu, though I did select the 60hz mode for that. One thing I thought was interesting with the AR was I had the MK disc sort of sitting in the slot, cos I had put it in early then ejected it but didn't take it out so it was sitting there, and when I pressed start the screen briefly said a thing about opening the cover, but it then pulled the disc in and started. Dunno why, but I found that quite interesting.
  8. lol! That just reminded me of when I went to the cinema recently to see something with my friend only I can't remember what it was we went to see and there was some people in the audience as the trailers and stuff was coming up just shouting out stuff like lol noob roffle etc, was kind of funny because I realised how sad I was finding it funny. I haven't got a clue what the hell we saw though, and now it's bugging me.
  9. Illegal to carry in public, not illegal to own. The only exception to carrying some of them is if it is directly related to your profession(like a chef), and it has to be very reasonably justified. Carrying most regular kitchen knives in public is actually illegal. You may think I typed kitchen lives, but clearly it says knives now.
  10. lol, why would you be mining for fish? I think it's much funnier spelling stuff like rofl, lol, lmao how they would actually sound, because they've just become so far from what they actually are. I'd say 90% of lols are not even real lols.
  11. Can a mod change this title? It's annoying me.
  12. I dunno if I actually do it IRL or not, I was going to say I don't, but now I'm not so sure that I think about it. Sometimes I spell things like rofl and lmao out on msn and forums how they would sound, if actually pronounced. Sometimes I say wtf mayte too, from the end of the world flash. Call my friend a noob sometimes, then we start talking in internets speak and try and sell each other shrimp, because we are two very normal human beings. As for owned, is that strictly an internet thing? I use it in real life sometimes, and sometimes pwned and pooned to really annoy someone I know, cos it's quite fun annoying him.
  13. Well, it's in no way condoned, and you never know it might send your wii mental, so do it at your own risk. As the OP said, the guy hadn't released the wii method yet. I'm worried about it happening too, I found out the other day my old AR doesn't work . Cube's post above makes me feel slightly better though, but I bet they'll find a way to fix it.
  14. I remember when I was a young lad, and in fact to some extent still today, I never really thought I had an identity as such. I did have one, I was me, I didn't think I was any of these labels though, and it was really annoying because whenever I met people the first thing they'd ask is 'so you a grunger then? or a skater or what?' and I just felt a bit 'nerrr', I feel it was stupid to have to be a label sort of thing, and it made ME feel awkward because I never knew what to say. As for the word chav, yeah it's quite used now, back in the day it wasn't so much, but with the dawn of the internet and it being adopted by the media it has spread about a bit. I remember there was certain type of person, and people would call them rudeboys, then people started calling them pikeys, then people started calling them chavs, and for me chavs are the sort of people who we originally referenced, but I guess a bit of the burberry and gold hoop earings with the soverign rings has gotten mixed into there too now. When I use the word chav, I use it more to describe someone with that sort of attitude, like the kids wandering round with their caps and hoodies looking shift and causing trouble for no reason, I think it has become quite interlinked with hoodie culture round here, but then I can see how it's also become a class thing too. I'm kind of confused, I guess I'd never really pondered it before.
  15. I kind of liked it, though I was quite shocked, it seemed to come out nowhere and they'd been the same for pretty much as long as I can remember, but I guess I haven't been watching very long.
  16. Sorry, should have considered that. I'm a metric man myself, but my weights and my scale have imperial as the top unit. 1 stone = 14 pounds 1 stone = 6.35029318 kilograms 2.20462262 pounds = 1 kilograms Connor roughly weights 95kg. This kid, saying he weighs 15 stone, weighs 210lbs or just over 95kg. At the age of 8. I am 19 going on 20, and bordering on underweight admittedly, but I still only weigh 9 stone. This kid is the equivalent of 1.5x my weight, someone 13 years his senior. His mother claims she's had no support, it's been claimed they've been offered support and appointments been broken. The mother isn't fat(dunno where the father is), the grandmother is not fat, and his sister is not fat. This kid is, and people are claiming he has been the victim of child abuse, whereas his mother apparently claimed that if he was the victim of abuse he would be thin. It's possible that this kid may have some sort of health issue causing this, but it doesn't seem to be being addressed at all. I don't agree with taking this kid away from his mother for a long period of time, but I do think this kid needs some serious intervention. After doing medical tests and stuff to see if he has any disorders causing it, if not, I actually think as horrible as those places are, that he should be sent to some sort of weight loss boot camp, because clearly this mother shows no restraint around her son. Intolerance to fruit and vegetables is a load of shit, what unbelievably nonsense. He probably DOES have an intolerance now if anything because he was never given any as a kid! He needs to be encouraged to excercise regularly as well, he needs like a famous athlete as a friend or something(they were talking about this on the wright stuff this morning, and one of the panel suggested ben fogle befriends the kid) Maybe we should start a fund raiser to get him a wii? EDIT: I missed the programme cos I was fiddling around reading the book for the new car, I only saw the last 5 or so minutes of it. Anyone know if theres gonna be a follow up/repeat/another programme about him?
  17. Jesus! Britain is just a steamy shitheap! Do you live in a really crappy area, or even a really racist area? Recently, I'm starting to lose alot of faith in humanity, and this does nothing to restore my confidence.
  18. Yeah you do, think it's 16, though it may have been put up to 18. If it hasn't, then I think it should be put up to 18.
  19. For those of you unaware, this is a thread about an 8 year old child who weighs in at over 14 stone. At just eight years of age. 14 stone. I find it astounding, it's also possible the kid will be taken into care, and some people are claiming this is essentially a form of child abuse. What about people here, do you think overfeeding your child or pandering to their every nutritional demand is child abuse? I mean, recently some people got fined/jailed for overfeeding their dog, so how it is this not the same principle, if not worse? Do you think the kid should be taken away from his mother, or what? What would you do, if you were charged with sorting out this situation? http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/health/article1434607.ece
  20. Jamal! That's a cool name, I remember when I was in lower 6th I was a science prefect(just stuff for the cv, I did physics and my form tutor was a physics teacher and the head of science, convincing me to do it), anyway we had to go a primary school near our school and do a little science experiment with some kids in year 6, and for some reason they all started calling me Jamal, then a few of them actually joined my school the next year. It was quite cool doing that actually. However, my actual name is Chris, Chris Singh(don't you be stalking me now) but I have tons of different nicknames(Rummy being my favourite, though not as many call me it, most knew me as Singh before they knew me as Rummy) due to the fact that Chris is quite a common name, and one of my best mates is called Chris as well, so it got very confusing sometimes. I also have a middle name, but I don't like to tell people . My parents were originally gonna have our first and second names the other way round, but then luckily they thought better of it.
  21. Yeah, thats more on the subject of crime and the problems today, but I think alot of it is down to kids who know they're untouchable and have too many bloody rights and liberties. How do they get off so lightly? Do they not even have young offenders institutes and that any more? I'm also quite shocked about what they did, that's just so shit. I just can't understand how people can even have a mentality like that.
  22. Well, I saw him post this is another post, and whilst it's no problem at all for me, I think it's very handy for people who might want a longer one. I imagine it'd be quite simple to do as well.
  23. Guys, Im about to like go to sleep in 5 or 10 minutes. I also feel this thread should actually be about sleep. Can anyone give me a year for this film or maybe some of the starring actors?
  24. You need to have a sword as part of sikhism? I thoguht it was just a double edge blade/knife or something along them lines?
  25. Nope, I tried it but the wiimote wasn't registering and responding(like lighting up 1 led to show it registered), neither was. The lights flashed, but it didn't register or anything. I tried pressing reset, resets the gc game, I tried holding reset, evnetually it resets the gc game. I try pressing the power button, it just turns the wii off. I can't seem to get it to work at all!
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