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Everything posted by bob

  1. Back to uni tomorrow for me too. Can't wait, even though i have an exam on the 5th, but i cant wait to see my gfriend again!
  2. Hahahahaha! That was so much funnier the second time.
  3. That is a truly hilarious ad, especially to me and my friends, as we have a burmese friend who talks and acts just like that.
  4. Cats. Mmmmmmm, i like cheese.
  5. Why thank you......oh, i see. You meant.....sorry.
  6. I went out the day before yesterday, didnt buy anything, but managed to catch flu...awesome.
  7. I got a new camera phone for xmas, so here are some of me i took with it.
  8. One of my favourite ever adverts was for the original xbox, and there was a maggot....that danced....cant remember much else.
  9. No. Spank the gurn, or alternatively, gurn up the spank spank.
  10. hehe, my mate has a flat just around the corner from there, an we stayed there in the summer, it was great. my best holiday has to be my last one which was a safari in the Masai Mara then a beach holiday in the seychelles.
  11. I would never cheat on my current girlfriend, and i hope she would never cheat on me. As for one night stands, i dont think i could ever have one, as i am fairly shy and it would take a lot to sleep with a complete stranger.
  12. Please dont tell me you sit in that chair and watch the screen Oli? That cant be good for you...
  13. thats because you are a woman. You like GA becasue of the laydees first, then grow to like their music.
  14. What is it with those? Why do girls love them so much? I just dont understand them....
  15. Lets just hope his bark is worse than his bite..........
  16. Apparently, they are going to close the pyramids to tourist in a couple of years forever, because people are ruining them by walking all over them. You had better hurry if you want to see them.
  17. I think that should be 'why is Santa so merry?'
  18. *watches with interest as Xeal gets stoned, hung, drawn and quartered by hoards of Neighbours fans*
  19. My favourite is Jona Louis - Stop the cavalry, although i do like Mariah Carey - All i want for Xmas is you, because i kissed my gf for the first time to it. *soppy moment* Yes Eevil, i agree with you on Fairytale of new york, i dont see it as that special.
  20. I would do it, but unfortunatley my Irish accent amounts to 'begorrah' and 'potatos'
  21. Thats the same one we had in our kitchen at Uni.....£9.99 from woolworths?
  22. I'll stick myself in the waiting list i think....although it seems to be quite a long list. I'm 6ft 3 and 13 stone.\ there are plenty of photos of me floating around.
  23. Rather depressingly, i am getting your old one for Christmas. My old one is the Nokia3210 or something old and bricklike. Whats the K700i like?
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