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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. At least he was well compensated, what about the rest of us! Your face is a traversty.

  2. Had a real bad experience with them a couple of years back. They took a week after the game was released to get it to me...Gave them a second chance with this because I wanted the preorder bonus Shotgun. Well, it'll be GAME from now on.
  3. At least when I do eventually get this it shouldn't be ruined by the million bugs and glitches. Play.com officially suck at preorders though, take note.
  4. One of his greatest disappointments, he went as far as denying the use of his likeness for a proposed mannequin shot of Hicks, post-Chestburster. "Once I found out I was like, 'Well, fuck them!'"


    Biehn claims Fox discovered a plastic cast of his face left over from The Terminator, and built the mannequin, before a tip-off from Raffaella De Laurentiis (producing daughter of Dino, who was working with Biehn at the time), who had caught a glimpse. Biehn's agent was straight on the phone...


    "I demanded there were no shots of Hick's dead body laying there with his chest burst open. After all the time and effort I put into it... I just thought that was not the way for Hicks to go out. I've never even seen it. But I don't think there's any doubt that the first two Alien movies are the great ones. They haven't dated. Hell, Aliens looks better than the Alien films that came after it."


    You say I can't let it go. From the Biehn himself. Plus he is 100% right! It was a fucking traversty!

  5. Does seem like every new game gets a collectors edition these days though. Kinda loses the specialness. Only ever bought one and that's Mass Effect 2. Will just be getting the standard version. Can say goodbye to my life for a few months...
  6. Totally forgot about the Hardcore mode. Might have to give it a bash first time too. As for the sleep cycles, well I kinda did that in Fallout 3 anyway. Hardly ever travelled at night, and if I ever had to sleep I made sure I woke in the morning.
  7. Didn't particularly like the demo in all honesty. 1200 points, no chance. There's something about it I don't like, maybe it's the physics, maybe it's the fact that you slow down after you've been rolling for a while. I guess in its own right it's ok but I wouldn't compare it to the previous Sonics because you'll be disappointed.
  8. I just got absolutely conned. Here I am doing all the bonus ribbons I hadn't previously had. Doing them on Easy thinking I could get the ribbon, then get the achievement for Bronze. Nope, nothing. So does this mean that if i've got a ribbon on say Silver, I have to do it again on Bronze for the achievement? I can't even remember what difficulties I got the ribbon on!
  9. Yeh for my last run I wanted Liara and Wrex's Achievements. Went straight to Liara's planet, completed it way over 75%. Ended up just getting Wrex's. This has happened a few times with others . That's pretty much how i've been going about it but there's certain bosses which I can't seem to find a strategy for. The damn Boxer at the end of the boat for one, and Zamza (Claw dude).
  10. I'd agree on both counts. Also C&C has not one, no, but about 3 or 4 Negative Achievements giving you nothing at all! That 100 hours in multiplayer one, does that count in standard offline Skirmish? I'm going back through the game to get the ribbons. I got quite a few Bioshock 2 ones when everyone had the game and was playing online but it is so laggy and glitched I didn't particularly enoy it at all. Unfair Achievements fuck me off, and also glitched ones. Completing Mass Effect 1 with certain ally team members would be one of those glitched ones. I've near enough 100% that game SO MANY TIMES and it refuses to give me both ally achievements. People who own the game are probably aware 100% isn't exactly a quick endevour. Sometimes i'll get 1 but never both even though there's no reason why I shouldn't get awarded it. The one i've been hunting for a while, on and off, is the last achievement in Streets of Rage 2. To get this I think goes even beyond being good at the game and is all down to luck. It's the one where you have to score 800k on Hardcore mode. This mode being a fucking joke to start with doesn't help. You start with 1 life and cannot continue. So you have to build up lives as quick as possible for the later levels. If anyone has this kudos. I'd like to know how. Oh and also on the subject. Achievements which require you to reach ranks in multiplayer and stuff via XP, credits, whatever. This would be fine if the amount of XP was substantial (Blur seems to be the fairest i've played so far what with Daily Challenges and what not). Games like Red Dead Redemption can fuck right off. I don't know if there's an Achievement for getting to a certain rank but the level of XP awarded is laughable.
  11. There's probably about 12 acts to the original games so that's 3 episodes. Hmm that's about 3600 and because of the gay MS point system you'd have to buy 4000, which is £34. That's assuming it is 3 episodes. So you're looking at £35+. Should have been a full release game.
  12. I'm actually looking forward to this now it seems to have seen quite an upgrade in polish and it actually made me laugh in places. Awesome. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/10/04/slightly-better-duke-nukem-forever-footage/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+RockPaperShotgun+%28Rock%2C+Paper%2C+Shotgun%29
  13. The growth of our entire civilisation could be an alien experiment lol, to what end I don't know.
  14. If they're that advanced they're probably wise enough to realise any contact right now would cause anarchy. It also would increase the potential of us gaining control of their technology jumping our civilisation further than it's meant to. I bet it's like Men In Black where we've come so close to being destroyed by an alien race and haven't even realised :p
  15. So it's out October 13th for 1200 MS Points...I think the words 'fuck' and 'that' spring to mind. Will try the demo though. Considering I have bought considerable sized DLC's for Fallout, Borderlands, Left 4 Dead e.t.c, all for 800 and below. Whoever did they're pricing strategy was way off the mark.
  16. I don't even think it's possible. The moment you set foot in another time you've altered it and therefore have created a completely unpredictable future. The Simpsons had a Halloween episode where Homer went back in time, sneezed and killed all the dinosaurs lol.
  17. Time travel can seriously screw with your mind. Say someone goes back in time and stops a major event. The altered timeline would have to carry out in a different universe? If that's the case when you travel forward in time, the future wouldn't be any different. You'd have to go to the future of the alternate timeline to see the benefits surely? I'm guessing that's probably why it's impossible lol.
  18. ViPeR


    No point in playing the DLC I just downloaded until then really. Don't understand why they can't just raise it now.
  19. ViPeR


    No one downloaded the new DLC? I'm wondering where the shit this new level cap is...
  20. I'm going to! It's her own fault for showing no interest when we met again lol.
  21. FFS!! I got with Miranda because Liara wasn't interested even though she was my interest from the first ME. Typical.
  22. I must say this film is absolutely AMAZING! It surpassed my expectations by a long shot. It was just hilarious Commando, Rambo, etc style, compound destroying action from start to finish. Me and my friends weren't the only people wetting ourselves with laughter at every death and explosion either, which makes a change. Think Rambo 2 battle scene but 10 times better, bloody awesome.
  23. Nor can I . Seeing it tonight, been looking forward to it for months. All I hope is that it is just a throwback to mindless action films of the 80's. When I heard that it was a group of mercenaries taking on a Caribbean dictator I laughed. Awesome! I also think that after all these years it's the first time Arnie and Sly have been in the same film? Albeit for only a minute or two but it's still great. I don't think it's trying to be anything else other than fights, gun battles and explosions. Wouldn't want it any other way to be honest.
  24. I was hoping this day wouldn't come. Being a huge Dwarf fan (series 1-6 anyway) I have to watch it. I just know i'm going to be cringing all the way through. Admittedly BTE was closer to the originals as series 6-7 could ever be but the guys looked uncomfortable in their roles. Basically. Bring back Grant because he can actually write comedy.
  25. Sod that Gearbox finish Colonial Marines! Saying that they might make half a decent game out of whatever's left. Probably won't stop it from being another Too Human.
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