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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. Is there an online tag mode?
  2. ViPeR

    Portal 2

    I hope so. I think i'll just put up with it because I don't really want to miss Glados stuff.
  3. ViPeR

    Portal 2

    Can you turn off Stephen Merchants voice?
  4. "Hell no let's start shooting" Damn right!
  5. All I can take from that is they've seen the amount of interest and have thought "Shit, it's actually good? Time to shut them down and get on with that Streets of Rage 4 we canned a decade ago".
  6. I'd like to know their reason for this. Lucky i've already got it. Aaaaanyway, what's with the SoR Maker? I bought it and whenever I go into it I just get a blank blue screen with 0/0 on it
  7. At first I thought Adam grossely outmatched Axel, especially when you look at their stats. Adam beats Axel in every catagory. However when I play as Axel I find him stupidly quick and much better for bosses. Strange thing is this isn't represented in the stats so you just assume Adam is quicker, when he isn't. Only boss i've found difficult is Shiva. Such a pain in the arse. Much like original.
  8. I've been following this since just after v4. So glad I didn't miss out on getting v5 (thank god for newsnow!) otherwise i'd be PISSED after waiting so long. I'm not surprised Sega have done a turnaround. They're probably jealous a bunch of fans have made a better game than they have in the past 10 years.
  9. Not sure how reliable the source is (http://www.videogamer.com/news/mass_effect_3_details_revealed.html) but some supposed new details have come out...
  10. Well that's fair enough I just don't understand a few peoples attitudes (not just here by the way). It's not going to be groundbraking. It's not going to set standards lol. It is essentially a decade old, Gearboxs' only job was to finish and polish. They weren't asked to change it. If they were that'd defeat the purpose?
  11. The Crash sections were fun though as I recall the competitive element was a score leaderboard. Would like maybe a 2-4 player mashup
  12. I don't get it. This is Duke Nukem. True to how it's always been. If you don't like the humour or style then, why be here.
  13. I've seen attacking teams of Snipers...Not realising their own body count dwindles while the defenders have infinite, and consequently losing the battle because they don't attack. I do wish sometimes a Team Fortress class limit would be introduced. So you could have no more than, say, 4 Snipers per team. It might motivate people to change class and actually help the team by being an Engineer or Medic. The fact you get as much points reviving and healing your own team as you do getting kills would suggest there's no need to sit and camp. Again though, it's the mentality of people.
  14. One thing I noticed was...
  15. How did you do that the countdown is for 2 days? Incidently I did wonder myself as I left it running while I got something to eat and realised the clock was actually counting down to something.
  16. Hmm well I just completed it in about an hour. Pretty disappointed by it to be honest. Wasn't expecting much but definitely was expecting more than that...If I wasn't so invested in the story i'd feel ripped off.
  17. I can't imagine it does. I heard it's activated after the Horizon mission so as long as you have a save after that point it should be ok.
  18. Looks amazing! Will be downloading ASAP.
  19. It's easy for people who've never been bullied or in the same situation as Casey to say "Yeh, he shouldn't have used violence", "Yeh he overeacted". I've been in a similar situation. When you're pushed and pushed for years, afraid to go to teachers for fear of making it worse, it gets to a point where you just want it to stop through any means. It can create intense hate and you do flip. You react with a very primal instinct and you don't think. It's very hard to communicate that feeling to someone who had a cushty, no problem life through school. I didn't and it doesn't end until you stand up to yourself. I appreciate everyone has their own opinions but please don't judge him when you have no idea what it's like. I can empathise completely with this kid and, good on him!
  20. Yeh i'm pretty sure that's what i've read as well. Surprise ME3 release? :p EDIT: Just read the Cerberus network. It says that updates will cease except for 3 weeks in 2011. One week will be before the final DLC release and the other 2 weeks will be before ME3. It's written a little strange you could almost take it to mean 2 weeks AFTER the final DLC.
  21. ViPeR


    ... ..... Is the Prom Night one real?
  22. Amazing none of this perk-based hiding in a corner with a sniper rifle shit the kids are playing these days. No nonsense shooter. I likes.
  23. I hope he's not serious...As for another GTA? I'm not sure where the insane backlash has come from in recent years. I thought it was a really good game. It had its faults like anything else but it was good. The fact you could still go on a rampage in a city, online with friends, is always a bonus. If another was in the making I would probably end up getting it.
  24. She's always calling me


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