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Everything posted by bob

  1. We arent likely to evolve being taller through natural selection, since short people are not going to die fron being short. They arent unlikely to get mates from being short either.....so that wont work.
  2. Its rubbish, i can't tell which threads have been replied to.... *anticipates rubbishness in replying to thread*
  3. Yeah, what are you worrying about, at least you don't have a suspicious weirdo who hunts boar for a father.
  4. It does look awesome, but by the looks of it, the film isnt really near completion. Especially since it wont be out til the summer. I can't wait.
  5. yeah, strange things are happening......oddness personified.
  6. We were robbed once......they stole a couple of jumpers and a garden strimmer..yours sounds worse though.
  7. I would try the flameboy thread, he seems to be quite the pro at these shenanigans.
  8. This christmas i hope to get a new phone - my old one being large, gray, and having a cracked screen red dwarf VII new PJs erm....thats it
  9. I only have one tip. English Lit is rubbish. Don't do it.
  10. POTC is out next July i think......or possibly June....not til next summer anyway.
  11. POTC is out next July i think......or possibly June....not til next summer anyway.
  12. I have no idea what a Gits sac is, but it sounds disgusting.
  13. They finished bottom! Whoops. (i realised i just put 'bottom' and 'whoops' in the same reply. Possibly my rudest post ever.)
  14. We had a christmas back on the 25th of October in my kitchen at Uni.....yes we are weird. However, here is the the cheap fibre optic tree we bought for the kitchen back then. It now lives permanently in my room at Uni, all year round. Making me the most festive person on campus... EDIT: I apologise for not containing any parts of my family in the photo.
  15. What? Maybe some info on what the hell you are on about would be good? Score?
  16. Yeah, i can't be bothered to sign up, and hence my marker missed my house by a good few miles. Cube is the nearest to me at the mo. Bowser57, is Threekingham anywhere near Peterborough, because my sisters boyfriend lives in a Threekingham (pronounced Thruckingham apparently).
  17. I'm completely the opposite. I lack the ability to think of good presents for anybody. But i am loaded. Shame. Maybe i'll just give everybody money...
  18. Well thats cleared that up then.
  19. bob

    New TV

    Amen to that brother. Its like being trapped in the wrong body.
  20. I've met him, and have his autograph. I can assure you that he wouldn't have revealed himself for the likes of you. It wasn't him.
  21. bob

    New TV

    Now now, theres no need to bash Cube because hes rich. Bash him because he's Welsh by all means, but not because his parents have more money than most.
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