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Everything posted by bob

  1. Can't believe you were trying to steal money from Tchaikovsky. How is he supposed to make ends meet if you don't pay him his royalties?
  2. Just saw the exact same picture on Reddit. What are the chances, eh?
  3. I'd be interested to know what you think of Annihilation, because the book is absolute nonsense.
  4. That's weird, Youtube seems to have messed your link up, so i'll re-post the best bass intro of all time for you:
  5. Best Boss Battle This one is pretty easy, because it's from the game made entirely up of boss battles. Shadow of the Colossus This game is everything that boss battles should be. Absolutely enormous (or colossal) bosses that completely dwarf your character, and require you to work out their weak point to defeat them against all odds. The ridiculous sense of scale and spectacle that the game manages to portray as you run (or ride) around the bosses to avoid them is simply epic. Also, I love the sound design of the colossi(susses) - they move about with this low-level, deep, but drawn out rumble. I don't really have a favourite, although the bigger the bosses, the better, in my opinion, so i've got for one of the big bastards, Gaius.
  6. Favourite NPC This guy. Mr Resetti - an angry mole who chastises you every time you switched your game off without saving properly. I love the idea of replacing the dull, sterile, instruction screens with an absolute arsehole who berates you into good saving practices.
  7. It's like to switch my vote to the Messenger then too.
  8. I don't know. I understood what it was supposed to be; a homage to cheesy 80s sci-fi films, but it ended up just being far too silly for me.
  9. £10 won't be worth jack shit until after we leave the EU mate.
  10. Best online multiplayer I don't really have time for online multiplayer anymore, but the game that I probably put the most hours into was: Halo Reach Halo bores will probably tell you that the addition of special abilities ruined online multiplayer, but I loved it. There was nothing quite like pulling off a perfectly timed armoured crouch thingy and destroying the person trying to run you over.
  11. Best Final Mission This is getting harder and harder to do without re-using the same games... I think i'll go for: Portal 2 I'm not going to post a gif, as it might be a spoiler, but the whole final fight and how you win it was just brilliant.
  12. Ok so episodes 7 and 8 were a bit filler, but 9 was one of the best ever imo! Can't believe there are only a few episodes left!
  13. Best Licensed Video Game I'm limited here somewhat since i've used my actual favourite licensed games in previous rounds, but i think i'm going to go for a very enjoyable GTA clone: Simpsons: Hit and Run was a very enjoyable GTA style (rip-off) game where you could drive around the entirety of Springfield in a variety of vehicles from the series, and as different characters. It had some great quotes too, and a pretty good story. "I have no insurance!"
  14. I discovered that i've been doing push-ups wrong for my whole life. Turns out i've been doing 'wide arm' push-ups, with my arms out to the sides. According to the app I use, a true push-up has your arms tight to your body. I didn't think there would be much difference in the muscle groups between the two, but boy was I wrong. I can currently do about 50 'wide arm' push-ups, but not even 1 true push-up...
  15. I hated the sort of people who would turn up to a friendly football kick-about and take it way too seriously. Calm the fuck down guys, it's just a game!
  16. Damn that game looked good. Hard to believe it was a GameCube game!
  17. It does seem weird them having American accents.
  18. bob


    I think that's just how Scandinavian's are...
  19. I currently live in a 2 bedroom house that i own with my wife (she owns it too, but i also live with her). It's in a pretty sweet location within walking distance to the shops in town, but isolated from the road, so it's nice and quiet. We live on a row of similar terraced houses with connected front gardens. We often see people stop and take pictures of the front of the houses - it's like living in one of those tourist towns sometimes, but it can get a bit weird. They also keep sniffing at the rose bush that hangs over the fence. At some point we intend to convert the attic and give ourselves a third bedroom, but that one is stuck in planning limbo at the moment. Before we bought this house, i lived in a flat in town for 8 years (also with my wife), which i also loved. It was really tiny, only one bedroom, but it was so close to the shops and everything else. I miss it sometimes, until i remember how loud the upstairs neighbours were, and how cramped everything was. Everything before that was various student houses in various states of grim-ness.
  20. bob


    We're still on the SD plan. I don't know why anyone would even need so many pixels.
  21. Favourite playable character This one was hard, since so many characters you play as are fairly bland with no personality (purposefully, i would assume). But then i saw @Cube's choice, and the decision was made for me.
  22. I remember reading a book about running a while back, which suggested that modern trainers (shoes) help protect our feet when running at the expense of our knees and other joints. Basically when running barefoot, you take much shorter, gentler strides to protect your feet, and therefore protect your knees and hips too. With the rise of over-padded shoes, it means we can take huge long strides and slap our feet down, but it puts more shock into our knees. I don't run, so i didn't really take any notice of it at the time, but is this the problem? Do all runners eventually suffer with knee problems, or is it just people with weak knees to begin with?
  23. You'll be hearing from my lawyer.
  24. Game the takes you back to your childhood I was fairly late to the console party, so most of my childhood memories were crappy PC games - the crappiest and most memorable being: Sim Farm I remember getting a bundle of Maxis sim games, including Sim City, Sim Earth, Sim Train, and lastly, Sim Farm. We tried them all out, but most of them were impenetrable for us when we were very young - too much text, strategy, and complex game mechanics. Sim Farm however, was a bit easier. You planted your crops, you fertilised them when needed, watered them, then harvested and sold them. Or, you could raise animals, which were even easier, just feed and water them. We must have spent hours and hours playing this game. My greatest achievement was designing an apple farm that was so successful, it spanned the entire map. i had so much money, i used to buy crop duster planes (the most expensive item in the game) and crash them into the town for fun (but also because landing the plane was literally impossible). Plus, the game had the jazziest music:
  25. Saddest Moment I didn't particularly enjoy it, in fact it almost made me turn the game off, but the opening plot of Firewatch is all to do with your wife dying slowly and painfully from some disease. Really starts the game off just right, you know?
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