I am rather happy with myself. I am 6'3 and weigh about 13 stone. i am fairly skinny up top, with quite muscly legs. i dont seem to put on weight. But then i dont seem to put on muscle either.
I dont use any hair products apart from shampoo as i hate having crap in my hair, i like to be able to run my fingers through it.
i dont use any sort of lotions or stuff on my skin, all i use is soap when im in the shower.
interesting what that green tea guy said about consuming milk, as i drink pints of the stuff every day. its pretty much all i drink. And yes, i do have acne. So what he said is true. However, i have very strong teeth and bones, and have never broken a bone or had a filling.
However, my girlfriend loves me, so i dont really have anything to worry about. Maybe when im older, i will get rid of these spots, and possibly have laser eye surgery so i dont have to wear glasses when driving.