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Everything posted by bob

  1. i beg your pardon?
  2. Veronica? Congrats Darkcloud! My girlfriend has expressed the desire to have babies at some point, which has made me happy. Won't happen for a while yet though i should think.
  3. i think pirates are better. Ninja's are just a little too unbelievable sometimes.
  4. Apparently, they did........
  5. i have a fourteen hour shift tomorrow....yay! £9 an hour!
  6. Why thank you eevil, i thought your interpretation of 'red slime' was glorious.
  7. I drew a sword!
  8. I am 6 weeks into my job as a hospital porter as ysbyty gwynedd (gwynedd hospital), and it rocks! Its really satisfiing, the pay is good, and it was really easy to get. Ill be sad to leave it come uni this oct....
  9. 135. Assuming you can unhinge your jaw, which i believe you can.
  10. I prefered gareth gates and the kumars version of Spirit in the sky to the original.
  11. well it depends on what you mean by poorly written. If a book has bad grammar or a lack of discriptive words, it may still be engaging and enjoyable.
  12. Thats ok, im sure lots of people wouldnt like the series either, but i do! and thats all that matters..
  13. I just came back from Snakes on a Plane, and it was one of the best films ive seen this year. Absolutely awesome! 'A spork?' Brilliant.
  14. ive never heard of geomancer.......besides, i don't care how well written something is. As long as its good.
  15. I love the music to this! Edit: its the end music i love......
  16. I am on book 10 of the wheel of time series. its very good if you like that sort of thing. its by a guy called Robert Jordan who has a terminal illness. Apparently there will be 12 books in the series. i have 11. He hasnt yet finished the 12th. Is it wrong for me to want him to finish the last book before he dies, or should i just wish him a painless death, and to spend the last few months/years of his life with his loved ones? I dont know.....but i really would love to see how this series ends, as it is nigh on 7000 pages of book i will have read though.....
  17. bob


    how is that stuff cheap!!!!! thats like £106 for some clothes!!!!! thats more like it.
  18. I am rather happy with myself. I am 6'3 and weigh about 13 stone. i am fairly skinny up top, with quite muscly legs. i dont seem to put on weight. But then i dont seem to put on muscle either. I dont use any hair products apart from shampoo as i hate having crap in my hair, i like to be able to run my fingers through it. i dont use any sort of lotions or stuff on my skin, all i use is soap when im in the shower. interesting what that green tea guy said about consuming milk, as i drink pints of the stuff every day. its pretty much all i drink. And yes, i do have acne. So what he said is true. However, i have very strong teeth and bones, and have never broken a bone or had a filling. However, my girlfriend loves me, so i dont really have anything to worry about. Maybe when im older, i will get rid of these spots, and possibly have laser eye surgery so i dont have to wear glasses when driving.
  19. Not sure, but there are going to be crap loads of moths/butterflies in a few weeks.
  20. Dude, thats his cousin, calm down with the language.
  21. This is when we tried to make a giant Tunnocks Teacake, and got left with some ubersticky marshmallow mixture on our hands. It was awesome!!! Gave us diarhoea though..... This is when Coolio came to our Uni, and we dressed up as ganstas. Those are genuine kitchen foil bling around our necks. Yep, i'm a proper 'homeboi'.
  22. Is it 'I did it my way' by Frank Sinatra?
  23. I heard that Justin Timberlake was going to play Bruce's son in the new one. Don't know how true it is, or whether he will be allowed to dance in it.
  24. Not in my crazy little mind! Knights of Cydonia rules all! Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhaahaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! At the moment, i'm listening to the traffic on the road outside, but im seriously considering putting some Muse on now....
  25. My only cousin is a 12 year old boy..............or course i would!
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