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Everything posted by bob

  1. Leonard Nimoy sings about Bilbo Baggins! And detroys whatever dignity Bilbo had.
  2. Steve may have done the odd poking at animals, but he knew what he was doing, and knew when he was going too far and actually hurting them. He was a conservationist, and had a love for every single one of the earths animals. Just listening to him speak to them, you could tell how much respect he had for each one. When he did pick up a snake with a stick or whatever, he would do it carefully and maybe only be moving the snake to a more safe place.
  3. Yeah, poor guy. Feel sorry for his two little kids too..... It's the probably the way he would have wanted to go though...
  4. what a lovely word 'sprog' is.....anyone?
  5. That's not a hoover, its a dyson.
  6. haver.....i dont get it?
  7. What happened to Fierce links scrolling colourful messages? I liked those.... Oh, happy birthday Domstercool too.
  8. hehe, cool. Now where can i get my hands on the actual turd? There's something to show the grandchildren...
  9. Who deleted my post! Oh well, went and saw Crank yesterday, and it was awesome.
  10. Oh crap. The seventh person we got in at short notice for our house has dropped out, meaning we have to somehow find another person at even shorter notice, or pay for the extra rent ourselves. Cockfag. Its only like an extra 10 pounds a week, but somepeople say they can't afford it, as its around 400 pounds for the year. Craptastic! Anyone looking for a place to stay in Leamington Spa? 63.5 pounds a week plus gas/elec/etc?
  11. Thats the one! She's fat, and very loud. Keep an eye out.
  12. Happy Birthday.
  13. I know someone whose mum teaches accounting at DeMontfort? No? Which part of demontfort are you at?
  14. hehe, you can never go too far! Piss taking is the way to relieve any tense situation, relasionship or not!
  15. Yeah, i suppose so, but normally i will say something, and she will either stop it, or carrying on doing it, forcing me to start taking the piss out of her. We have an understanding.
  16. I've never had an argument with my girlfriend, but then i think im just lucky....i dont think its unatural....
  17. He looks like julia roberts in that last one.... Oh, and you all forgot Sharpe, in which he doesnt play the baddie, but the hero!
  18. I was watching Star wars ROTS today, and apparently in the first batle seqeunce, there is a kitchen sink as a bit of debris flying into a star destroyer.
  19. Hahahha!!! The only place to stay is Rootes!!! No-one cares for whitefields!!! Anyway, hope you have fun, might see you on campus unknowingly. Go look at J-12 of new rootes, that was my old room last year. I'm heading back to Warwick to complete my 2nd year of General Engineering. Living in the wonderful town of Leamington Spa. Woo!
  20. I don't think you quite understand the format....
  21. Referee send zidane off!
  22. Well they are the ones i went to see in it anyway....
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