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Everything posted by bob

  1. Bad stuff: The MP debate on gay marriage. Worse stuff: The comments under the BBC news article on gay marriage.
  2. Add 'Runners-Up in the most correct spelling of League' award too!
  3. In my 'realistically finashable' list are: Halo 4 Far Cry 3 Halo CE Anniversary Borderlands 2 (DLC) Harry Potter Lego 1-4 In the 'games i would like to complete but probably never will': Skyward Sword Assassins Creed Brotherhood Prototype Red Dead Redemption GTAIV And that's just from the past year or two. I've given up on older games - will most definately never get round to beating them.
  4. Still living near Amlwch? I hope not. Happy Birthday!
  5. In terms of games i actually intend/want to complete, i'd say around 6-8 games. If it was actually games that i hadn't yet completed, then it would be well into double figures.....
  6. Can't tell if that's a joke or just Liverpool...
  7. I'm looking forward to the Lone Ranger. I think Armie Hammer looks really good in it, although admittedly Depp looks like every Depp character rolled into one.....still, i'll watch it!
  8. bob

    Iron Man 3

    That 'sky-diving' sequence looks awesome! Can't wait. But i will, because i'm a chump.
  9. I can't imagine it's the battery itself. How long have you had it? Might be some new software? @Ashley, just found this.....considering it for myself. Looks pretty cool.
  10. I actually really liked the most recent Meerkat one, with Robert Webb. It was truly funny!
  11. Yeah i think when I pulled up the scores, it said that everyone had red bars so i presume it was the host.
  12. I seem to remember getting a similar sort of message only to find that I was signed up, and the message was nonsense. Maybe it's a similar thing?
  13. The way the american commentators were going on aout it, i thought the hugely long touchdown was a very rare thing. Then they said 'yeah we've seen some 108 yard touchdowns, but this one......that was 109 yards! Well that's just extra special then isn't it.
  14. Is there any way to tell whose lag is causing lagginess? Or does it all appear the same to an observer? I was experiencing quite a bit last night, and i thought it might have been me, but couldn't tell. I assumed that if I was leaping around all over the place, then it was my lag, but if the other person is doing the jumping, it is them. Is that how it works?
  15. Ha! Also, this: Champions League tie played in England 'was fixed' Let the conspiracy theories commence!
  16. Tell me about it! I just bought GTAIV!
  17. Well that's the difference between Premium and Unlimited. One is £10 a month, and the other is £5, i believe.
  18. Haven't got the video but that insanely creepy one about taking your teenage daughter to Disneyland to make her love you again. WTF?
  19. Why is there a copy of OK magazine and a bottle of handwash on the table...? What were you two doing?!
  20. Just spent the day making my costume for a themed party next Saturday. It's a doozy. Possibly my best one yet. Fuck yeah!
  21. I'm so annoyed that Ba left. He was doing amazingly well at Newcastle, scoring lots of goals and getting me lots of points for my fantasy team. Then fucking Chelsea buy him and ruin him. Seriously why. I'm also annoyed because i just bought Sissoko and then accidentally left him on the fucking bench! 12 points i won't see unless Man City play without Clichy (unlikely) or West Brom play without Lukaku (also unlikely). Bah!
  22. I could watch that all day...
  23. That's awesome! How much do you do and how much do they do. Like, do you do the illustrations and they'll find someone to do the voices etc? How will it work?
  24. He was also in the award-winning Big Fat Liar with Frankie Munizzle.
  25. Perhaps they are Asian?
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