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Everything posted by bob

  1. Dude, if you can't do it, then just tell he teacher you can't do it. They can't berate you for something you can't do. Especially if you've tried for two hours.
  2. Bugger knows.....we only did log to the base e. Wait for Odwin methinks. Althoughhe did say he hated pure maths. There was a dude in the Uni thread who said he was doing maths at Uni. Forget his name though.
  3. Is that a log to the base 2?
  4. Er....yes it is.
  5. If you have 'b', then you can work out 'a' just by using two values of 'x' and 'y' from the graph.
  6. It seems he hasn't understood the procedure...
  7. Toad went Rasta in his old age.
  8. Sorry, who won? Was it me?
  9. Don't eat them then.
  10. Every single one of those failed to work for me.
  11. This is me and my sister standing in front of the Mara River in Kenya. I am the one looking like an idiot.
  12. (this will get locked) ....monkey fetish hospital... EDIT you changed the first three words you hussie!
  13. What's that singer got written on his hand?
  14. Put me down as one of those bamboo that grow three feet in one day.
  15. Those new Pc World ones, where they show a woman talking to a employee of PC World, and they enjoy a hilarious joke together before they are crushed beneath my large foot as i stamp down their prices.
  16. Jigglypuff, pikachu or Donkey Kong.......Ness also, but thats only to stand in the middle of the screen and constantly go 'Okaaay' to irritate people.
  17. The Times, for the Su Doku in T2. The original and best Su Doku.
  18. After watching ITVs greatest ads, i can say that half of the top twenty are far too annoying to be left alive.
  19. Surely this is just some sort of jam?
  20. Watching these rally races, i wonder how more spectators arent killed, as they just line the route without much of a barrier between them and the cars wizzing past at 60mph. All it takes is for one of the cars to be a metre off the track, and ten or fifteen spectators ar wiped out.
  21. I love the fact that Eevil has tried to recreate the gangster look, with the large coat over the shoulders, but if you look closely, you see that it is one of those school coats with the brass buttons and the tartan lining....
  22. The eight years rotting underground won't have done much good either.
  23. First one Karate Kid.....
  24. I love the way people immediately abuse the gender field (including me). It shows a wonderful sense of humour and stubbornness not to do what we are supposed to do.
  25. bob

    new here

    Yo Gus...cool name, is it real?
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