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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. As long as the core gameplay remains intact it could look like a N64 game for all I care. More destruction and larger environments and i'm sold.
  2. That'll look nice on my collectors edition I will still be making Jessica 'Alba' Shepard though.
  3. I'm doing them in order so i've only done Dead Money so far. I'd probably give it a 6/10. It relies HEAVILY on melee and unarmed combat. I hadn't added anything to my melee stats but managed to scrape through on easy. It does have a neat story and some interesting characters. A strong reference to Veronicas back story too. My only complaint would be the environment does get a tad stale as it is essentially the same red palette everywhere. I'd recommend this one for when it's half price (which will happen eventually).
  4. Said that he was called James Sanders but changed his name to Vega. For anyone who's read the novels. Possible relationship to Kahlee Sanders? Or just a coincidence.
  5. Way, way overpriced unfortunately.
  6. ViPeR


    Check the news. A suspected Lulzwhatever has been arrested. Was quite funny watching the newsreader pronouncing it wrong. Joint FBI and Scotland Yard operation...
  7. ViPeR


    I guess their records won't be among the ones released....
  8. ViPeR


    Really wish these people would just piss off now. Apparently they went after Xbox Live now too.
  9. Hahaha. I'm happy to take it for what it is really. Yes it's shit in a lot of ways. It's also entertaining enough to keep me coming back.
  10. ViPeR


    Until they go after Microsoft (lolz) and get access to my hotmail....i'm not bothered. *kills fate before before any tempting can happen*
  11. You don't HAVE to use this instinct mode though do you?
  12. I've found it more enjoyable than Brink...
  13. Fixed for my own lolz.
  14. I'd have to echo what people have said here. Decent online service. Much more standard control. More mature orientated games. I REALLY wanted to play Smash Bros Online but whenever I did it was lag central. Mario Kart held up quite well but it the whole friend code system annoyed me. I'm curious to see what they come up with.
  15. Yeh, I mean it's not a bad thing. The guns do sound a LOT meatier. Set pieces seem awesome too.
  16. The combat doesn't look THAT different from ME2...
  17. I have faith in Clint Mansell but i'd rather there was some continuity. I did feel the soundtrack to ME2 was weaker than 1 though. 1 had that Blade Runner/80's Sci-fi vibe to it. ME2 was much more fleshed out and orchestral. It was great in places, don't get me wrong, like the Suicide Mission, Arias club. I just felt the background music in fights and exploring just didn't grab me as much. So hopefully there'll be an even bigger focus on the soundtrack in general. I think I only heard the Normandy theme once in ME2. EDIT: Favourite songs in ME universe anyone? This is mine from ME1: And ME2:
  18. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    Nice. I think if I did a montage it'd just be a series of crashes. What views do you guys use? I just stick with the standard behind the car one. Experimented a little with the drivers view but I just couldn't guage corners or anything.
  19. Nintendo and Microsoft is who I have my eyes on. Though I think Nintendos will just be Nintendogs 3DS sales, 3DS sales, new Nintendogs, then 5 minutes for the new console (ho ho ho).
  20. Weird, Activision reckon you can't provide a service like that for free.
  21. Did I read somewhere the female shepard is being voiced by someone else this time?
  22. Anything has got to be better than the 4 lines of dialogue mixed in with car chase, gun fight, fist fight, bike chase, boat chase, gun fight, plane chase, explosion, gun fight, fist fight, that was QoS.
  23. I was initially worried that it may lose the RPG elements which make the series great but to be honest the combat has always slightly suffered. If they want to make it more like a shooter in that respect then fair enough Sounds like this good be the best Mass Effect experience yet. All I was ever in it really was the story and characters. I like the fact that the party is being scaled down a bit too, I think they went a bit insane with the 2nd one. There were quite a few characters I just didn't bother getting to know. I'm still hoping against hope that whoever was sent to die on Virmire survived :p
  24. Been playing (and loving Duke Nukem 3D) in preparation for this. I would say that it does seem to be more of a remake but hell I don't care
  25. ViPeR

    Dirt 3

    Cheers guys that's helped a lot. I seem to see that when I play online everyone goes for the highest BHP car there. I like to try different cars though but was unsure if there was a point if that's all you needed. Now I know better
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