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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. People will pay it though. I'll stick to Battlefield thanks.
  2. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    Ok, complete noobish question alert. I'm a little confused over the BHP of cars. What are the benefits of low and high BHP? Is it really as simple as one can reach a higher top speed than the other...
  3. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    That video is insane. I especially liked the bit where he span and reversed through the container. Crazy!
  4. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    I'd say the online is a lot more refined. I mean Dirt 2 was very smooth anyway. Rarely did I lag out at all. Also Flashback is now useable online too. Like single player you get a limited amount but it doesn't give you the option to rewind it'll just set you up at the speed and direction you were going before the crash.
  5. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    It's funny. As soon as I posted I thought to myself. "That handbrake really isn't working very well". I look in the instructions, and it's the bloody B button!! I've spent the entire time playing under the assumption it's the same as Dirt 2 and A is handbrake...it's amazing I made it through any Gymkhanas!
  6. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    I hate you for being so good at Gymkhana. I can't do that spin in the bordered off area for shit...
  7. Your hearing must be awful.

  8. Have you been abused by Christian Bale? Your hate for him is strong.

  9. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    The Youtube feature is a nice touch but I doubt i'll ever use it as I suck at driving . Just unlocked Gymkhana. Again due to my crapness I found it really hard to drift and what not. Got the hang of it in the end and actually won an online race so I can't be THAT bad.
  10. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    Loving it so far. Much more Rally focused than the last but still retains that fun element. Don't remember the amount of tweaking being in the last one either. Adds some strategy to each race
  11. Do you actually do anything in the modern version? Looks like you press boost and watch the screen blur...
  12. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    Has some good reviews too. It seems pretty much what I wanted. Dirt 2 but more Rally focused
  13. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    I loved Dirt 2. I knew this was coming but didn't realise it was next week!
  14. Lonesome road sounds good. I still need to complete it properly and have a full levelled up character.
  15. Yep. It looked like a confusing mess of blue and grey.
  16. Sold mine for £30. Not a total loss at least. I think Split/Second was the last game that I bought purely on how it looked and sounded before reviews/impressions came out. Definitely learnt my lesson. I played this twice and it didn't do anything for me. It was trying to be so many things at once and failing at every one. The class system was bizarre. There seemed to be no clear distinction between say an Engineer and an Operative. Very, very, unforgiveably shoddy graphics. Seemed like I had my HD cable was set to SD. It was because of this there was little point in character customisation. I couldn't see other people's outfits half the time. Let alone what mask they were using. Poor, poor AI. It was so irratic in its movement I couldn't get a straight shot on anyone. Then when you do kill someone they just go 'down' so you have to kill them again. There was no clear tutorial telling you how to play the damn thing. The HUD is a confusing mess. There's like objectives and secondary objectives and bloody optional objectives with no clear idea what benefit they have for going for them. Then there are special moves, which have cooldown periods or something? Man...messy, messy game. Glad I got the majority of my money back. Avoid!
  17. Mines already on Ebay.
  18. Yeh turned it all up. Didn't make much difference. It's the music i'd like louder more than anything. Also the dialogue during the story scenes is stupidly quiet.
  19. Well i've just cleaned the lens and around with a cotton bud. It managed to finish the CD...Such a weird and specific problem. You'd think it'd just effect the whole CD if it was dirty. How effective are CD lens cleaners? I've heard some people use pure alcohol?
  20. Right so my problem is that i've been making music compilations to work in my old Goodmans CD player to take away with me. I've been using Media Player (latest one) with TDK CD-Rs on the slowest burn speed. Now they work no problem in my laptop and my car but for some reason not so well in the player. What I don't understand is that at least the first 2/3 run fine. Though when it starts getting to the end of the CD it starts to skip and can't read the final songs. It can run through an entire retail CD fine although once it has had a problem where it can't start a CD near the end. So is this a problem with the burning process? I've been told a lens cleaner may help? I just don't understand why it has the problem towards the end of the CD. Any help would be appreciated EDIT: Hmm so i've just started my compilation from where it started skipping yesterday. So far it's running it with an odd skip here and there but running all the same. What the shit...
  21. Got this for £25. Loving it though my only criticism is that it's very quiet. For some reason I have to turn the volume up WAY more than any of my other games. I'm hoping that I don't have a dodgy copy of the game?
  22. Shitballs.
  23. Totally agree. The less of the CoD crowd gets this the better. Not currently. Can't say for sure there won't be one at all.
  24. Never really thought about that. Quite an oversight...
  25. Well this is out next week. Already pre-ordered myself as i'm a massive Team Fortress/Battlefield fan. Also doesn't seem to be a sniper rifle in sight, good times. IGN have a preview (http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/116/1162333p1.html) but there's plenty of vids if you know where to look. SMART system looks pretty damn cool. Would be nice to get out of situations without getting stuck on an annoyingly placed rock or box. I also like the fact that single player and multiplayer are essentially the same thing. Bots offline aswell as filling in for disconnected peeps online. Count me in.
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